# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'Container Registry', :js, feature_category: :container_registry do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:group) { create(:group) } let(:project) { create(:project, namespace: group) } let(:container_repository) do create(:container_repository, name: 'my/image') end before do group.add_owner(user) sign_in(user) stub_container_registry_config(enabled: true) stub_container_registry_tags(repository: :any, tags: []) stub_container_registry_info end it 'has a page title set' do visit_container_registry expect(page).to have_title _('Container Registry') end it 'sidebar menu is open' do visit_container_registry sidebar = find('.nav-sidebar') expect(sidebar).to have_link _('Container Registry') end context 'when there are no image repositories' do it 'list page has no container title' do visit_container_registry expect(page).to have_content _('There are no container images available in this group') end end context 'when there are image repositories' do before do stub_container_registry_tags(repository: %r{my/image}, tags: %w[latest], with_manifest: true) project.container_repositories << container_repository end it 'list page has a list of images' do visit_container_registry expect(page).to have_content 'my/image' end it 'navigates to repo details' do visit_container_registry_details('my/image') expect(page).to have_content 'latest' end [ContainerRegistry::Path::InvalidRegistryPathError, Faraday::Error].each do |error_class| context "when there is a #{error_class}" do before do expect(::ContainerRegistry::Client).to receive(:registry_info).and_raise(error_class, nil, nil) end it_behaves_like 'handling feature network errors with the container registry' end end describe 'image repo details' do before do visit_container_registry_details 'my/image' end it 'shows the details breadcrumb' do expect(find('.breadcrumbs')).to have_link 'my/image' end it 'shows the image title' do expect(page).to have_content 'my/image' end it 'shows the image tags' do expect(page).to have_content '1 tag' first_tag = first('[data-testid="name"]') expect(first_tag).to have_content 'latest' end it 'user removes a specific tag from container repository' do service = double('service') expect(service).to receive(:execute).with(container_repository) { { status: :success } } expect(Projects::ContainerRepository::DeleteTagsService).to receive(:new).with(container_repository.project, user, tags: ['latest']) { service } first('[data-testid="additional-actions"]').click first('[data-testid="single-delete-button"]').click expect(find('.modal .modal-title')).to have_content _('Remove tag') stub_container_registry_tags(repository: %r{my/image}, tags: [], with_manifest: true) find('.modal .modal-footer .btn-danger').click expect(page).to have_content '0 tags' expect(page).not_to have_content '1 tag' end end end context 'when an image has the same name as the subgroup' do before do stub_container_registry_tags(tags: %w[latest], with_manifest: true) project.container_repositories << create(:container_repository, name: group.name) visit_container_registry end it 'details page loads properly' do find('a[data-testid="details-link"]').click expect(page).to have_content 'latest' end end def visit_container_registry visit group_container_registries_path(group) end def visit_container_registry_details(name) visit_container_registry click_link(name) end end