# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Ci class Config module Entry ## # Entry that represents a concrete CI/CD job. # class Job < ::Gitlab::Config::Entry::Node include ::Gitlab::Ci::Config::Entry::Processable ALLOWED_WHEN = %w[on_success on_failure always manual delayed].freeze ALLOWED_KEYS = %i[tags script type image services start_in artifacts cache dependencies before_script after_script environment coverage retry parallel interruptible timeout release].freeze validations do validates :config, allowed_keys: Gitlab::Ci::Config::Entry::Job.allowed_keys + PROCESSABLE_ALLOWED_KEYS validates :script, presence: true with_options allow_nil: true do validates :when, inclusion: { in: ALLOWED_WHEN, message: "should be one of: #{ALLOWED_WHEN.join(', ')}" } validates :dependencies, array_of_strings: true validates :allow_failure, hash_or_boolean: true end validates :start_in, duration: { limit: '1 week' }, if: :delayed? validates :start_in, absence: true, if: -> { has_rules? || !delayed? } validate on: :composed do next unless dependencies.present? next unless needs_value.present? if needs_value[:job].nil? && needs_value[:cross_dependency].present? errors.add(:needs, "corresponding to dependencies must be from the same pipeline") else missing_needs = dependencies - needs_value[:job].pluck(:name) # rubocop:disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord (Array#pluck) errors.add(:dependencies, "the #{missing_needs.join(", ")} should be part of needs") if missing_needs.any? end end end entry :before_script, Entry::Commands, description: 'Global before script overridden in this job.', inherit: true entry :script, Entry::Commands, description: 'Commands that will be executed in this job.', inherit: false entry :type, Entry::Stage, description: 'Deprecated: stage this job will be executed into.', inherit: false, deprecation: { deprecated: '9.0', warning: '14.8', removed: '15.0' } entry :after_script, Entry::Commands, description: 'Commands that will be executed when finishing job.', inherit: true entry :cache, Entry::Caches, description: 'Cache definition for this job.', inherit: true entry :image, Entry::Image, description: 'Image that will be used to execute this job.', inherit: true entry :services, Entry::Services, description: 'Services that will be used to execute this job.', inherit: true entry :interruptible, ::Gitlab::Config::Entry::Boolean, description: 'Set jobs interruptible value.', inherit: true entry :timeout, Entry::Timeout, description: 'Timeout duration of this job.', inherit: true entry :retry, Entry::Retry, description: 'Retry configuration for this job.', inherit: true entry :tags, Entry::Tags, description: 'Set the tags.', inherit: true entry :artifacts, Entry::Artifacts, description: 'Artifacts configuration for this job.', inherit: true entry :needs, Entry::Needs, description: 'Needs configuration for this job.', metadata: { allowed_needs: %i[job cross_dependency] }, inherit: false entry :environment, Entry::Environment, description: 'Environment configuration for this job.', inherit: false entry :coverage, Entry::Coverage, description: 'Coverage configuration for this job.', inherit: false entry :release, Entry::Release, description: 'This job will produce a release.', inherit: false entry :parallel, Entry::Product::Parallel, description: 'Parallel configuration for this job.', inherit: false entry :allow_failure, ::Gitlab::Ci::Config::Entry::AllowFailure, description: 'Indicates whether this job is allowed to fail or not.', inherit: false attributes :script, :tags, :when, :dependencies, :needs, :retry, :parallel, :start_in, :interruptible, :timeout, :release, :allow_failure def self.matching?(name, config) !name.to_s.start_with?('.') && config.is_a?(Hash) && config.key?(:script) end def self.visible? true end def compose!(deps = nil) super do # The type keyword will be removed in 15.0: # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/346823 if type_defined? && !stage_defined? @entries[:stage] = @entries[:type] log_and_warn_deprecated_entry(@entries[:type]) end @entries.delete(:type) end end def delayed? self.when == 'delayed' end def value super.merge( before_script: before_script_value, script: script_value, image: image_value, services: services_value, cache: cache_value, tags: tags_value, when: self.when, start_in: self.start_in, dependencies: dependencies, environment: environment_defined? ? environment_value : nil, environment_name: environment_defined? ? environment_value[:name] : nil, coverage: coverage_defined? ? coverage_value : nil, retry: retry_defined? ? retry_value : nil, parallel: has_parallel? ? parallel_value : nil, interruptible: interruptible_defined? ? interruptible_value : nil, timeout: has_timeout? ? ChronicDuration.parse(timeout.to_s) : nil, artifacts: artifacts_value, release: release_value, after_script: after_script_value, ignore: ignored?, allow_failure_criteria: allow_failure_criteria, needs: needs_defined? ? needs_value : nil, scheduling_type: needs_defined? ? :dag : :stage ).compact end def ignored? allow_failure_defined? ? static_allow_failure : manual_action? end def self.allowed_keys ALLOWED_KEYS end private def allow_failure_criteria if allow_failure_defined? && allow_failure_value.is_a?(Hash) allow_failure_value end end def static_allow_failure return false if allow_failure_value.is_a?(Hash) allow_failure_value end end end end end end ::Gitlab::Ci::Config::Entry::Job.prepend_mod_with('Gitlab::Ci::Config::Entry::Job')