# frozen_string_literal: true module SearchHelper # params which should persist when a new tab is selected SEARCH_GENERIC_PARAMS = [ :search, :scope, :project_id, :group_id, :repository_ref, :snippets, :sort, :force_search_results, :project_ids ].freeze def search_autocomplete_opts(term, filter: nil) return unless current_user results = case filter&.to_sym when :search resource_results(term) when :generic [ recent_items_autocomplete(term), generic_results(term) ] else [ recent_items_autocomplete(term), resource_results(term), generic_results(term) ] end results.flatten { |item| item[:label] } end def resource_results(term) [ groups_autocomplete(term), projects_autocomplete(term), users_autocomplete(term), issue_autocomplete(term) ].flatten end def generic_results(term) search_pattern = Regexp.new(Regexp.escape(term), "i") generic_results = project_autocomplete + default_autocomplete + help_autocomplete generic_results.concat(default_autocomplete_admin) if current_user.can_read_all_resources? generic_results.select { |result| result[:label] =~ search_pattern } end def recent_items_autocomplete(term) recent_merge_requests_autocomplete(term) + recent_issues_autocomplete(term) end def search_entries_info(collection, scope, term) return if collection.to_a.empty? from = collection.offset_value + 1 to = collection.offset_value + collection.to_a.size count = collection.total_count term_element = " #{h(term)} ".html_safe search_entries_info_template(collection) % { from: from, to: to, count: count, scope: search_entries_scope_label(scope, count), term_element: term_element } end def search_entries_scope_label(scope, count) case scope when 'blobs' ns_('SearchResults|code result', 'SearchResults|code results', count) when 'commits' ns_('SearchResults|commit', 'SearchResults|commits', count) when 'issues' ns_('SearchResults|issue', 'SearchResults|issues', count) when 'merge_requests' ns_('SearchResults|merge request', 'SearchResults|merge requests', count) when 'milestones' ns_('SearchResults|milestone', 'SearchResults|milestones', count) when 'notes' ns_('SearchResults|comment', 'SearchResults|comments', count) when 'projects' ns_('SearchResults|project', 'SearchResults|projects', count) when 'snippet_titles' ns_('SearchResults|snippet', 'SearchResults|snippets', count) when 'users' ns_('SearchResults|user', 'SearchResults|users', count) when 'wiki_blobs' ns_('SearchResults|wiki result', 'SearchResults|wiki results', count) else raise "Unrecognized search scope '#{scope}'" end end def search_entries_info_template(collection) if collection.total_pages > 1 s_("SearchResults|Showing %{from} - %{to} of %{count} %{scope} for %{term_element}").html_safe else s_("SearchResults|Showing %{count} %{scope} for %{term_element}").html_safe end end def search_entries_empty_message(scope, term, group, project) options = { scope: search_entries_scope_label(scope, 0), term: "#{h(term)}".html_safe } # We check project first because we have 3 possible combinations here: # - group && project # - group # - group: nil, project: nil if project html_escape(_("We couldn't find any %{scope} matching %{term} in project %{project}")) % options.merge( project: link_to(project.full_name, project_path(project), target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer').html_safe ) elsif group html_escape(_("We couldn't find any %{scope} matching %{term} in group %{group}")) % options.merge( group: link_to(group.full_name, group_path(group), target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer').html_safe ) else html_escape(_("We couldn't find any %{scope} matching %{term}")) % options end end def repository_ref(project) return project.default_branch unless params[:project_id] # Always #to_s the repository_ref param in case the value is also a number params[:repository_ref].to_s.presence || project.default_branch end # Overridden in EE def search_blob_title(project, path) path end def search_service @search_service ||= ::SearchService.new(current_user, sanitized_search_params) end def search_sort_options options = [ { title: _('Created date'), sortable: true, sortParam: { asc: 'created_asc', desc: 'created_desc' } }, { title: _('Updated date'), sortable: true, sortParam: { asc: 'updated_asc', desc: 'updated_desc' } } ] if search_service.scope == 'issues' options << { title: _('Popularity'), sortable: true, sortParam: { asc: 'popularity_asc', desc: 'popularity_desc' } } end