--- type: reference --- # Kubernetes, GitLab and You This is a list of useful information regarding Kubernetes that the GitLab Support Team sometimes uses while troubleshooting. GitLab is making this public, so that anyone can make use of the Support team's collected knowledge CAUTION: **Caution:** These commands **can alter or break** your Kubernetes components so use these at your own risk. If you are on a [paid tier](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) and are not sure how to use these commands, it is best to [contact Support](https://about.gitlab.com/support/) and they will assist you with any issues you are having. ## Generic Kubernetes commands - How to authorize to your GCP project (can be especially useful if you have projects under different GCP accounts): ```shell gcloud auth login ``` - How to access Kubernetes dashboard: ```shell # for minikube: minikube dashboard —url # for non-local installations if access via Kubectl is configured: kubectl proxy ``` - How to SSH to a Kubernetes node and enter the container as root : - For GCP, you may find the node name and run `gcloud compute ssh node-name`. - List containers using `docker ps`. - Enter container using `docker exec --user root -ti container-id bash`. - How to copy a file from local machine to a pod: ```shell kubectl cp file-name pod-name:./destination-path ``` - What to do with pods in `CrashLoopBackoff` status: - Check logs via Kubernetes dashboard. - Check logs via Kubectl: ```shell kubectl logs -c dependencies ``` - How to tail all Kubernetes cluster events in real time: ```shell kubectl get events -w --all-namespaces ``` - How to get logs of the previously terminated pod instance: ```shell kubectl logs --previous ``` NOTE: **Note:** No logs are kept in the containers/pods themselves, everything is written to stdout. This is the principle of Kubernetes, read [Twelve-factor app](https://12factor.net/) for details. - How to get cronjobs configured on a cluster ```shell kubectl get cronjobs ``` When one configures [cron-based backups](https://docs.gitlab.com/charts/backup-restore/backup.html#cron-based-backup), you will be able to see the new schedule here. Some details about the schedules can be found in [Running Automated Tasks with a CronJob](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/job/automated-tasks-with-cron-jobs/#creating-a-cron-job) ## GitLab-specific Kubernetes information - Minimal config that can be used to test a Kubernetes Helm chart can be found [here](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/charts/gitlab/issues/620). - Tailing logs of a separate pod. An example for a Unicorn pod: ```shell kubectl logs gitlab-unicorn-7656fdd6bf-jqzfs -c unicorn ``` - Tail and follow all pods that share a label (in this case, `unicorn`): ```shell # all containers in the unicorn pods kubectl logs -f -l app=unicorn --all-containers=true --max-log-requests=50 # only the unicorn containers in all unicorn pods kubectl logs -f -l app=unicorn -c unicorn --max-log-requests=50 ``` - One can stream logs from all containers at once, similar to the Omnibus command `gitlab-ctl tail`: ```shell kubectl logs -f -l release=gitlab --all-containers=true --max-log-requests=100 ``` - Check all events in the `gitlab` namespace (the namespace name can be different if you specified a different one when deploying the Helm chart): ```shell kubectl get events -w --namespace=gitlab ``` - Most of the useful GitLab tools (console, Rake tasks, etc) are found in the task-runner pod. You may enter it and run commands inside or run them from the outside: ```shell # find the pod kubectl get pods | grep task-runner # enter it kubectl exec -it bash # open rails console # rails console can be also called from other GitLab pods /srv/gitlab/bin/rails console # source-style commands should also work /srv/gitlab && bundle exec rake gitlab:check RAILS_ENV=production # run GitLab check. Note that the output can be confusing and invalid because of the specific structure of GitLab installed via helm chart /usr/local/bin/gitlab-rake gitlab:check # open console without entering pod kubectl exec -it /srv/gitlab/bin/rails console # check the status of DB migrations kubectl exec -it /usr/local/bin/gitlab-rake db:migrate:status ``` You can also use `gitlab-rake`, instead of `/usr/local/bin/gitlab-rake`. - Troubleshooting **Operations > Kubernetes** integration: - Check the output of `kubectl get events -w --all-namespaces`. - Check the logs of pods within `gitlab-managed-apps` namespace. - On the side of GitLab check Sidekiq log and Kubernetes log. When GitLab is installed via Helm Chart, `kubernetes.log` can be found inside the Sidekiq pod. - How to get your initial admin password : ```shell # find the name of the secret containing the password kubectl get secrets | grep initial-root # decode it kubectl get secret -ojsonpath={.data.password} | base64 --decode ; echo ``` - How to connect to a GitLab PostgreSQL database: ```shell kubectl exec -it -- /srv/gitlab/bin/rails dbconsole -p ``` - How to get information about Helm installation status: ```shell helm status name-of-installation ``` - How to update GitLab installed using Helm Chart: ```shell helm repo upgrade # get current values and redirect them to yaml file (analogue of gitlab.rb values) helm get values > gitlab.yaml # run upgrade itself helm upgrade -f gitlab.yaml ``` After is fixed, it should be possible to use [Updating GitLab using the Helm Chart](https://docs.gitlab.com/charts/index.html#updating-gitlab-using-the-helm-chart) for upgrades. - How to apply changes to GitLab config: - Modify the `gitlab.yaml` file. - Run the following command to apply changes: ```shell helm upgrade -f gitlab.yaml ``` - How to get the manifest for a release. It can be useful because it contains the information about all Kubernetes resources and dependent charts: ```shell helm get manifest ``` ## Installation of minimal GitLab config via Minukube on macOS This section is based on [Developing for Kubernetes with Minikube](https://docs.gitlab.com/charts/development/minikube/index.html) and [Helm](https://docs.gitlab.com/charts/installation/tools.html#helm). Refer to those documents for details. - Install Kubectl via Homebrew: ```shell brew install kubernetes-cli ``` - Install Minikube via Homebrew: ```shell brew cask install minikube ``` - Start Minikube and configure it. If Minikube cannot start, try running `minikube delete && minikube start` and repeat the steps: ```shell minikube start --cpus 3 --memory 8192 # minimum amount for GitLab to work minikube addons enable ingress minikube addons enable kube-dns ``` - Install Helm via Homebrew and initialize it: ```shell brew install kubernetes-helm helm init --service-account tiller ``` - Copy the file to your workstation. - Find the IP address in the output of `minikube ip` and update the yaml file with this IP address. - Install the GitLab Helm Chart: ```shell helm repo add gitlab https://charts.gitlab.io helm install --name gitlab -f gitlab/gitlab ``` If you want to modify some GitLab settings, you can use the above-mentioned config as a base and create your own yaml file. - Monitor the installation progress via `helm status gitlab` and `minikube dashboard`. The installation could take up to 20-30 minutes depending on the amount of resources on your workstation. - When all the pods show either a `Running` or `Completed` status, get the GitLab password as described in [Initial login](https://docs.gitlab.com/charts/installation/deployment.html#initial-login), and log in to GitLab via the UI. It will be accessible via `https://gitlab.domain` where `domain` is the value provided in the yaml file.