# frozen_string_literal: true module Tasks module Gitlab module Assets FOSS_ASSET_FOLDERS = %w[app/assets fixtures/emojis vendor/assets].freeze EE_ASSET_FOLDERS = %w[ee/app/assets].freeze JH_ASSET_FOLDERS = %w[jh/app/assets].freeze # In the new caching strategy, we check the assets hash sum *before* compiling # the app/assets/javascripts/locale/**/app.js files. That means the hash sum # must depend on locale/**/gitlab.po. JS_ASSET_PATTERNS = %w[*.js config/**/*.js locale/**/gitlab.po].freeze JS_ASSET_FILES = %w[ package.json yarn.lock babel.config.js config/webpack.config.js ].freeze # Ruby gems might emit assets which have an impact on compilation # or have a direct impact on asset compilation (e.g. scss) and therefore # we should compile when these change RAILS_ASSET_FILES = %w[ Gemfile Gemfile.lock ].freeze EXCLUDE_PATTERNS = %w[ app/assets/javascripts/locale/**/app.js ].freeze PUBLIC_ASSETS_DIR = 'public/assets' HEAD_ASSETS_SHA256_HASH_ENV = 'GITLAB_ASSETS_HASH' CACHED_ASSETS_SHA256_HASH_FILE = 'cached-assets-hash.txt' def self.master_assets_sha256 @master_assets_sha256 ||= if File.exist?(Tasks::Gitlab::Assets::CACHED_ASSETS_SHA256_HASH_FILE) File.read(Tasks::Gitlab::Assets::CACHED_ASSETS_SHA256_HASH_FILE) else 'missing!' end end def self.head_assets_sha256 @head_assets_sha256 ||= ENV.fetch(Tasks::Gitlab::Assets::HEAD_ASSETS_SHA256_HASH_ENV) do Tasks::Gitlab::Assets.sha256_of_assets_impacting_compilation(verbose: false) end end def self.sha256_of_assets_impacting_compilation(verbose: true) start_time = Time.now asset_files = assets_impacting_compilation puts "Generating the SHA256 hash for #{asset_files.size} Webpack-related assets..." if verbose assets_sha256 = asset_files.map { |asset_file| Digest::SHA256.file(asset_file).hexdigest }.join Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(assets_sha256).tap { |sha256| puts "=> SHA256 generated in #{Time.now - start_time}: #{sha256}" if verbose } end # Files listed here should match the list in: # .assets-compilation-patterns in .gitlab/ci/rules.gitlab-ci.yml # So we make sure that any impacting changes we do rebuild cache def self.assets_impacting_compilation assets_folders = FOSS_ASSET_FOLDERS assets_folders += EE_ASSET_FOLDERS if ::Gitlab.ee? assets_folders += JH_ASSET_FOLDERS if ::Gitlab.jh? asset_files = Dir.glob(JS_ASSET_PATTERNS) asset_files += JS_ASSET_FILES asset_files += RAILS_ASSET_FILES assets_folders.each do |folder| asset_files.concat(Dir.glob(["#{folder}/**/*.*"])) end asset_files - Dir.glob(EXCLUDE_PATTERNS) end private_class_method :assets_impacting_compilation end end end namespace :gitlab do namespace :assets do desc 'GitLab | Assets | Return the hash sum of all frontend assets' task :hash_sum do print Tasks::Gitlab::Assets.sha256_of_assets_impacting_compilation(verbose: false) end desc 'GitLab | Assets | Compile all frontend assets' task :compile do require 'fileutils' require_dependency 'gitlab/task_helpers' puts "Assets SHA256 for `master`: #{Tasks::Gitlab::Assets.master_assets_sha256.inspect}" puts "Assets SHA256 for `HEAD`: #{Tasks::Gitlab::Assets.head_assets_sha256.inspect}" if Tasks::Gitlab::Assets.head_assets_sha256 != Tasks::Gitlab::Assets.master_assets_sha256 FileUtils.rm_rf([Tasks::Gitlab::Assets::PUBLIC_ASSETS_DIR] + Dir.glob('app/assets/javascripts/locale/**/app.js')) # gettext:po_to_json needs to run before rake:assets:precompile because # app/assets/javascripts/locale/**/app.js are pre-compiled by Sprockets Gitlab::TaskHelpers.invoke_and_time_task('gettext:po_to_json') Gitlab::TaskHelpers.invoke_and_time_task('rake:assets:precompile') log_path = ENV['WEBPACK_COMPILE_LOG_PATH'] cmd = 'yarn webpack' cmd += " > #{log_path}" if log_path unless system(cmd) abort 'Error: Unable to compile webpack production bundle.'.color(:red) end puts "Written webpack stdout log to #{log_path}" if log_path puts "You can inspect the webpack log here: #{ENV['CI_JOB_URL']}/artifacts/file/#{log_path}" if log_path && ENV['CI_JOB_URL'] Gitlab::TaskHelpers.invoke_and_time_task('gitlab:assets:fix_urls') Gitlab::TaskHelpers.invoke_and_time_task('gitlab:assets:check_page_bundle_mixins_css_for_sideeffects') end end desc 'GitLab | Assets | Clean up old compiled frontend assets' task clean: ['rake:assets:clean'] desc 'GitLab | Assets | Remove all compiled frontend assets' task purge: ['rake:assets:clobber'] desc 'GitLab | Assets | Uninstall frontend dependencies' task purge_modules: ['yarn:clobber'] desc 'GitLab | Assets | Fix all absolute url references in CSS' task :fix_urls do css_files = Dir['public/assets/*.css'] css_files.each do |file| # replace url(/assets/*) with url(./*) puts "Fixing #{file}" system "sed", "-i", "-e", 's/url(\([\"\']\?\)\/assets\//url(\1.\//g', file # rewrite the corresponding gzip file (if it exists) gzip = "#{file}.gz" next unless File.exist?(gzip) puts "Fixing #{gzip}" FileUtils.rm(gzip) mtime = File.stat(file).mtime File.open(gzip, 'wb+') do |f| gz = Zlib::GzipWriter.new(f, Zlib::BEST_COMPRESSION) gz.mtime = mtime gz.write File.binread(file) gz.close File.utime(mtime, mtime, f.path) end end end desc 'GitLab | Assets | Compile vendor assets' task :vendor do unless system('yarn webpack-vendor') abort 'Error: Unable to compile webpack DLL.'.color(:red) end end desc 'GitLab | Assets | Check that scss mixins do not introduce any sideffects' task :check_page_bundle_mixins_css_for_sideeffects do unless system('./scripts/frontend/check_page_bundle_mixins_css_for_sideeffects.js') abort 'Error: At least one CSS changes introduces an unwanted sideeffect'.color(:red) end end end end