# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'Query.ciVariables', feature_category: :secrets_management do include GraphqlHelpers let(:query) do %( query { ciVariables { nodes { id key value variableType protected masked raw environmentScope } } } ) end context 'when the user is an admin' do let_it_be(:user) { create(:admin) } it "returns the instance's CI variables" do variable = create(:ci_instance_variable, key: 'TEST_VAR', value: 'test', masked: false, protected: true, raw: true) post_graphql(query, current_user: user) expect(graphql_data.dig('ciVariables', 'nodes')).to contain_exactly({ 'id' => variable.to_global_id.to_s, 'key' => 'TEST_VAR', 'value' => 'test', 'variableType' => 'ENV_VAR', 'masked' => false, 'protected' => true, 'raw' => true, 'environmentScope' => nil }) end end context 'when the user is not an admin' do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } it 'returns nothing' do create(:ci_instance_variable, value: 'verysecret', masked: true) post_graphql(query, current_user: user) expect(graphql_data.dig('ciVariables')).to be_nil end end context 'when the user is unauthenticated' do let_it_be(:user) { nil } it 'returns nothing' do create(:ci_instance_variable, value: 'verysecret', masked: true) post_graphql(query, current_user: user) expect(graphql_data.dig('ciVariables')).to be_nil end end describe 'sorting and pagination' do let_it_be(:current_user) { create(:admin) } let_it_be(:data_path) { [:ci_variables] } let_it_be(:variables) do [ create(:ci_instance_variable, key: 'd'), create(:ci_instance_variable, key: 'a'), create(:ci_instance_variable, key: 'c'), create(:ci_instance_variable, key: 'e'), create(:ci_instance_variable, key: 'b') ] end def pagination_query(params) graphql_query_for( :ci_variables, params, "#{page_info} nodes { id }" ) end it_behaves_like 'sorted paginated variables' end end