options end def search_group # group gets derived from the Project in the project's scope @group || @project&.group end def search_has_group? search_group&.present? && search_group&.persisted? end def search_has_project? @project&.present? && @project&.persisted? end def header_search_context {}.tap do |hash| if search_has_group? hash[:group] = { id: search_group.id, name: search_group.name, full_name: search_group.full_name } hash[:group_metadata] = { issues_path: issues_group_path(search_group), mr_path: merge_requests_group_path(search_group) } end if search_has_project? hash[:project] = { id: @project.id, name: @project.name } hash[:project_metadata] = { mr_path: project_merge_requests_path(@project) } hash[:project_metadata][:issues_path] = project_issues_path(@project) if @project.feature_available?(:issues, current_user) hash[:code_search] = search_scope.nil? hash[:ref] = @ref if @ref && can?(current_user, :read_code, @project) end hash[:scope] = search_scope if search_has_project? || search_has_group? hash[:for_snippets] = @snippet&.present? || @snippets&.any? end end def search_scope if current_controller?(:issues) 'issues' elsif current_controller?(:merge_requests) 'merge_requests' elsif current_controller?(:wikis) 'wiki_blobs' elsif current_controller?(:commits) 'commits' elsif current_controller?(:groups) if %w(issues merge_requests).include?(controller.action_name) controller.action_name end end end private # Autocomplete results for various settings pages def default_autocomplete [ { category: "Settings", label: _("User settings"), url: profile_path }, { category: "Settings", label: _("SSH Keys"), url: profile_keys_path }, { category: "Settings", label: _("Dashboard"), url: root_path } ] end # Autocomplete results for settings pages, for admins def default_autocomplete_admin [ { category: "Settings", label: _("Admin Section"), url: admin_root_path } ] end # Autocomplete results for internal help pages def help_autocomplete [ { category: "Help", label: _("API Help"), url: help_page_path("api/index") }, { category: "Help", label: _("Markdown Help"), url: help_page_path("user/markdown") }, { category: "Help", label: _("Permissions Help"), url: help_page_path("user/permissions") }, { category: "Help", label: _("Public Access Help"), url: help_page_path("user/public_access") }, { category: "Help", label: _("Rake Tasks Help"), url: help_page_path("raketasks/index") }, { category: "Help", label: _("SSH Keys Help"), url: help_page_path("user/ssh") }, { category: "Help", label: _("System Hooks Help"), url: help_page_path("administration/system_hooks") }, { category: "Help", label: _("Webhooks Help"), url: help_page_path("user/project/integrations/webhooks") } ] end # Autocomplete results for the current project, if it's defined def project_autocomplete if @project && @project.repository.root_ref ref = @ref || @project.repository.root_ref result = [] if can?(current_user, :read_code, @project) result.concat([ { category: "In this project", label: _("Files"), url: project_tree_path(@project, ref) }, { category: "In this project", label: _("Commits"), url: project_commits_path(@project, ref) } ]) end if can?(current_user, :read_repository_graphs, @project) result.concat([ { category: "In this project", label: _("Network"), url: project_network_path(@project, ref) }, { category: "In this project", label: _("Graph"), url: project_graph_path(@project, ref) } ]) end result.concat([ { category: "In this project", label: _("Issues"), url: project_issues_path(@project) }, { category: "In this project", label: _("Merge requests"), url: project_merge_requests_path(@project) }, { category: "In this project", label: _("Milestones"), url: project_milestones_path(@project) }, { category: "In this project", label: _("Snippets"), url: project_snippets_path(@project) }, { category: "In this project", label: _("Members"), url: project_project_members_path(@project) }, { category: "In this project", label: _("Wiki"), url: project_wikis_path(@project) } ]) if can?