import axios from 'axios'; import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import Cookies from 'js-cookie'; import { useMockLocationHelper } from 'helpers/mock_window_location_helper'; import testAction from 'helpers/vuex_action_helper'; import createFlash from '~/flash'; import { INTERACTIVE_RESOLVE_MODE, EDIT_RESOLVE_MODE } from '~/merge_conflicts/constants'; import * as actions from '~/merge_conflicts/store/actions'; import * as types from '~/merge_conflicts/store/mutation_types'; import { restoreFileLinesState, markLine, decorateFiles } from '~/merge_conflicts/utils'; jest.mock('~/flash.js'); jest.mock('~/merge_conflicts/utils'); jest.mock('js-cookie'); describe('merge conflicts actions', () => { let mock; const files = [ { blobPath: 'a', }, { blobPath: 'b' }, ]; beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); }); describe('fetchConflictsData', () => { const conflictsPath = 'conflicts/path/mock'; it('on success dispatches setConflictsData', () => { mock.onGet(conflictsPath).reply(200, {}); return testAction( actions.fetchConflictsData, conflictsPath, {}, [ { type: types.SET_LOADING_STATE, payload: true }, { type: types.SET_LOADING_STATE, payload: false }, ], [{ type: 'setConflictsData', payload: {} }], ); }); it('when data has type equal to error ', () => { mock.onGet(conflictsPath).reply(200, { type: 'error', message: 'error message' }); return testAction( actions.fetchConflictsData, conflictsPath, {}, [ { type: types.SET_LOADING_STATE, payload: true }, { type: types.SET_FAILED_REQUEST, payload: 'error message' }, { type: types.SET_LOADING_STATE, payload: false }, ], [], ); }); it('when request fails ', () => { mock.onGet(conflictsPath).reply(400); return testAction( actions.fetchConflictsData, conflictsPath, {}, [ { type: types.SET_LOADING_STATE, payload: true }, { type: types.SET_FAILED_REQUEST }, { type: types.SET_LOADING_STATE, payload: false }, ], [], ); }); }); describe('setConflictsData', () => { it('INTERACTIVE_RESOLVE_MODE updates the correct file ', () => { decorateFiles.mockReturnValue([{ bar: 'baz' }]); return testAction( actions.setConflictsData, { files, foo: 'bar' }, {}, [ { type: types.SET_CONFLICTS_DATA, payload: { foo: 'bar', files: [{ bar: 'baz' }] }, }, ], [], ); }); }); describe('submitResolvedConflicts', () => { useMockLocationHelper(); const resolveConflictsPath = 'resolve/conflicts/path/mock'; it('on success reloads the page', async () => { mock.onPost(resolveConflictsPath).reply(200, { redirect_to: 'hrefPath' }); await testAction( actions.submitResolvedConflicts, resolveConflictsPath, {}, [{ type: types.SET_SUBMIT_STATE, payload: true }], [], ); expect(window.location.assign).toHaveBeenCalledWith('hrefPath'); }); it('on errors shows flash', async () => { mock.onPost(resolveConflictsPath).reply(400); await testAction( actions.submitResolvedConflicts, resolveConflictsPath, {}, [ { type: types.SET_SUBMIT_STATE, payload: true }, { type: types.SET_SUBMIT_STATE, payload: false }, ], [], ); expect(createFlash).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: 'Failed to save merge conflicts resolutions. Please try again!', }); }); }); describe('setLoadingState', () => { it('commits the right mutation', () => { testAction( actions.setLoadingState, true, {}, [ { type: types.SET_LOADING_STATE, payload: true, }, ], [], ); }); }); describe('setErrorState', () => { it('commits the right mutation', () => { testAction( actions.setErrorState, true, {}, [ { type: types.SET_ERROR_STATE, payload: true, }, ], [], ); }); }); describe('setFailedRequest', () => { it('commits the right mutation', () => { testAction( actions.setFailedRequest, 'errors in the request', {}, [ { type: types.SET_FAILED_REQUEST, payload: 'errors in the request', }, ], [], ); }); }); describe('setViewType', () => { it('commits the right mutation', async () => { const payload = 'viewType'; await testAction( actions.setViewType, payload, {}, [ { type: types.SET_VIEW_TYPE, payload, }, ], [], ); expect(Cookies.set).toHaveBeenCalledWith('diff_view', payload, { expires: 365, secure: false, }); }); }); describe('setSubmitState', () => { it('commits the right mutation', () => { testAction( actions.setSubmitState, true, {}, [ { type: types.SET_SUBMIT_STATE, payload: true, }, ], [], ); }); }); describe('updateCommitMessage', () => { it('commits the right mutation', () => { testAction( actions.updateCommitMessage, 'some message', {}, [ { type: types.UPDATE_CONFLICTS_DATA, payload: { commitMessage: 'some message' }, }, ], [], ); }); }); describe('setFileResolveMode', () => { it('INTERACTIVE_RESOLVE_MODE updates the correct file ', () => { return testAction( actions.setFileResolveMode, { file: files[0], mode: INTERACTIVE_RESOLVE_MODE }, { conflictsData: { files }, getFileIndex: () => 0 }, [ { type: types.UPDATE_FILE, payload: { file: { ...files[0], showEditor: false, resolveMode: INTERACTIVE_RESOLVE_MODE }, index: 0, }, }, ], [], ); }); it('EDIT_RESOLVE_MODE updates the correct file ', async () => { restoreFileLinesState.mockReturnValue([]); const file = { ...files[0], showEditor: true, loadEditor: true, resolutionData: {}, resolveMode: EDIT_RESOLVE_MODE, }; await testAction( actions.setFileResolveMode, { file: files[0], mode: EDIT_RESOLVE_MODE }, { conflictsData: { files }, getFileIndex: () => 0 }, [ { type: types.UPDATE_FILE, payload: { file, index: 0, }, }, ], [], ); expect(restoreFileLinesState).toHaveBeenCalledWith(file); }); }); describe('setPromptConfirmationState', () => { it('updates the correct file ', () => { return testAction( actions.setPromptConfirmationState, { file: files[0], promptDiscardConfirmation: true }, { conflictsData: { files }, getFileIndex: () => 0 }, [ { type: types.UPDATE_FILE, payload: { file: { ...files[0], promptDiscardConfirmation: true }, index: 0, }, }, ], [], ); }); }); describe('handleSelected', () => { const file = { ...files[0], inlineLines: [{ id: 1, hasConflict: true }, { id: 2 }], parallelLines: [ [{ id: 1, hasConflict: true }, { id: 1 }], [{ id: 2 }, { id: 3 }], ], }; it('updates the correct file ', async () => { const marLikeMockReturn = { foo: 'bar' }; markLine.mockReturnValue(marLikeMockReturn); await testAction( actions.handleSelected, { file, line: { id: 1, section: 'baz' } }, { conflictsData: { files }, getFileIndex: () => 0 }, [ { type: types.UPDATE_FILE, payload: { file: { ...file, resolutionData: { 1: 'baz' }, inlineLines: [marLikeMockReturn, { id: 2 }], parallelLines: [ [marLikeMockReturn, marLikeMockReturn], [{ id: 2 }, { id: 3 }], ], }, index: 0, }, }, ], [], ); expect(markLine).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3); }); }); });