import $ from 'jquery'; import Vue from 'vue'; import GlModal from '~/vue_shared/components/gl_modal.vue'; import mountComponent from 'spec/helpers/vue_mount_component_helper'; const modalComponent = Vue.extend(GlModal); describe('GlModal', () => { let vm; afterEach(() => { vm.$destroy(); }); describe('props', () => { describe('with id', () => { const props = { id: 'my-modal', }; beforeEach(() => { vm = mountComponent(modalComponent, props); }); it('assigns the id to the modal', () => { expect(vm.$; }); }); describe('without id', () => { beforeEach(() => { vm = mountComponent(modalComponent, {}); }); it('does not add an id attribute to the modal', () => { expect(vm.$el.hasAttribute('id')).toBe(false); }); }); describe('with headerTitleText', () => { const props = { headerTitleText: 'my title text', }; beforeEach(() => { vm = mountComponent(modalComponent, props); }); it('sets the modal title', () => { const modalTitle = vm.$el.querySelector('.modal-title'); expect(modalTitle.innerHTML.trim()).toBe(props.headerTitleText); }); }); describe('with footerPrimaryButtonVariant', () => { const props = { footerPrimaryButtonVariant: 'danger', }; beforeEach(() => { vm = mountComponent(modalComponent, props); }); it('sets the primary button class', () => { const primaryButton = vm.$el.querySelector('.modal-footer button:last-of-type'); expect(primaryButton).toHaveClass(`btn-${props.footerPrimaryButtonVariant}`); }); }); describe('with footerPrimaryButtonText', () => { const props = { footerPrimaryButtonText: 'my button text', }; beforeEach(() => { vm = mountComponent(modalComponent, props); }); it('sets the primary button text', () => { const primaryButton = vm.$el.querySelector('.modal-footer button:last-of-type'); expect(primaryButton.innerHTML.trim()).toBe(props.footerPrimaryButtonText); }); }); }); it('works with data-toggle="modal"', done => { setFixtures(`
`); const modalContainer = document.getElementById('modal-container'); const modalButton = document.getElementById('modal-button'); vm = mountComponent( modalComponent, { id: 'my-modal', }, modalContainer, ); $(vm.$el).on('', () => done());; }); describe('methods', () => { const dummyEvent = 'not really an event'; beforeEach(() => { vm = mountComponent(modalComponent, {}); spyOn(vm, '$emit'); }); describe('emitCancel', () => { it('emits a cancel event', () => { vm.emitCancel(dummyEvent); expect(vm.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('cancel', dummyEvent); }); }); describe('emitSubmit', () => { it('emits a submit event', () => { vm.emitSubmit(dummyEvent); expect(vm.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('submit', dummyEvent); }); }); describe('opened', () => { it('emits a open event', () => { vm.opened(); expect(vm.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('open'); }); }); describe('closed', () => { it('emits a closed event', () => { vm.closed(); expect(vm.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('closed'); }); }); }); describe('slots', () => { const slotContent = 'this should go into the slot'; const modalWithSlot = slotName => { let template; if (slotName) { template = `