(current_user, :read_feature_flag, @project) result << { category: "In this project", label: _("Feature Flags"), url: project_feature_flags_path(@project) } end result else [] end end # Autocomplete results for the current user's groups # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def groups_autocomplete(term, limit = 5) current_user.authorized_groups.order_id_desc.search(term).limit(limit).map do |group| { category: "Groups", id: group.id, value: search_result_sanitize(group.name), label: search_result_sanitize(group.full_name), url: group_path(group), avatar_url: group.avatar_url || '' } end end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def issue_autocomplete(term) return [] unless @project.present? && current_user && term =~ /\A#{Issue.reference_prefix}\d+\z/ iid = term.sub(Issue.reference_prefix, '').to_i issue = @project.issues.find_by_iid(iid) return [] unless issue && Ability.allowed?(current_user, :read_issue, issue) [ { category: 'In this project', id: issue.id, label: search_result_sanitize("#{issue.title} (#{issue.to_reference})"), url: issue_path(issue), avatar_url: issue.project.avatar_url || '' } ] end # Autocomplete results for the current user's projects # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def projects_autocomplete(term, limit = 5) current_user.authorized_projects.order_id_desc.search(term, include_namespace: true) .sorted_by_stars_desc.non_archived.limit(limit).map do |p| { category: "Projects", id: p.id, value: search_result_sanitize(p.name), label: search_result_sanitize(p.full_name), url: project_path(p), avatar_url: p.avatar_url || '' } end end def users_autocomplete(term, limit = 5) return [] unless current_user && Ability.allowed?(current_user, :read_users_list) SearchService .new(current_user, { scope: 'users', per_page: limit, search: term }) .search_objects .map do |user| { category: "Users", id: user.id, value: search_result_sanitize(user.name), label: search_result_sanitize(user.username), url: user_path(user), avatar_url: user.avatar_url || '' } end end def recent_merge_requests_autocomplete(term) return [] unless current_user ::Gitlab::Search::RecentMergeRequests.new(user: current_user).search(term).map do |mr| { category: "Recent merge requests", id: mr.id, label: search_result_sanitize(mr.title), url: merge_request_path(mr), avatar_url: mr.project.avatar_url || '', project_id: mr.target_project_id, project_name: mr.target_project.name } end end def recent_issues_autocomplete(term) return [] unless current_user ::Gitlab::Search::RecentIssues.new(user: current_user).search(term).map do |i| { category: "Recent issues", id: i.id, label: search_result_sanitize(i.title), url: issue_path(i), avatar_url: i.project.avatar_url || '', project_id: i.project_id, project_name: i.project.name } end end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def search_result_sanitize(str) Sanitize.clean(str) end def search_filter_link(scope, label, data: {}, search: {}) search_params = params .merge(search) .merge({ scope: scope }) .permit(SEARCH_GENERIC_PARAMS) if @scope == scope li_class = 'active' count = @timeout ? 0 : @search_results.formatted_count(scope) else badge_class = 'js-search-count hidden' badge_data = { url: search_count_path(search_params) } end content_tag :li, class: li_class, data: data do link_to search_path(search_params) do concat label concat ' ' concat gl_badge_tag(count, { size: :sm }, { class: badge_class, data: badge_data }) end end end def search_filter_link_json(scope, label, data, search) scope_name = scope.to_s search_params = params.merge(search).merge({ scope: scope_name }).permit(SEARCH_GENERIC_PARAMS) active_scope = @scope == scope_name result = { label: label, scope: scope_name, data: data, link: search_path(search_params), active: active_scope } if active_scope result[:count] = !@timeout ? @search_results.formatted_count(scope_name) : "0" end result[:count_link] = search_count_path(search_params) unless active_scope result end def code_tab_condition return true if project_search_tabs?(:blobs) @project.nil? && search_service.show_elasticsearch_tabs? && feature_flag_tab_enabled?(:global_search_code_tab) end def wiki_tab_condition return true if project_search_tabs?(:wiki) @project.nil? && search_service.show_elasticsearch_tabs? && feature_flag_tab_enabled?(:global_search_wiki_tab) end def commits_tab_condition return true if project_search_tabs?(:commits) @project.nil? && search_service.show_elasticsearch_tabs? && feature_flag_tab_enabled?(:global_search_commits_tab) end # search page scope navigation def search_navigation { projects: { sort: 1, label: _("Projects"), data: { qa_selector: 'projects_tab' }, condition: @project.nil? }, blobs: { sort: 2, label: _("Code"), data: { qa_selector: 'code_tab' }, condition: code_tab_condition }, # sort: 3 is reserved for EE items issues: { sort: 4, label: _("Issues"), condition: project_search_tabs?