import $ from 'jquery'; import Mousetrap from 'mousetrap'; import { clickCopyToClipboardButton } from '~/behaviors/copy_to_clipboard'; import { getSelectedFragment } from '~/lib/utils/common_utils'; import { isElementVisible } from '~/lib/utils/dom_utils'; import { DEBOUNCE_DROPDOWN_DELAY } from '~/vue_shared/components/sidebar/labels_select_widget/constants'; import Sidebar from '~/right_sidebar'; import { CopyAsGFM } from '../markdown/copy_as_gfm'; import { keysFor, ISSUE_MR_CHANGE_ASSIGNEE, ISSUE_MR_CHANGE_MILESTONE, ISSUABLE_CHANGE_LABEL, ISSUABLE_COMMENT_OR_REPLY, ISSUABLE_EDIT_DESCRIPTION, MR_COPY_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME, } from './keybindings'; import Shortcuts from './shortcuts'; export default class ShortcutsIssuable extends Shortcuts { constructor() { super(); Mousetrap.bind(keysFor(ISSUE_MR_CHANGE_ASSIGNEE), () => ShortcutsIssuable.openSidebarDropdown('assignee'), ); Mousetrap.bind(keysFor(ISSUE_MR_CHANGE_MILESTONE), () => ShortcutsIssuable.openSidebarDropdown('milestone'), ); Mousetrap.bind(keysFor(ISSUABLE_CHANGE_LABEL), () => ShortcutsIssuable.openSidebarDropdown('labels'), ); Mousetrap.bind(keysFor(ISSUABLE_COMMENT_OR_REPLY), ShortcutsIssuable.replyWithSelectedText); Mousetrap.bind(keysFor(ISSUABLE_EDIT_DESCRIPTION), ShortcutsIssuable.editIssue); Mousetrap.bind(keysFor(MR_COPY_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME), ShortcutsIssuable.copyBranchName); /** * We're attaching a global focus event listener on document for * every markdown input field. */ $(document).on( 'focus', '.js-vue-markdown-field .js-gfm-input', ShortcutsIssuable.handleMarkdownFieldFocus, ); } /** * This event handler preserves last focused markdown input field. * @param {Object} event */ static handleMarkdownFieldFocus({ currentTarget }) { ShortcutsIssuable.$lastFocusedReplyField = $(currentTarget); } static replyWithSelectedText() { let $replyField = $('.js-main-target-form .js-vue-comment-form'); // Ensure that markdown input is still present in the DOM // otherwise fall back to main comment input field. if ( ShortcutsIssuable.$lastFocusedReplyField && isElementVisible(ShortcutsIssuable.$lastFocusedReplyField?.get(0)) ) { $replyField = ShortcutsIssuable.$lastFocusedReplyField; } if (!$replyField.length || $':hidden') /* Other tab selected in MR */) { return false; } const documentFragment = getSelectedFragment(document.querySelector('#content-body')); if (!documentFragment) { $replyField.focus(); return false; } // Sanity check: Make sure the selected text comes from a discussion : it can either contain a message... let foundMessage = Boolean(documentFragment.querySelector('.md')); // ... Or come from a message if (!foundMessage) { if (documentFragment.originalNodes) { documentFragment.originalNodes.forEach((e) => { let node = e; do { // Text nodes don't define the `matches` method if (node.matches && node.matches('.md')) { foundMessage = true; } node = node.parentNode; } while (node && !foundMessage); }); } // If there is no message, just select the reply field if (!foundMessage) { $replyField.focus(); return false; } } const el = CopyAsGFM.transformGFMSelection(documentFragment.cloneNode(true)); const blockquoteEl = document.createElement('blockquote'); blockquoteEl.appendChild(el); CopyAsGFM.nodeToGFM(blockquoteEl) .then((text) => { if (text.trim() === '') { return false; } // If replyField already has some content, add a newline before our quote const separator = ($replyField.val().trim() !== '' && '\n\n') || ''; $replyField .val((a, current) => `${current}${separator}${text}\n\n`) .trigger('input') .trigger('change'); // Trigger autosize const event = document.createEvent('Event'); event.initEvent('autosize:update', true, false); $replyField.get(0).dispatchEvent(event); // Focus the input field $replyField.focus(); return false; }) .catch(() => {}); return false; } static editIssue() { // Need to click the element as on issues, editing is inline // on merge request, editing is on a different page document.querySelector('.js-issuable-edit').click(); return false; } static openSidebarDropdown(name) { Sidebar.instance.openDropdown(name); // Wait for the sidebar to trigger('click') open // so it doesn't cause our dropdown to close preemptively setTimeout(() => { const editBtn = document.querySelector(`.block.${name} .shortcut-sidebar-dropdown-toggle`) || document.querySelector(`.block.${name} .edit-link`);; }, DEBOUNCE_DROPDOWN_DELAY); return false; } static copyBranchName() { // There are two buttons - one that is shown when the sidebar // is expanded, and one that is shown when it's collapsed. const allCopyBtns = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.js-sidebar-source-branch button')); // Select whichever button is currently visible so that // the "Copied" tooltip is shown when a click is simulated. const visibleBtn = allCopyBtns.find(isElementVisible); if (visibleBtn) { clickCopyToClipboardButton(visibleBtn); } } }