import { GlLink } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { nextTick } from 'vue'; import { mountExtended, shallowMountExtended } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import JiraConnectApp from '~/jira_connect/subscriptions/components/app.vue'; import SignInPage from '~/jira_connect/subscriptions/pages/sign_in/sign_in_page.vue'; import SubscriptionsPage from '~/jira_connect/subscriptions/pages/subscriptions_page.vue'; import UserLink from '~/jira_connect/subscriptions/components/user_link.vue'; import BrowserSupportAlert from '~/jira_connect/subscriptions/components/browser_support_alert.vue'; import createStore from '~/jira_connect/subscriptions/store'; import { SET_ALERT } from '~/jira_connect/subscriptions/store/mutation_types'; import { I18N_DEFAULT_SIGN_IN_ERROR_MESSAGE } from '~/jira_connect/subscriptions/constants'; import { __ } from '~/locale'; import AccessorUtilities from '~/lib/utils/accessor'; import * as api from '~/jira_connect/subscriptions/api'; import { mockSubscription } from '../mock_data'; jest.mock('~/jira_connect/subscriptions/utils', () => ({ retrieveAlert: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ message: 'error message' }), getGitlabSignInURL: jest.fn(), })); describe('JiraConnectApp', () => { let wrapper; let store; const findAlert = () => wrapper.findByTestId('jira-connect-persisted-alert'); const findAlertLink = () => findAlert().findComponent(GlLink); const findSignInPage = () => wrapper.findComponent(SignInPage); const findSubscriptionsPage = () => wrapper.findComponent(SubscriptionsPage); const findUserLink = () => wrapper.findComponent(UserLink); const findBrowserSupportAlert = () => wrapper.findComponent(BrowserSupportAlert); const createComponent = ({ provide, mountFn = shallowMountExtended } = {}) => { store = createStore({ subscriptions: [mockSubscription] }); jest.spyOn(store, 'dispatch').mockImplementation(); wrapper = mountFn(JiraConnectApp, { store, provide, }); }; afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); describe('template', () => { describe.each` scenario | usersPath | shouldRenderSignInPage | shouldRenderSubscriptionsPage ${'user is not signed in'} | ${'/users'} | ${true} | ${false} ${'user is signed in'} | ${undefined} | ${false} | ${true} `('when $scenario', ({ usersPath, shouldRenderSignInPage, shouldRenderSubscriptionsPage }) => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ provide: { usersPath, }, }); }); it(`${shouldRenderSignInPage ? 'renders' : 'does not render'} sign in page`, () => { expect(findSignInPage().exists()).toBe(shouldRenderSignInPage); if (shouldRenderSignInPage) { expect(findSignInPage().props('hasSubscriptions')).toBe(true); } }); it(`${ shouldRenderSubscriptionsPage ? 'renders' : 'does not render' } subscriptions page`, () => { expect(findSubscriptionsPage().exists()).toBe(shouldRenderSubscriptionsPage); if (shouldRenderSubscriptionsPage) { expect(findSubscriptionsPage().props('hasSubscriptions')).toBe(true); } }); }); it('renders UserLink component', () => { createComponent({ provide: { usersPath: '/user', }, }); const userLink = findUserLink(); expect(userLink.exists()).toBe(true); expect(userLink.props()).toEqual({ hasSubscriptions: true, user: null, userSignedIn: false, }); }); }); describe('alert', () => { it.each` message | variant | alertShouldRender ${'Test error'} | ${'danger'} | ${true} ${'Test notice'} | ${'info'} | ${true} ${''} | ${undefined} | ${false} ${undefined} | ${undefined} | ${false} `( 'renders correct alert when message is `$message` and variant is `$variant`', async ({ message, alertShouldRender, variant }) => { createComponent(); store.commit(SET_ALERT, { message, variant }); await nextTick(); const alert = findAlert(); expect(alert.exists()).toBe(alertShouldRender); if (alertShouldRender) { expect(alert.isVisible()).toBe(alertShouldRender); expect(alert.html()).toContain(message); expect(alert.props('variant')).toBe(variant); expect(findAlertLink().exists()).toBe(false); } }, ); it('hides alert on @dismiss event', async () => { createComponent(); store.commit(SET_ALERT, { message: 'test message' }); await nextTick(); findAlert().vm.$emit('dismiss'); await nextTick(); expect(findAlert().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('renders link when `linkUrl` is set', async () => { createComponent({ mountFn: mountExtended }); store.commit(SET_ALERT, { message: __('test message %{linkStart}test link%{linkEnd}'), linkUrl: '', }); await nextTick(); const alertLink = findAlertLink(); expect(alertLink.exists()).toBe(true); expect(alertLink.text()).toContain('test link'); expect(alertLink.attributes('href')).toBe(''); }); describe('when alert is set in localStoage', () => { it('renders alert on mount', () => { createComponent(); const alert = findAlert(); expect(alert.exists()).toBe(true); expect(alert.html()).toContain('error message'); }); }); }); describe('when user signed out', () => { describe('when sign in page emits `error` event', () => { beforeEach(async () => { createComponent({ provide: { usersPath: '/mock', }, }); findSignInPage().vm.$emit('error'); await nextTick(); }); it('displays alert', () => { const alert = findAlert(); expect(alert.exists()).toBe(true); expect(alert.html()).toContain(I18N_DEFAULT_SIGN_IN_ERROR_MESSAGE); expect(alert.props('variant')).toBe('danger'); }); }); }); describe.each` jiraConnectOauthEnabled | canUseCrypto | shouldShowAlert ${false} | ${false} | ${false} ${false} | ${true} | ${false} ${true} | ${false} | ${true} ${true} | ${true} | ${false} `( 'when `jiraConnectOauth` feature flag is $jiraConnectOauthEnabled and `AccessorUtilities.canUseCrypto` returns $canUseCrypto', ({ jiraConnectOauthEnabled, canUseCrypto, shouldShowAlert }) => { beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(AccessorUtilities, 'canUseCrypto').mockReturnValue(canUseCrypto); createComponent({ provide: { glFeatures: { jiraConnectOauth: jiraConnectOauthEnabled } } }); }); it(`does ${shouldShowAlert ? '' : 'not'} render BrowserSupportAlert component`, () => { expect(findBrowserSupportAlert().exists()).toBe(shouldShowAlert); }); it(`does ${!shouldShowAlert ? '' : 'not'} render the main Jira Connect app template`, () => { expect(wrapper.findByTestId('jira-connect-app').exists()).toBe(!shouldShowAlert); }); }, ); describe('when `jiraConnectOauth` feature flag is enabled', () => { const mockSubscriptionsPath = '/mockSubscriptionsPath'; beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(api, 'fetchSubscriptions').mockResolvedValue({ data: { subscriptions: [] } }); createComponent({ provide: { glFeatures: { jiraConnectOauth: true }, subscriptionsPath: mockSubscriptionsPath, }, }); }); describe('when component mounts', () => { it('dispatches `fetchSubscriptions` action', async () => { expect(store.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('fetchSubscriptions', mockSubscriptionsPath); }); }); describe('when oauth button emits `sign-in-oauth` event', () => { it('dispatches `fetchSubscriptions` action', () => { expect(store.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('fetchSubscriptions', mockSubscriptionsPath); }); }); }); });