import { GlSkeletonLoader, GlButton } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { nextTick } from 'vue'; import Table from '~/repository/components/table/index.vue'; import TableRow from '~/repository/components/table/row.vue'; let vm; let $apollo; const MOCK_BLOBS = [ { id: '123abc', sha: '123abc', flatPath: 'blob', name: '', type: 'blob', webPath: '/blob', }, { id: '124abc', sha: '124abc', flatPath: 'blob2', name: '', type: 'blob', webUrl: '', }, { id: '125abc', sha: '125abc', flatPath: 'blob3', name: '', type: 'blob', webUrl: '', mode: '120000', }, ]; const MOCK_COMMITS = [ { fileName: '', filePath: 'test_dir/', type: 'blob', commit: { message: 'Updated', }, }, { fileName: '', filePath: 'test_dir/', type: 'blob', commit: { message: 'Updated', }, }, { fileName: '', filePath: 'test_dir/', type: 'blob', commit: { message: 'Updated', }, }, { fileName: '', filePath: '/', type: 'blob', commit: { message: 'Updated', }, }, ]; function factory({ path, isLoading = false, hasMore = true, entries = {}, commits = [] }) { vm = shallowMount(Table, { propsData: { path, isLoading, entries, hasMore, commits, }, mocks: { $apollo, }, }); } const findTableRows = () => vm.findAllComponents(TableRow); describe('Repository table component', () => { it.each` path | ref ${'/'} | ${'main'} ${'app/assets'} | ${'main'} ${'/'} | ${'test'} `('renders table caption for $ref in $path', async ({ path, ref }) => { factory({ path }); // setData usage is discouraged. See for details // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax vm.setData({ ref }); await nextTick(); expect(vm.find('.table').attributes('aria-label')).toEqual( `Files, directories, and submodules in the path ${path} for commit reference ${ref}`, ); }); it('shows loading icon', () => { factory({ path: '/', isLoading: true }); expect(vm.findComponent(GlSkeletonLoader).exists()).toBe(true); }); it('renders table rows', () => { factory({ path: 'test_dir', entries: { blobs: MOCK_BLOBS, }, commits: MOCK_COMMITS, }); const rows = findTableRows(); expect(rows.length).toEqual(3); expect('120000'); expect(; expect([2]); }); it('renders correct commit info for blobs in the root', () => { factory({ path: '/', entries: { blobs: [ { id: '126abc', sha: '126abc', flatPath: '', name: '', type: 'blob', webUrl: '', mode: '120000', }, ], }, commits: MOCK_COMMITS, }); expect(findTableRows().at(0).props().commitInfo).toEqual(MOCK_COMMITS[3]); }); describe('Show more button', () => { const showMoreButton = () => vm.findComponent(GlButton); it.each` hasMore | expectButtonToExist ${true} | ${true} ${false} | ${false} `('renders correctly', ({ hasMore, expectButtonToExist }) => { factory({ path: '/', hasMore }); expect(showMoreButton().exists()).toBe(expectButtonToExist); }); it('when is clicked, emits showMore event', async () => { factory({ path: '/' }); showMoreButton().vm.$emit('click'); await nextTick(); expect(vm.emitted('showMore')).toHaveLength(1); }); }); });