# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Redis class MultiStore include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize class ReadFromPrimaryError < StandardError def message 'Value not found on the redis primary store. Read from the redis secondary store successful.' end end class PipelinedDiffError < StandardError def initialize(result_primary, result_secondary) @result_primary = result_primary @result_secondary = result_secondary end def message "Pipelined command executed on both stores successfully but results differ between them. " \ "Result from the primary: #{@result_primary.inspect}. " \ "Result from the secondary: #{@result_secondary.inspect}." end end class MethodMissingError < StandardError def message 'Method missing. Falling back to execute method on the redis secondary store.' end end attr_reader :primary_store, :secondary_store, :instance_name FAILED_TO_READ_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Failed to read from the redis primary_store.' FAILED_TO_WRITE_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Failed to write to the redis primary_store.' FAILED_TO_RUN_PIPELINE = 'Failed to execute pipeline on the redis primary_store.' SKIP_LOG_METHOD_MISSING_FOR_COMMANDS = %i(info).freeze READ_COMMANDS = %i( get mget smembers scard ).freeze WRITE_COMMANDS = %i( set setnx setex sadd srem del flushdb rpush eval ).freeze PIPELINED_COMMANDS = %i( pipelined multi ).freeze # To transition between two Redis store, `primary_store` should be the target store, # and `secondary_store` should be the current store. Transition is controlled with feature flags: # # - At the default state, all read and write operations are executed in the secondary instance. # - Turning use_primary_and_secondary_stores_for_ on: The store writes to both instances. # The read commands are executed in primary, but fallback to secondary. # Other commands are executed in the the default instance (Secondary). # - Turning use_primary_store_as_default_for_ on: The behavior is the same as above, # but other commands are executed in the primary now. # - Turning use_primary_and_secondary_stores_for_ off: commands are executed in the primary store. def initialize(primary_store, secondary_store, instance_name) @primary_store = primary_store @secondary_store = secondary_store @instance_name = instance_name validate_stores! end # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend READ_COMMANDS.each do |name| define_method(name) do |*args, &block| if use_primary_and_secondary_stores? read_command(name, *args, &block) else default_store.send(name, *args, &block) end end end WRITE_COMMANDS.each do |name| define_method(name) do |*args, **kwargs, &block| if use_primary_and_secondary_stores? write_command(name, *args, **kwargs, &block) else default_store.send(name, *args, **kwargs, &block) end end end PIPELINED_COMMANDS.each do |name| define_method(name) do |*args, **kwargs, &block| if use_primary_and_secondary_stores? pipelined_both(name, *args, **kwargs, &block) else default_store.send(name, *args, **kwargs, &block) end end end def method_missing(...) return @instance.send(...) if @instance log_method_missing(...) default_store.send(...) end # rubocop:enable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend def respond_to_missing?(command_name, include_private = false) true end # This is needed because of Redis::Rack::Connection is requiring Redis::Store # https://github.com/redis-store/redis-rack/blob/a833086ba494083b6a384a1a4e58b36573a9165d/lib/redis/rack/connection.rb#L15 # Done similarly in https://github.com/lsegal/yard/blob/main/lib/yard/templates/template.rb#L122 def is_a?(klass) return true if klass == default_store.class super(klass) end alias_method :kind_of?, :is_a? def to_s use_primary_and_secondary_stores? ? primary_store.to_s : default_store.to_s end def use_primary_and_secondary_stores? feature_enabled?("use_primary_and_secondary_stores_for") end def use_primary_store_as_default? feature_enabled?