require 'spec_helper' describe Elasticsearch::Model::Serializing do before(:all) do class ::DummySearchingModel extend Elasticsearch::Model::Searching::ClassMethods def self.index_name; 'foo'; end def self.document_type; 'bar'; end end end after(:all) do remove_classes(DummySearchingModel) end before do allow(DummySearchingModel).to receive(:client).and_return(client) end let(:client) do double('client') end describe '#initialize' do context 'when the search definition is a simple query' do before do expect(client).to receive(:search).with(index: 'foo', type: 'bar', q: 'foo').and_return({}) end let(:search) do, 'foo') end it 'passes the query to the client' do expect(search.execute!).to eq({}) end end context 'when the search definition is a hash' do before do expect(client).to receive(:search).with(index: 'foo', type: 'bar', body: { foo: 'bar' }).and_return({}) end let(:search) do, foo: 'bar') end it 'passes the hash to the client' do expect(search.execute!).to eq({}) end end context 'when the search definition is a json string' do before do expect(client).to receive(:search).with(index: 'foo', type: 'bar', body: '{"foo":"bar"}').and_return({}) end let(:search) do, '{"foo":"bar"}') end it 'passes the json string to the client' do expect(search.execute!).to eq({}) end end context 'when the search definition is a custom object' do before(:all) do class MySpecialQueryBuilder def to_hash; {foo: 'bar'}; end end end after(:all) do Object.send(:remove_const, :MySpecialQueryBuilder) if defined?(MySpecialQueryBuilder) end before do expect(client).to receive(:search).with(index: 'foo', type: 'bar', body: {foo: 'bar'}).and_return({}) end let(:search) do, end it 'passes the query builder to the client and calls #to_hash on it' do expect(search.execute!).to eq({}) end end context 'when extra options are specified' do before do expect(client).to receive(:search).with(index: 'foo', type: 'bar', q: 'foo', size: 15).and_return({}) end let(:search) do, 'foo', size: 15) end it 'passes the extra options to the client as part of the request' do expect(search.execute!).to eq({}) end end end end