# frozen_string_literal: true databases = ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.setup_initial_database_yaml def each_database(databases, include_geo: false) ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.for_each(databases) do |database| next if !include_geo && database == 'geo' yield database end end namespace :gitlab do namespace :db do desc 'GitLab | DB | Manually insert schema migration version on all configured databases' task :mark_migration_complete, [:version] => :environment do |_, args| mark_migration_complete(args[:version]) end namespace :mark_migration_complete do each_database(databases) do |database_name| desc "Gitlab | DB | Manually insert schema migration version on #{database_name} database" task database_name, [:version] => :environment do |_, args| mark_migration_complete(args[:version], only_on: database_name) end end end def mark_migration_complete(version, only_on: nil) if version.to_i == 0 puts 'Must give a version argument that is a non-zero integer'.color(:red) exit 1 end Gitlab::Database::EachDatabase.each_database_connection(only: only_on) do |connection, name| connection.execute("INSERT INTO schema_migrations (version) VALUES (#{connection.quote(version)})") puts "Successfully marked '#{version}' as complete on database #{name}".color(:green) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique puts "Migration version '#{version}' is already marked complete on database #{name}".color(:yellow) end end desc 'GitLab | DB | Drop all tables on all configured databases' task drop_tables: :environment do drop_tables end namespace :drop_tables do each_database(databases) do |database_name| desc "GitLab | DB | Drop all tables on the #{database_name} database" task database_name => :environment do drop_tables(only_on: database_name) end end end def drop_tables(only_on: nil) Gitlab::Database::EachDatabase.each_database_connection(only: only_on) do |connection, name| # In PostgreSQLAdapter, data_sources returns both views and tables, so use tables instead tables = connection.tables # Removes the entry from the array tables.delete 'schema_migrations' # Truncate schema_migrations to ensure migrations re-run connection.execute('TRUNCATE schema_migrations') if connection.table_exists? 'schema_migrations' # Drop any views connection.views.each do |view| connection.execute("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS #{connection.quote_table_name(view)} CASCADE") end # Drop tables with cascade to avoid dependent table errors # PG: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/ddl-depend.html # Add `IF EXISTS` because cascade could have already deleted a table. tables.each { |t| connection.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #{connection.quote_table_name(t)} CASCADE") } # Drop all extra schema objects GitLab owns Gitlab::Database::EXTRA_SCHEMAS.each do |schema| connection.execute("DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS #{connection.quote_table_name(schema)} CASCADE") end end end desc 'GitLab | DB | Configures the database by running migrate, or by loading the schema and seeding if needed' task configure: :environment do databases_with_tasks = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.configs_for(env_name: Rails.env) databases_loaded = [] if databases_with_tasks.size == 1 next unless databases_with_tasks.first.name == 'main' connection = Gitlab::Database.database_base_models['main'].connection databases_loaded << configure_database(connection) else Gitlab::Database.database_base_models_with_gitlab_shared.each do |name, model| next unless databases_with_tasks.any? { |db_with_tasks| db_with_tasks.name == name } databases_loaded << configure_database(model.connection, database_name: name) end end Rake::Task['db:seed_fu'].invoke if databases_loaded.present? && databases_loaded.all? end def configure_database(connection, database_name: nil) database_name = ":#{database_name}" if database_name load_database = connection.tables.count <= 1 if load_database puts "Running db:schema:load#{database_name} rake task" Gitlab::Database.add_post_migrate_path_to_rails(force: true) Rake::Task["db:schema:load#{database_name}"].invoke else puts "Running db:migrate#{database_name} rake task" Rake::Task["db:migrate#{database_name}"].invoke end load_database end desc 'GitLab | DB | Run database migrations and print `unattended_migrations_completed` if action taken' task unattended: :environment do no_database = !ActiveRecord::Base.connection.schema_migration.table_exists? needs_migrations = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.migration_context.needs_migration? if no_database || needs_migrations Rake::Task['gitlab:db:configure'].invoke puts "unattended_migrations_completed" else puts "unattended_migrations_static" end end desc 'This adjusts and cleans db/structure.sql - it runs after