# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe ObjectStorage::CDN, feature_category: :build_artifacts do let(:uploader_class) do Class.new(GitlabUploader) do include ObjectStorage::Concern include ObjectStorage::CDN::Concern private # user/:id def dynamic_segment File.join(model.class.underscore, model.id.to_s) end end end let(:object) { build_stubbed(:user) } let(:public_ip) { '' } let(:query_params) { { foo: :bar } } let_it_be(:project) { build(:project) } subject { uploader_class.new(object, :file) } context 'with CDN config' do let(:cdn_options) do { 'object_store' => { 'cdn' => { 'provider' => cdn_provider, 'url' => 'https://gitlab.example.com', 'key_name' => 'test-key', 'key' => Base64.urlsafe_encode64('12345') } } }.freeze end before do stub_artifacts_object_storage(enabled: true) options = Settingslogic.new(Gitlab.config.uploads.deep_merge(cdn_options)) allow(uploader_class).to receive(:options).and_return(options) end context 'with a known CDN provider' do let(:cdn_provider) { 'google' } describe '#cdn_enabled_url' do it 'calls #cdn_signed_url' do expect(subject).not_to receive(:url) expect(subject).to receive(:cdn_signed_url).with(query_params).and_call_original result = subject.cdn_enabled_url(public_ip, query_params) expect(result.used_cdn).to be true end end describe '#use_cdn?' do it 'returns true' do expect(subject.use_cdn?(public_ip)).to be true end end describe '#cdn_signed_url' do it 'returns a URL' do expect_next_instance_of(ObjectStorage::CDN::GoogleCDN) do |cdn| expect(cdn).to receive(:signed_url).and_return("https://cdn.example.com/path") end expect(subject.cdn_signed_url).to eq("https://cdn.example.com/path") end end end context 'with an unknown CDN provider' do let(:cdn_provider) { 'amazon' } it 'raises an error' do expect { subject.use_cdn?(public_ip) }.to raise_error("Unknown CDN provider: amazon") end end end context 'without CDN config' do describe '#cdn_enabled_url' do it 'calls #url' do expect(subject).not_to receive(:cdn_signed_url) expect(subject).to receive(:url).with(query: query_params).and_call_original result = subject.cdn_enabled_url(public_ip, query_params) expect(result.used_cdn).to be false end end describe '#use_cdn?' do it 'returns false' do expect(subject.use_cdn?(public_ip)).to be false end end end end