("use_primary_store_as_default_for") end def increment_pipelined_command_error_count(command_name) @pipelined_command_error ||= Gitlab::Metrics.counter(:gitlab_redis_multi_store_pipelined_diff_error_total, 'Redis MultiStore pipelined command diff between stores') @pipelined_command_error.increment(command: command_name, instance_name: instance_name) end def increment_read_fallback_count(command_name) @read_fallback_counter ||= Gitlab::Metrics.counter(:gitlab_redis_multi_store_read_fallback_total, 'Client side Redis MultiStore reading fallback') @read_fallback_counter.increment(command: command_name, instance_name: instance_name) end def increment_method_missing_count(command_name) @method_missing_counter ||= Gitlab::Metrics.counter(:gitlab_redis_multi_store_method_missing_total, 'Client side Redis MultiStore method missing') @method_missing_counter.increment(command: command_name, instance_name: instance_name) end def log_error(exception, command_name, extra = {}) Gitlab::ErrorTracking.log_exception( exception, extra.merge(command_name: command_name, instance_name: instance_name)) end private # @return [Boolean] def feature_enabled?(prefix) feature_table_exists? && Feature.enabled?("#{prefix}_#{instance_name.underscore}") && !same_redis_store? end # @return [Boolean] def feature_table_exists? Feature::FlipperFeature.table_exists? rescue StandardError false end def default_store use_primary_store_as_default? ? primary_store : secondary_store end def log_method_missing(command_name, *_args) return if SKIP_LOG_METHOD_MISSING_FOR_COMMANDS.include?(command_name) log_error(MethodMissingError.new, command_name) increment_method_missing_count(command_name) end def read_command(command_name, *args, &block) if @instance send_command(@instance, command_name, *args, &block) else read_one_with_fallback(command_name, *args, &block) end end def write_command(command_name, *args, **kwargs, &block) if @instance send_command(@instance, command_name, *args, **kwargs, &block) else write_both(command_name, *args, **kwargs, &block) end end def read_one_with_fallback(command_name, *args, &block) begin value = send_command(primary_store, command_name, *args, &block) rescue StandardError => e log_error(e, command_name, multi_store_error_message: FAILED_TO_READ_ERROR_MESSAGE) end value || fallback_read(command_name, *args, &block) end def fallback_read(command_name, *args, &block) value = send_command(secondary_store, command_name, *args, &block) if value log_error(ReadFromPrimaryError.new, command_name) increment_read_fallback_count(command_name) end value end def write_both(command_name, *args, **kwargs, &block) begin send_command(primary_store, command_name, *args, **kwargs, &block) rescue StandardError => e log_error(e, command_name, multi_store_error_message: FAILED_TO_WRITE_ERROR_MESSAGE) end send_command(secondary_store, command_name, *args, **kwargs, &block) end # Run the entire pipeline on both stores. We assume that `&block` is idempotent. def pipelined_both(command_name, *args, **kwargs, &block) begin result_primary = send_command(primary_store, command_name, *args, **kwargs, &block) rescue StandardError => e log_error(e, command_name, multi_store_error_message: FAILED_TO_RUN_PIPELINE) end result_secondary = send_command(secondary_store, command_name, *args, **kwargs, &block) # Pipelined commands return an array with all results. If they differ, log an error if result_primary && result_primary != result_secondary error = PipelinedDiffError.new(result_primary, result_secondary) error.set_backtrace(Thread.current.backtrace[1..]) # Manually set backtrace, since the error is not `raise`d log_error(error, command_name) increment_pipelined_command_error_count(command_name) end result_secondary end def same_redis_store? strong_memoize(:same_redis_store) do # " primary_store.inspect == secondary_store.inspect end end # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend def send_command(redis_instance, command_name, *args, **kwargs, &block) if block # Make sure that block is wrapped and executed only on the redis instance that is executing the block redis_instance.send(command_name, *args, **kwargs) do |*params| with_instance(redis_instance, *params, &block) end else redis_instance.send(command_name, *args, **kwargs) end end # rubocop:enable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend def with_instance(instance, *params) @instance = instance yield(*params) ensure @instance = nil end def redis_store?(store) store.is_a?(::Redis) || store.is_a?(::Redis::Namespace) end def validate_stores! raise ArgumentError, 'primary_store is required' unless primary_store raise ArgumentError, 'secondary_store is required' unless secondary_store raise ArgumentError, 'instance_name is required' unless instance_name raise ArgumentError, 'invalid primary_store' unless redis_store?(primary_store) raise ArgumentError, 'invalid secondary_store' unless redis_store?(secondary_store) end end end end