db:schema:dump' task :clean_structure_sql do |task_name| ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.configs_for(env_name: ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.env).each do |db_config| structure_file = ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.dump_filename(db_config.name) schema = File.read(structure_file) File.open(structure_file, 'wb+') do |io| Gitlab::Database::SchemaCleaner.new(schema).clean(io) end end # Allow this task to be called multiple times, as happens when running db:migrate:redo Rake::Task[task_name].reenable end # Inform Rake that custom tasks should be run every time rake db:schema:dump is run Rake::Task['db:schema:dump'].enhance do Rake::Task['gitlab:db:clean_structure_sql'].invoke end ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.for_each(databases) do |name| # Inform Rake that custom tasks should be run every time rake db:schema:dump is run Rake::Task["db:schema:dump:#{name}"].enhance do Rake::Task['gitlab:db:clean_structure_sql'].invoke end end desc 'Create missing dynamic database partitions' task create_dynamic_partitions: :environment do Gitlab::Database::Partitioning.sync_partitions end namespace :create_dynamic_partitions do each_database(databases) do |database_name| desc "Create missing dynamic database partitions on the #{database_name} database" task database_name => :environment do Gitlab::Database::Partitioning.sync_partitions(only_on: database_name) end end end # This is targeted towards deploys and upgrades of GitLab. # Since we're running migrations already at this time, # we also check and create partitions as needed here. Rake::Task['db:migrate'].enhance do Rake::Task['gitlab:db:create_dynamic_partitions'].invoke end # We'll temporarily skip this enhancement for geo, since in some situations we # wish to setup the geo database before the other databases have been setup, # and partition management attempts to connect to the main database. each_database(databases) do |database_name| Rake::Task["db:migrate:#{database_name}"].enhance do Rake::Task["gitlab:db:create_dynamic_partitions:#{database_name}"].invoke end end # When we load the database schema from db/structure.sql # we don't have any dynamic partitions created. We don't really need to # because application initializers/sidekiq take care of that, too. # However, the presence of partitions for a table has influence on their # position in db/structure.sql (which is topologically sorted). # # Other than that it's helpful to create partitions early when bootstrapping # a new installation. Rake::Task['db:schema:load'].enhance do Rake::Task['gitlab:db:create_dynamic_partitions'].invoke end # We'll temporarily skip this enhancement for geo, since in some situations we # wish to setup the geo database before the other databases have been setup, # and partition management attempts to connect to the main database. each_database(databases) do |database_name| # :nocov: Rake::Task["db:schema:load:#{database_name}"].enhance do Rake::Task["gitlab:db:create_dynamic_partitions:#{database_name}"].invoke end # :nocov: end # During testing, db:test:load restores the database schema from scratch # which does not include dynamic partitions. We cannot rely on application # initializers here as the application can continue to run while # a rake task reloads the database schema. Rake::Task['db:test:load'].enhance do # Due to bug in `db:test:load` if many DBs are used # the `ActiveRecord::Base.connection` might be switched to another one # This is due to `if should_reconnect`: # https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/a81aeb63a007ede2fe606c50539417dada9030c7/activerecord/lib/active_record/railties/databases.rake#L622 ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection :main # rubocop: disable Database/EstablishConnection Rake::Task['gitlab:db:create_dynamic_partitions'].invoke end desc "Reindex database without downtime to eliminate bloat" task reindex: :environment do unless Gitlab::Database::Reindexing.enabled? puts "This feature (database_reindexing) is currently disabled.".color(:yellow) exit end Gitlab::Database::Reindexing.invoke end namespace :reindex do each_database(databases) do |database_name| desc "Reindex #{database_name} database without downtime to eliminate bloat" task database_name => :environment do unless Gitlab::Database::Reindexing.enabled? puts "This feature (database_reindexing) is currently disabled.".color(:yellow) exit end Gitlab::Database::Reindexing.invoke(database_name) end end end desc 'Enqueue an index for reindexing' task :enqueue_reindexing_action, [:index_name, :database] => :environment do |_, args| model = Gitlab::Database.database_base_models[args.fetch(:database, Gitlab::Database::PRIMARY_DATABASE_NAME)] Gitlab::Database::SharedModel.using_connection(model.connection) do queued_action = Gitlab::Database::PostgresIndex.find(args[:index_name]).queued_reindexing_actions.create! puts "Queued reindexing action: #{queued_action}" puts "There are #{Gitlab::Database::Reindexing::QueuedAction.queued.size} queued actions in total." end unless Feature.enabled?