(:issues) || feature_flag_tab_enabled?(:global_search_issues_tab) }, merge_requests: { sort: 5, label: _("Merge requests"), condition: project_search_tabs?(:merge_requests) || feature_flag_tab_enabled?(:global_search_merge_requests_tab) }, wiki_blobs: { sort: 6, label: _("Wiki"), condition: wiki_tab_condition }, commits: { sort: 7, label: _("Commits"), condition: commits_tab_condition }, notes: { sort: 8, label: _("Comments"), condition: project_search_tabs?(:notes) || search_service.show_elasticsearch_tabs? }, milestones: { sort: 9, label: _("Milestones"), condition: project_search_tabs?(:milestones) || @project.nil? }, users: { sort: 10, label: _("Users"), condition: show_user_search_tab? }, snippet_titles: { sort: 11, label: _("Titles and Descriptions"), search: { snippets: true, group_id: nil, project_id: nil }, condition: search_service.show_snippets? && @project.nil? } } end def search_navigation_json sorted_navigation = search_navigation.sort_by { |_, h| h[:sort] } sorted_navigation.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), hash| hash[key] = search_filter_link_json(key, value[:label], value[:data], value[:search]) if value[:condition] end.to_json end def search_filter_input_options(type, placeholder = _('Search or filter results...')) opts = { id: "filtered-search-#{type}", placeholder: placeholder, data: { 'username-params' => UserSerializer.new.represent(@users) }, autocomplete: 'off' } if @project.present? opts[:data]['project-id'] = @project.id opts[:data]['labels-endpoint'] = project_labels_path(@project) opts[:data]['milestones-endpoint'] = project_milestones_path(@project) opts[:data]['releases-endpoint'] = project_releases_path(@project) opts[:data]['environments-endpoint'] = unfoldered_environment_names_project_path(@project) elsif @group.present? opts[:data]['group-id'] = @group.id opts[:data]['labels-endpoint'] = group_labels_path(@group) opts[:data]['milestones-endpoint'] = group_milestones_path(@group) opts[:data]['releases-endpoint'] = group_releases_path(@group) opts[:data]['environments-endpoint'] = unfoldered_environment_names_group_path(@group) else opts[:data]['labels-endpoint'] = dashboard_labels_path opts[:data]['milestones-endpoint'] = dashboard_milestones_path end opts end def search_history_storage_prefix if @project.present? @project.full_path elsif @group.present? @group.full_path else 'dashboard' end end def search_md_sanitize(source) search_sanitize(markdown(search_truncate(source))) end def simple_search_highlight_and_truncate(text, phrase, options = {}) highlight(search_sanitize(search_truncate(text)), phrase.split, options) end # Sanitize a HTML field for search display. Most tags are stripped out and the # maximum length is set to 200 characters. def search_truncate(source) Truncato.truncate( source, count_tags: false, count_tail: false, filtered_tags: %w(img), max_length: 200 ) end def search_sanitize(html) # Truncato's filtered_tags and filtered_attributes are not quite the same sanitize(html, tags: %w(a p ol ul li pre code)) end # _search_highlight is used in EE override def highlight_and_truncate_issuable(issuable, search_term, _search_highlight) return unless issuable.description.present? simple_search_highlight_and_truncate(issuable.description, search_term, highlighter: '\1') end def show_user_search_tab? return project_search_tabs?(:members) if @project return false unless can?(current_user, :read_users_list) return true if @group Feature.enabled?(:global_search_users_tab, current_user, type: :ops) end def issuable_state_to_badge_class(issuable) # Closed is considered "danger" for MR so we need to handle separately if issuable.is_a?(::MergeRequest) if issuable.merged? :info elsif issuable.closed? :danger else :success end elsif issuable.closed? :info else :success end end def issuable_state_text(issuable) case issuable.state when 'merged' _("Merged") when 'closed' _("Closed") else _("Open") end end def feature_flag_tab_enabled?(flag) @group.present? || Feature.enabled?(flag, current_user, type: :ops) end def sanitized_search_params sanitized_params = params.dup sanitized_params[:confidential] = Gitlab::Utils.to_boolean(sanitized_params[:confidential]) if sanitized_params.key?(:confidential) sanitized_params end end SearchHelper.prepend_mod_with('SearchHelper')