import { GlDropdown, GlDropdownItem, GlDropdownText, GlFormInput, GlSearchBoxByType, } from '@gitlab/ui'; import Vue, { nextTick } from 'vue'; import VueApollo from 'vue-apollo'; import createMockApollo from 'helpers/mock_apollo_helper'; import { mountExtended } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises'; import { createAlert } from '~/flash'; import { IssuableType } from '~/issues/constants'; import SidebarDropdown from '~/sidebar/components/sidebar_dropdown.vue'; import { IssuableAttributeType } from '~/sidebar/constants'; import projectIssueMilestoneQuery from '~/sidebar/queries/project_issue_milestone.query.graphql'; import projectMilestonesQuery from '~/sidebar/queries/project_milestones.query.graphql'; import { emptyProjectMilestonesResponse, mockIssue, mockProjectMilestonesResponse, noCurrentMilestoneResponse, } from '../mock_data'; jest.mock('~/flash'); describe('SidebarDropdown component', () => { let wrapper; const promiseData = { issuableSetAttribute: { issue: { attribute: { id: '123' } } } }; const mutationSuccess = () => jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ data: promiseData }); const findDropdown = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlDropdown); const findDropdownText = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlDropdownText); const findSearchBox = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlSearchBoxByType); const findAllDropdownItems = () => wrapper.findAllComponents(GlDropdownItem); const findDropdownItemWithText = (text) => findAllDropdownItems().wrappers.find((x) => x.text() === text); const findAttributeItems = () => wrapper.findByTestId('milestone-items'); const findNoAttributeItem = () => wrapper.findByTestId('no-milestone-item'); const findLoadingIconDropdown = () => wrapper.findByTestId('loading-icon-dropdown'); const toggleDropdown = async () => { wrapper.vm.$; findDropdown().vm.$emit('show'); await nextTick(); jest.runOnlyPendingTimers(); await waitForPromises(); }; const createComponentWithApollo = ({ requestHandlers = [], projectMilestonesSpy = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(mockProjectMilestonesResponse), currentMilestoneSpy = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(noCurrentMilestoneResponse), } = {}) => { Vue.use(VueApollo); wrapper = mountExtended(SidebarDropdown, { apolloProvider: createMockApollo([ [projectMilestonesQuery, projectMilestonesSpy], [projectIssueMilestoneQuery, currentMilestoneSpy], ...requestHandlers, ]), propsData: { attrWorkspacePath: mockIssue.projectPath, currentAttribute: {}, issuableType: IssuableType.Issue, issuableAttribute: IssuableAttributeType.Milestone, }, attachTo: document.body, }); }; const createComponent = ({ props = {}, data = {}, mutationPromise = mutationSuccess, queries = {}, } = {}) => { wrapper = mountExtended(SidebarDropdown, { propsData: { attrWorkspacePath: mockIssue.projectPath, currentAttribute: {}, issuableType: IssuableType.Issue, issuableAttribute: IssuableAttributeType.Milestone, ...props, }, data() { return data; }, mocks: { $apollo: { mutate: mutationPromise(), queries: { currentAttribute: { loading: false }, attributesList: { loading: false }, ...queries, }, }, }, }); }; describe('when a user can edit', () => { describe('when user is editing', () => { describe('when rendering the dropdown', () => { it('shows a loading spinner while fetching a list of attributes', async () => { createComponent({ queries: { attributesList: { loading: true }, }, }); await toggleDropdown(); expect(findLoadingIconDropdown().exists()).toBe(true); }); describe('GlDropdownItem with the right title and id', () => { const id = 'id'; const title = 'title'; beforeEach(async () => { createComponent({ props: { currentAttribute: { id, title } }, data: { attributesList: [{ id, title }] }, }); await toggleDropdown(); }); it('does not show a loading spinner', () => { expect(findLoadingIconDropdown().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('renders title $title', () => { expect(findDropdownItemWithText(title).exists()).toBe(true); }); it('checks the correct dropdown item', () => { expect( findAllDropdownItems() .filter((w) => w.props('isChecked') === true) .at(0) .text(), ).toBe(title); }); }); describe('when no data is assigned', () => { beforeEach(async () => { createComponent(); await toggleDropdown(); }); it('finds GlDropdownItem with "No milestone"', () => { expect(findNoAttributeItem().text()).toBe('No milestone'); }); it('"No milestone" is checked', () => { expect(findAllDropdownItems('No milestone').at(0).props('isChecked')).toBe(true); }); it('does not render any dropdown item', () => { expect(findAttributeItems().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when clicking on dropdown item', () => { describe('when currentAttribute is equal to attribute id', () => { it('does not call setIssueAttribute mutation', async () => { createComponent({ props: { currentAttribute: { id: 'id', title: 'title' } }, data: { attributesList: [{ id: 'id', title: 'title' }] }, }); await toggleDropdown(); findDropdownItemWithText('title').vm.$emit('click'); expect(wrapper.vm.$apollo.mutate).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); }); }); }); }); describe('when a user is searching', () => { describe('when search result is not found', () => { describe('when milestone', () => { it('renders "No milestone found"', async () => { createComponent(); await toggleDropdown(); findSearchBox().vm.$emit('input', 'non existing milestones'); await nextTick(); expect(findDropdownText().text()).toBe('No milestone found'); }); }); }); }); }); }); describe('with mock apollo', () => { describe("when issuable type is 'issue'", () => { describe('when dropdown is expanded and user can edit', () => { it('renders the dropdown on clicking edit', async () => { createComponentWithApollo(); await toggleDropdown(); expect(findDropdown().isVisible()).toBe(true); }); it('focuses on the input when dropdown is shown', async () => { createComponentWithApollo(); await toggleDropdown(); expect(document.activeElement).toEqual(wrapper.findComponent(GlFormInput).element); }); describe('milestones', () => { it('should call createAlert if milestones query fails', async () => { createComponentWithApollo({ projectMilestonesSpy: jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error()), }); await toggleDropdown(); expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: wrapper.vm.i18n.listFetchError, captureError: true, error: expect.any(Error), }); }); it('only fetches attributes when dropdown is opened', async () => { const projectMilestonesSpy = jest .fn() .mockResolvedValueOnce(emptyProjectMilestonesResponse); createComponentWithApollo({ projectMilestonesSpy }); expect(projectMilestonesSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); await toggleDropdown(); expect(projectMilestonesSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, { fullPath: mockIssue.projectPath, state: 'active', title: '', }); }); describe('when a user is searching', () => { it('sends a projectMilestones query with the entered search term "foo"', async () => { const mockSearchTerm = 'foobar'; const projectMilestonesSpy = jest .fn() .mockResolvedValueOnce(emptyProjectMilestonesResponse); createComponentWithApollo({ projectMilestonesSpy }); await toggleDropdown(); findSearchBox().vm.$emit('input', mockSearchTerm); await nextTick(); jest.runOnlyPendingTimers(); // Account for debouncing expect(projectMilestonesSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, { fullPath: mockIssue.projectPath, state: 'active', title: mockSearchTerm, }); }); }); }); }); }); }); });