# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::SidekiqMiddleware::WorkerContext::Client do let(:worker_class) do Class.new do def self.name 'TestWithContextWorker' end include ApplicationWorker feature_category :team_planning def self.job_for_args(args) jobs.find { |job| job['args'] == args } end def perform(*args) end end end let(:not_owned_worker_class) do Class.new(worker_class) do def self.name 'TestNotOwnedWithContextWorker' end feature_category_not_owned! end end let(:mailer_class) do Class.new(ApplicationMailer) do def self.name 'TestMailer' end def test_mail end end end before do stub_const(worker_class.name, worker_class) stub_const(not_owned_worker_class.name, not_owned_worker_class) stub_const(mailer_class.name, mailer_class) end describe "#call" do it 'applies a context for jobs scheduled in batch' do user_per_job = { 'job1' => build_stubbed(:user, username: 'user-1'), 'job2' => build_stubbed(:user, username: 'user-2') } TestWithContextWorker.bulk_perform_async_with_contexts( %w(job1 job2), arguments_proc: -> (name) { [name, 1, 2, 3] }, context_proc: -> (name) { { user: user_per_job[name] } } ) job1 = TestWithContextWorker.job_for_args(['job1', 1, 2, 3]) job2 = TestWithContextWorker.job_for_args(['job2', 1, 2, 3]) expect(job1['meta.user']).to eq(user_per_job['job1'].username) expect(job2['meta.user']).to eq(user_per_job['job2'].username) end context 'when the feature category is set in the context_proc' do it 'takes the feature category from the worker, not the caller' do TestWithContextWorker.bulk_perform_async_with_contexts( %w(job1 job2), arguments_proc: -> (name) { [name, 1, 2, 3] }, context_proc: -> (_) { { feature_category: 'code_review' } } ) job1 = TestWithContextWorker.job_for_args(['job1', 1, 2, 3]) job2 = TestWithContextWorker.job_for_args(['job2', 1, 2, 3]) expect(job1['meta.feature_category']).to eq('team_planning') expect(job2['meta.feature_category']).to eq('team_planning') end it 'takes the feature category from the caller if the worker is not owned' do TestNotOwnedWithContextWorker.bulk_perform_async_with_contexts( %w(job1 job2), arguments_proc: -> (name) { [name, 1, 2, 3] }, context_proc: -> (_) { { feature_category: 'code_review' } } ) job1 = TestNotOwnedWithContextWorker.job_for_args(['job1', 1, 2, 3]) job2 = TestNotOwnedWithContextWorker.job_for_args(['job2', 1, 2, 3]) expect(job1['meta.feature_category']).to eq('code_review') expect(job2['meta.feature_category']).to eq('code_review') end it 'does not set any explicit feature category for mailers', :sidekiq_mailers do expect(Gitlab::ApplicationContext).not_to receive(:with_context) TestMailer.test_mail.deliver_later end end context 'when the feature category is already set in the surrounding block' do it 'takes the feature category from the worker, not the caller' do Gitlab::ApplicationContext.with_context(feature_category: 'authentication_and_authorization') do TestWithContextWorker.bulk_perform_async_with_contexts( %w(job1 job2), arguments_proc: -> (name) { [name, 1, 2, 3] }, context_proc: -> (_) { {} } ) end job1 = TestWithContextWorker.job_for_args(['job1', 1, 2, 3]) job2 = TestWithContextWorker.job_for_args(['job2', 1, 2, 3]) expect(job1['meta.feature_category']).to eq('team_planning') expect(job2['meta.feature_category']).to eq('team_planning') end it 'takes the feature category from the caller if the worker is not owned' do Gitlab::ApplicationContext.with_context(feature_category: 'authentication_and_authorization') do TestNotOwnedWithContextWorker.bulk_perform_async_with_contexts( %w(job1 job2), arguments_proc: -> (name) { [name, 1, 2, 3] }, context_proc: -> (_) { {} } ) end job1 = TestNotOwnedWithContextWorker.job_for_args(['job1', 1, 2, 3]) job2 = TestNotOwnedWithContextWorker.job_for_args(['job2', 1, 2, 3]) expect(job1['meta.feature_category']).to eq('authentication_and_authorization') expect(job2['meta.feature_category']).to eq('authentication_and_authorization') end end end end