# frozen_string_literal: true module Diffs class StatsComponent < BaseComponent attr_reader :diff_files def initialize(diff_files:) @diff_files = diff_files @changed ||= diff_files.size @added ||= diff_files.sum(&:added_lines) @removed ||= diff_files.sum(&:removed_lines) end def diff_files_data diffs_map = @diff_files.map do |f| { href: "##{helpers.hexdigest(f.file_path)}", title: f.new_path, name: f.file_path, path: diff_file_path_text(f), icon: diff_file_changed_icon(f), iconColor: "#{diff_file_changed_icon_color(f)}", added: f.added_lines, removed: f.removed_lines } end Gitlab::Json.dump(diffs_map) end # Disabled undercoverage reports for this method # as it returns a false positive on the last line, # which is covered in the tests # # Issue: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/357381 # # :nocov: def diff_file_path_text(diff_file, max: 60) path = diff_file.new_path return path unless path.size > max && max > 3 "...#{path[-(max - 3)..]}" end # :nocov: private def diff_file_changed_icon(diff_file) if diff_file.deleted_file? "file-deletion" elsif diff_file.new_file? "file-addition" else "file-modified" end end def diff_file_changed_icon_color(diff_file) if diff_file.deleted_file? "danger" elsif diff_file.new_file? "success" end end end end