%fieldset %legend = s_('AdminUsers|Access') .form-group.row .col-sm-2.col-form-label = f.label :projects_limit .col-sm-10 = f.number_field :projects_limit, min: 0, max: Gitlab::Database::MAX_INT_VALUE, class: 'form-control gl-form-input' .form-group.row .col-sm-2.col-form-label.gl-pt-0 = f.label :can_create_group .col-sm-10 = f.gitlab_ui_checkbox_component :can_create_group, '' .form-group.row .col-sm-2.col-form-label.gl-pt-0 = f.label :access_level .col-sm-10 - editing_current_user = (current_user == @user) = f.gitlab_ui_radio_component :access_level, :regular, s_('AdminUsers|Regular'), radio_options: { disabled: editing_current_user }, help_text: s_('AdminUsers|Regular users have access to their groups and projects.') = render_if_exists 'admin/users/auditor_access_level_radio', f: f, disabled: editing_current_user - help_text = s_('AdminUsers|The user has unlimited access to all groups, projects, users, and features.') - help_text += ' ' + s_('AdminUsers|You cannot remove your own administrator access.') if editing_current_user = f.gitlab_ui_radio_component :access_level, :admin, s_('AdminUsers|Administrator'), radio_options: { disabled: editing_current_user }, help_text: help_text .form-group.row .col-sm-2.col-form-label.gl-pt-0 = f.label :external .hidden{ data: user_internal_regex_data } .col-sm-10.gl-display-flex.gl-align-items-baseline = f.gitlab_ui_checkbox_component :external, s_('AdminUsers|External users cannot see internal or private projects unless access is explicitly granted. Also, external users cannot create projects, groups, or personal snippets.') %row.hidden#warning_external_automatically_set = gl_badge_tag s_('AdminUsers|Automatically marked as default internal user'), variant: :warning .form-group.row - @user.credit_card_validation || @user.build_credit_card_validation = f.fields_for :credit_card_validation do |ff| .col-sm-2.col-form-label.gl-pt-0 = ff.label s_('AdminUsers|Validate user account') .col-sm-10.gl-display-flex.gl-align-items-baseline = ff.gitlab_ui_checkbox_component :credit_card_validated_at, s_('AdminUsers|User is validated and can use free CI minutes on shared runners.'), help_text: s_('AdminUsers|A user can validate themselves by inputting a credit/debit card, or an admin can manually validate a user.'), checkbox_options: { checked: @user.credit_card_validated_at.present? }