import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { nextTick } from 'vue'; import { GlSkeletonLoader } from '@gitlab/ui'; import HarborListHeader from '~/packages_and_registries/harbor_registry/components/list/harbor_list_header.vue'; import HarborRegistryList from '~/packages_and_registries/harbor_registry/pages/list.vue'; import PersistedSearch from '~/packages_and_registries/shared/components/persisted_search.vue'; import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises'; import HarborList from '~/packages_and_registries/harbor_registry/components/list/harbor_list.vue'; import CliCommands from '~/packages_and_registries/shared/components/cli_commands.vue'; import { SORT_FIELDS } from '~/packages_and_registries/harbor_registry/constants/index'; import { harborImagesResponse, defaultConfig, harborImagesList } from '../mock_data'; let mockHarborListResponse; jest.mock('~/rest_api', () => ({ getHarborRepositoriesList: () => mockHarborListResponse, })); describe('Harbor List Page', () => { let wrapper; const waitForHarborPageRequest = async () => { await waitForPromises(); await nextTick(); }; const findHarborListHeader = () => wrapper.findComponent(HarborListHeader); const findPersistedSearch = () => wrapper.findComponent(PersistedSearch); const findSkeletonLoader = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlSkeletonLoader); const findHarborList = () => wrapper.findComponent(HarborList); const findCliCommands = () => wrapper.findComponent(CliCommands); const defaultHeaders = { 'x-page': '1', 'X-Per-Page': '20', 'X-TOTAL': '1', 'X-Total-Pages': '1', }; const fireFirstSortUpdate = () => { findPersistedSearch().vm.$emit('update', { sort: 'UPDATED_DESC', filters: [] }); }; const mountComponent = ({ config = defaultConfig } = {}) => { wrapper = shallowMount(HarborRegistryList, { stubs: { HarborListHeader, }, provide() { return { ...config, }; }, }); }; beforeEach(() => { mockHarborListResponse = Promise.resolve({ data: harborImagesResponse, headers: defaultHeaders, }); }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); it('contains harbor registry header', async () => { mountComponent(); fireFirstSortUpdate(); await waitForHarborPageRequest(); await nextTick(); expect(findHarborListHeader().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findHarborListHeader().props()).toMatchObject({ imagesCount: 1, metadataLoading: false, }); }); describe('isLoading is true', () => { it('shows the skeleton loader', async () => { mountComponent(); fireFirstSortUpdate(); expect(findSkeletonLoader().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('harborList is not visible', () => { mountComponent(); expect(findHarborList().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('cli commands is not visible', () => { mountComponent(); expect(findCliCommands().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('title has the metadataLoading props set to true', async () => { mountComponent(); fireFirstSortUpdate(); expect(findHarborListHeader().props('metadataLoading')).toBe(true); }); }); describe('list is not empty', () => { describe('unfiltered state', () => { it('quick start is visible', async () => { mountComponent(); fireFirstSortUpdate(); await waitForHarborPageRequest(); await nextTick(); expect(findCliCommands().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('list component is visible', async () => { mountComponent(); fireFirstSortUpdate(); await waitForHarborPageRequest(); await nextTick(); expect(findHarborList().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findHarborList().props()).toMatchObject({ images: harborImagesList, metadataLoading: false, pageInfo: { page: 1, perPage: 20, total: 1, totalPages: 1, }, }); }); }); describe('search and sorting', () => { it('has a persisted search box element', async () => { mountComponent(); fireFirstSortUpdate(); await waitForHarborPageRequest(); await nextTick(); const harborRegistrySearch = findPersistedSearch(); expect(harborRegistrySearch.exists()).toBe(true); expect(harborRegistrySearch.props()).toMatchObject({ defaultOrder: 'UPDATED', defaultSort: 'desc', sortableFields: SORT_FIELDS, }); }); }); }); });