# frozen_string_literal: true module Ci module BuildTraceChunks class Fog def self.available? object_store.enabled end def self.object_store Gitlab.config.artifacts.object_store end def available? self.class.available? end def data(model) files.get(key(model))&.body rescue Excon::Error::NotFound # If the object does not exist in the object storage, this method returns nil. end def set_data(model, new_data) files.create(create_attributes(model, new_data)) end # This is the sequence that causes append_data to be called: # # 1. Runner sends a PUT /api/v4/jobs/:id to indicate the job is canceled or finished. # 2. UpdateBuildStateService#accept_build_state! persists all live job logs to object storage (or filesystem). # 3. UpdateBuildStateService#accept_build_state! returns a 202 to the runner. # 4. The runner continues to send PATCH requests with job logs until all logs have been sent and received. # 5. If the last PATCH request arrives after the job log has been persisted, we # retrieve the data from object storage to append the remaining lines. def append_data(model, new_data, offset) if offset > 0 truncated_data = data(model).to_s.byteslice(0, offset) new_data = append_strings(truncated_data, new_data) end set_data(model, new_data) new_data.bytesize rescue Encoding::CompatibilityError => e Gitlab::ErrorTracking.track_and_raise_exception( e, build_id: model.build_id, chunk_index: model.chunk_index, chunk_start_offset: model.start_offset, chunk_end_offset: model.end_offset, chunk_size: model.size, chunk_data_store: model.data_store, offset: offset, old_data_encoding: truncated_data.encoding.to_s, new_data: new_data, new_data_size: new_data.bytesize, new_data_encoding: new_data.encoding.to_s) end def size(model) data(model).to_s.bytesize end def delete_data(model) delete_keys([[model.build_id, model.chunk_index]]) end def keys(relation) return [] unless available? relation.pluck(:build_id, :chunk_index) end def delete_keys(keys) keys.each do |key| files.destroy(key_raw(*key)) end end private def append_strings(old_data, new_data) # When object storage is in use, old_data may be retrieved in UTF-8. old_data = old_data.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) # new_data should already be in ASCII-8BIT, but just in case it isn't, do this. new_data = new_data.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) old_data + new_data end def key(model) key_raw(model.build_id, model.chunk_index) end def create_attributes(model, new_data) { key: key(model), body: new_data }.merge(object_store_config.fog_attributes) end def key_raw(build_id, chunk_index) "tmp/builds/#{build_id.to_i}/chunks/#{chunk_index.to_i}.log" end def bucket_name return unless available? object_store.remote_directory end def connection return unless available? @connection ||= ::Fog::Storage.new(object_store.connection.to_hash.deep_symbolize_keys) end def fog_directory @fog_directory ||= connection.directories.new(key: bucket_name) end def files @files ||= fog_directory.files end def object_store self.class.object_store end def object_store_raw_config object_store end def object_store_config @object_store_config ||= ::ObjectStorage::Config.new(object_store_raw_config) end end end end