Template: gitlab/fqdn Type: string Default: localhost _Description: Fully qualified domain name for this instance of Gitlab: Please choose the domain name which should be used to access this instance of Gitlab. . This should be the fully qualified name as seen from the Internet, with the domain name that will be used to access the pod. . If a reverse proxy is used, give the hostname that the proxy server responds to. Template: gitlab/ssl Type: boolean Default: false _Description: Enable https? Enabling https means that an SSL certificate is required to access this Gitlab instance (as Nginx will be configured to respond only to https requests). A self-signed certificate is enough for local testing (and can be generated using, for instance, the package easy-rsa), but it is not recommended for a production instance. . Some certificate authorities like Let's Encrypt (letsencrypt.org), CAcert (cacert.org), or WoSign (buy.wosign.com/free) offer free SSL certificates. Note: CAcert issued certificates are not trusted by all browsers, it requires installing CAcert's root certificate in such cases. . Nginx must be reloaded after the certificate and key files are made available at /etc/gitlab/ssl. letsencrypt package may be used to automate interaction with Let's Encrypt to obtain a certificate. Template: gitlab/letsencrypt Type: boolean Default: false _Description: Use Let's Encrypt? Symbolic links to certificate and key created using letsencrypt package (/etc/letencrypt/live) will be added to /etc/gitlab/ssl if this option is selected. . Otherwise, certificate and key files have to be placed manually to /etc/gitlab/ssl directory as 'gitlab.crt' and 'gitlab.key'. . Nginx will be stopped, if this option is selected, to allow letsencrypt to use ports 80 and 443 during domain ownership validation and certificate retrieval step. . Note: letsencrypt does not have a usable nginx plugin currently, so certificates must be renewed manually after 3 months, when current letsencrypt certificate expire.