(:database_reindexing, type: :ops) puts <<~NOTE.color(:yellow) Note: database_reindexing feature is currently disabled. Enable with: Feature.enable(:database_reindexing) NOTE end end namespace :execute_async_index_operations do each_database(databases) do |database_name| task database_name, [:pick] => :environment do |_, args| args.with_defaults(pick: 2) if Feature.disabled?(:database_async_index_operations, type: :ops) puts <<~NOTE.color(:yellow) Note: database async index operations feature is currently disabled. Enable with: Feature.enable(:database_async_index_operations) NOTE exit end Gitlab::Database::EachDatabase.each_database_connection(only: database_name) do Gitlab::Database::AsyncIndexes.execute_pending_actions!(how_many: args[:pick].to_i) end end end task :all, [:pick] => :environment do |_, args| default_pick = Gitlab.dev_or_test_env? ? 1000 : 2 args.with_defaults(pick: default_pick) each_database(databases) do |database_name| Rake::Task["gitlab:db:execute_async_index_operations:#{database_name}"].invoke(args[:pick]) end end end namespace :validate_async_constraints do each_database(databases) do |database_name| task database_name, [:pick] => :environment do |_, args| args.with_defaults(pick: 2) if Feature.disabled?(:database_async_foreign_key_validation, type: :ops) puts <<~NOTE.color(:yellow) Note: database async foreign key validation feature is currently disabled. Enable with: Feature.enable(:database_async_foreign_key_validation) NOTE exit end Gitlab::Database::EachDatabase.each_database_connection(only: database_name) do Gitlab::Database::AsyncConstraints.validate_pending_entries!(how_many: args[:pick].to_i) end end end task :all, [:pick] => :environment do |_, args| default_pick = Gitlab.dev_or_test_env? ? 1000 : 2 args.with_defaults(pick: default_pick) each_database(databases) do |database_name| Rake::Task["gitlab:db:validate_async_constraints:#{database_name}"].invoke(args[:pick]) end end end desc 'Check if there have been user additions to the database' task active: :environment do if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.migration_context.needs_migration? puts "Migrations pending. Database not active" exit 1 end # A list of projects that GitLab creates automatically on install/upgrade # gc = Gitlab::CurrentSettings.current_application_settings seed_projects = [Gitlab::CurrentSettings.current_application_settings.self_monitoring_project] if (Project.count - seed_projects.count { |x| !x.nil? }).eql?(0) puts "No user created projects. Database not active" exit 1 end puts "Found user created projects. Database active" exit 0 end namespace :migration_testing do # Not possible to import Gitlab::Database::DATABASE_NAMES here # Specs verify that a task exists for each entry in that array. all_databases = %i[main ci main_clusterwide] task up: :environment do Gitlab::Database::Migrations::Runner.up(database: 'main', legacy_mode: true).run end namespace :up do all_databases.each do |db| desc "Run migrations on #{db} with instrumentation" task db => :environment do Gitlab::Database::Migrations::Runner.batched_migrations_last_id(db).store Gitlab::Database::Migrations::Runner.up(database: db).run end end end namespace :down do all_databases.each do |db| desc "Run down migrations on #{db} in current branch with instrumentation" task db => :environment do Gitlab::Database::Migrations::Runner.down(database: db).run end end end desc 'Sample traditional background migrations with instrumentation' task :sample_background_migrations, [:duration_s] => [:environment] do |_t, args| duration = args[:duration_s]&.to_i&.seconds || 30.minutes # Default of 30 minutes Gitlab::Database::Migrations::Runner.background_migrations.run_jobs(for_duration: duration) end namespace :sample_batched_background_migrations do all_databases.each do |db| desc "Sample batched background migrations on #{db} with instrumentation" task db, [:duration_s] => [:environment] do |_t, args| duration = args[:duration_s]&.to_i&.seconds || 30.minutes # Default of 30 minutes Gitlab::Database::Migrations::Runner.batched_background_migrations(for_database: db) .run_jobs(for_duration: duration) end end end desc "Sample batched background migrations with instrumentation (legacy)" task :sample_batched_background_migrations, [:database, :duration_s] => [:environment] do |_t, args| duration = args[:duration_s]&.to_i&.seconds || 30.minutes # Default of 30 minutes database = args[:database] || 'main' Gitlab::Database::Migrations::Runner.batched_background_migrations(for_database: database, legacy_mode: true) .run_jobs(for_duration: duration) end end desc 'Run all pending batched