# frozen_string_literal: true # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend module Gitlab module Database module LoadBalancing # Redirecting of ActiveRecord connections. # # The ConnectionProxy class redirects ActiveRecord connection requests to # the right load balancer pool, depending on the type of query. class ConnectionProxy WriteInsideReadOnlyTransactionError = Class.new(StandardError) READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION_KEY = :load_balacing_read_only_transaction attr_reader :load_balancer # These methods perform writes after which we need to stick to the # primary. STICKY_WRITES = %i( delete delete_all insert update update_all exec_insert_all ).freeze NON_STICKY_READS = %i( sanitize_limit select select_one select_rows quote_column_name schema_cache ).freeze # hosts - The hosts to use for load balancing. def initialize(load_balancer) @load_balancer = load_balancer end def select_all(arel, name = nil, binds = [], preparable: nil) if arel.respond_to?(:locked) && arel.locked # SELECT ... FOR UPDATE queries should be sent to the primary. current_session.write! write_using_load_balancer(:select_all, arel, name, binds) else read_using_load_balancer(:select_all, arel, name, binds) end end NON_STICKY_READS.each do |name| define_method(name) do |*args, **kwargs, &block| read_using_load_balancer(name, *args, **kwargs, &block) end end STICKY_WRITES.each do |name| define_method(name) do |*args, **kwargs, &block| current_session.write! write_using_load_balancer(name, *args, **kwargs, &block) end end def transaction(*args, **kwargs, &block) if current_session.fallback_to_replicas_for_ambiguous_queries? track_read_only_transaction! read_using_load_balancer(:transaction, *args, **kwargs, &block) else current_session.write! write_using_load_balancer(:transaction, *args, **kwargs, &block) end ensure untrack_read_only_transaction! end def respond_to_missing?(name, include_private = false) @load_balancer.read_write do |connection| connection.respond_to?(name, include_private) end end # Delegates all unknown messages to a read-write connection. def method_missing(...) if current_session.fallback_to_replicas_for_ambiguous_queries? read_using_load_balancer(...) else write_using_load_balancer(...) end end # Performs a read using the load balancer. # # name - The name of the method to call on a connection object. def read_using_load_balancer(...) if current_session.use_primary? && !current_session.use_replicas_for_read_queries? @load_balancer.read_write do |connection| connection.public_send(...) end else @load_balancer.read do |connection| connection.public_send(...) end end end # Performs a write using the load balancer. # # name - The name of the method to call on a connection object. # sticky - If set to true the session will stick to the master after # the write. def write_using_load_balancer(...) if read_only_transaction? raise WriteInsideReadOnlyTransactionError, 'A write query is performed inside a read-only transaction' end @load_balancer.read_write do |connection| connection.public_send(...) end end private def current_session ::Gitlab::Database::LoadBalancing::Session.current end def track_read_only_transaction! Thread.current[READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION_KEY] = true end def untrack_read_only_transaction! Thread.current[READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION_KEY] = nil end def read_only_transaction? Thread.current[READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION_KEY] == true end end end end end