import Vue from 'vue'; import fileIcon from '~/vue_shared/components/file_icon.vue'; import mountComponent from 'spec/helpers/vue_mount_component_helper'; describe('File Icon component', () => { let vm; let FileIcon; beforeEach(() => { FileIcon = Vue.extend(fileIcon); }); afterEach(() => { vm.$destroy(); }); it('should render a span element with an svg', () => { vm = mountComponent(FileIcon, { fileName: 'test.js', }); expect(vm.$el.tagName).toEqual('SPAN'); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('span > svg')).toBeDefined(); }); it('should render a javascript icon based on file ending', () => { vm = mountComponent(FileIcon, { fileName: 'test.js', }); expect(vm.$el.firstChild.firstChild.getAttribute('xlink:href')).toBe( `${gon.sprite_file_icons}#javascript`, ); }); it('should render a image icon based on file ending', () => { vm = mountComponent(FileIcon, { fileName: 'test.png', }); expect(vm.$el.firstChild.firstChild.getAttribute('xlink:href')).toBe( `${gon.sprite_file_icons}#image`, ); }); it('should render a webpack icon based on file namer', () => { vm = mountComponent(FileIcon, { fileName: 'webpack.js', }); expect(vm.$el.firstChild.firstChild.getAttribute('xlink:href')).toBe( `${gon.sprite_file_icons}#webpack`, ); }); it('should render a standard folder icon', () => { vm = mountComponent(FileIcon, { fileName: 'js', folder: true, }); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('span > svg > use').getAttribute('xlink:href')).toBe( `${gon.sprite_file_icons}#folder`, ); }); it('should render a loading icon', () => { vm = mountComponent(FileIcon, { fileName: 'test.js', loading: true, }); const { classList } = vm.$el.querySelector('.loading-container span'); expect(classList.contains('gl-spinner')).toEqual(true); }); it('should add a special class and a size class', () => { vm = mountComponent(FileIcon, { fileName: 'test.js', cssClasses: 'extraclasses', size: 120, }); const { classList } = vm.$el.firstChild; const containsSizeClass = classList.contains('s120'); const containsCustomClass = classList.contains('extraclasses'); expect(containsSizeClass).toBe(true); expect(containsCustomClass).toBe(true); }); });