migrations' task execute_batched_migrations: :environment do Gitlab::Database::EachDatabase.each_database_connection do |connection, name| Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigration.with_status(:active).queue_order.each do |migration| Gitlab::AppLogger.info("Executing batched migration #{migration.id} on database #{name} inline") Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigrationRunner.new(connection: connection).run_entire_migration(migration) end end end desc 'Run migration as gitlab non-superuser' task :reset_as_non_superuser, [:username] => :environment do |_, args| username = args.fetch(:username, 'gitlab') puts "Migrate using username #{username}" Rake::Task['db:drop'].invoke Rake::Task['db:create'].invoke ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.configs_for(env_name: ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.env).each do |db_config| config = ActiveRecord::DatabaseConfigurations::HashConfig.new( db_config.env_name, db_config.name, db_config.configuration_hash.merge(username: username) ) ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(config) # rubocop: disable Database/EstablishConnection Gitlab::Database.check_for_non_superuser Rake::Task['db:migrate'].invoke end end # Only for development environments, # we execute pending data migrations inline for convenience. Rake::Task['db:migrate'].enhance do if Rails.env.development? && Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigration.table_exists? Rake::Task['gitlab:db:execute_batched_migrations'].invoke end end namespace :schema_checker do desc 'Checks schema inconsistencies' task run: :environment do database_model = Gitlab::Database.database_base_models[Gitlab::Database::MAIN_DATABASE_NAME] database = Gitlab::Database::SchemaValidation::Database.new(database_model.connection) stucture_sql_path = Rails.root.join('db/structure.sql') structure_sql = Gitlab::Database::SchemaValidation::StructureSql.new(stucture_sql_path) inconsistencies = Gitlab::Database::SchemaValidation::Runner.new(structure_sql, database).execute gitlab_url = 'gitlab-org/gitlab' inconsistencies.each do |inconsistency| Gitlab::Database::SchemaValidation::TrackInconsistency.new( inconsistency, Project.find_by_full_path(gitlab_url), User.support_bot ).execute puts inconsistency.inspect end end end namespace :dictionary do DB_DOCS_PATH = File.join(Rails.root, 'db', 'docs') EE_DICTIONARY_PATH = File.join(Rails.root, 'ee', 'db', 'docs') desc 'Generate database docs yaml' task generate: :environment do next if Gitlab.jh? FileUtils.mkdir_p(DB_DOCS_PATH) FileUtils.mkdir_p(EE_DICTIONARY_PATH) if Gitlab.ee? Rails.application.eager_load! version = Gem::Version.new(File.read('VERSION')) milestone = version.release.segments.first(2).join('.') classes = {} Gitlab::Database.database_base_models.each do |_, model_class| tables = model_class.connection.tables views = model_class.connection.views sources = tables + views model_classes = sources.index_with { [] } classes.merge!(model_classes) { |_, sources, new_sources| sources + new_sources } model_class .descendants .reject(&:abstract_class) .reject { |c| c.name =~ /^(?:EE::)?Gitlab::(?:BackgroundMigration|DatabaseImporters)::/ } .reject { |c| c.name =~ /^HABTM_/ } .reject { |c| c < Gitlab::Database::Migration[1.0]::MigrationRecord } .each { |c| classes[c.table_name] << c.name if classes.has_key?(c.table_name) } sources.each do |source_name| next if source_name.start_with?('_test_') # Ignore test tables database = model_class.connection_db_config.name file = dictionary_file_path(source_name, views, database) key_name = "#{data_source_type(source_name, views)}_name" table_metadata = { key_name => source_name, 'classes' => classes[source_name]&.sort&.uniq, 'feature_categories' => [], 'description' => nil, 'introduced_by_url' => nil, 'milestone' => milestone } if File.exist?(file) outdated = false existing_metadata = YAML.safe_load(File.read(file)) if existing_metadata[key_name] != table_metadata[key_name] existing_metadata[key_name] = table_metadata[key_name] outdated = true end if existing_metadata['classes'] && existing_metadata['classes'].sort != table_metadata['classes'].sort existing_metadata['classes'] = (existing_metadata['classes'] + table_metadata['classes']).uniq.sort outdated = true end File.write(file, existing_metadata.to_yaml) if outdated else File.write(file, table_metadata.to_yaml) end end end end private def data_source_type(source_name, views) return 'view' if views.include?(source_name) 'table' end def dictionary_file_path(source_name, views, database) sub_directory = views.include?(source_name) ? 'views' : '' path = database == 'geo' ? EE_DICTIONARY_PATH : DB_DOCS_PATH File.join(path, sub_directory, "#{source_name}.yml") end Rake::Task['db:migrate'].enhance do Rake::Task['gitlab:db:dictionary:generate'].invoke if Rails.env.development? end end end end