import { decorateEvents, decorateData, transformStagesForPathNavigation, timeSummaryForPathNavigation, medianTimeToParsedSeconds, formatMedianValues, filterStagesByHiddenStatus, } from '~/cycle_analytics/utils'; import { selectedStage, rawData, convertedData, rawEvents, allowedStages, stageMedians, pathNavIssueMetric, rawStageMedians, } from './mock_data'; describe('Value stream analytics utils', () => { describe('decorateEvents', () => { const [result] = decorateEvents(rawEvents, selectedStage); const eventKeys = Object.keys(result); const authorKeys = Object.keys(; it('will return the same number of events', () => { expect(decorateEvents(rawEvents, selectedStage).length).toBe(rawEvents.length); }); it('will set all the required event fields', () => { ['totalTime', 'author', 'createdAt', 'shortSha', 'commitUrl'].forEach((key) => { expect(eventKeys).toContain(key); }); ['webUrl', 'avatarUrl'].forEach((key) => { expect(authorKeys).toContain(key); }); }); it('will remove unused fields', () => { ['total_time', 'created_at', 'short_sha', 'commit_url'].forEach((key) => { expect(eventKeys).not.toContain(key); }); ['web_url', 'avatar_url'].forEach((key) => { expect(authorKeys).not.toContain(key); }); }); }); describe('decorateData', () => { const result = decorateData(rawData); it('returns the summary data', () => { expect(result.summary).toEqual(convertedData.summary); }); it('returns `-` for summary data that has no value', () => { const singleSummaryResult = decorateData({ stats: [], permissions: { issue: true }, summary: [{ value: null, title: 'Commits' }], }); expect(singleSummaryResult.summary).toEqual([{ value: '-', title: 'Commits' }]); }); }); describe('transformStagesForPathNavigation', () => { const stages = allowedStages; const response = transformStagesForPathNavigation({ stages, medians: stageMedians, selectedStage, }); describe('transforms the data as expected', () => { it('returns an array of stages', () => { expect(Array.isArray(response)).toBe(true); expect(response.length).toBe(stages.length); }); it('selects the correct stage', () => { const selected = response.filter((stage) => stage.selected === true)[0]; expect(selected.title).toBe(selectedStage.title); }); it('includes the correct metric for the associated stage', () => { const issue = response.filter((stage) => === 'issue')[0]; expect(issue.metric).toBe(pathNavIssueMetric); }); }); }); describe('timeSummaryForPathNavigation', () => { it.each` unit | value | result ${'months'} | ${1.5} | ${'1.5M'} ${'weeks'} | ${1.25} | ${'1.5w'} ${'days'} | ${2} | ${'2d'} ${'hours'} | ${10} | ${'10h'} ${'minutes'} | ${20} | ${'20m'} ${'seconds'} | ${10} | ${'<1m'} ${'seconds'} | ${0} | ${'-'} `('will format $value $unit to $result', ({ unit, value, result }) => { expect(timeSummaryForPathNavigation({ [unit]: value })).toBe(result); }); }); describe('medianTimeToParsedSeconds', () => { it.each` value | result ${1036800} | ${'1w'} ${259200} | ${'3d'} ${172800} | ${'2d'} ${86400} | ${'1d'} ${1000} | ${'16m'} ${61} | ${'1m'} ${59} | ${'<1m'} ${0} | ${'-'} `('will correctly parse $value seconds into $result', ({ value, result }) => { expect(medianTimeToParsedSeconds(value)).toBe(result); }); }); describe('formatMedianValues', () => { const calculatedMedians = formatMedianValues(rawStageMedians); it('returns an object with each stage and their median formatted for display', () => { rawStageMedians.forEach(({ id, value }) => { expect(calculatedMedians).toMatchObject({ [id]: medianTimeToParsedSeconds(value) }); }); }); }); describe('filterStagesByHiddenStatus', () => { const hiddenStages = [{ title: 'three', hidden: true }]; const visibleStages = [ { title: 'one', hidden: false }, { title: 'two', hidden: false }, ]; const mockStages = [...visibleStages, ...hiddenStages]; it.each` isHidden | result ${false} | ${visibleStages} ${undefined} | ${hiddenStages} ${true} | ${hiddenStages} `('with isHidden=$isHidden returns matching stages', ({ isHidden, result }) => { expect(filterStagesByHiddenStatus(mockStages, isHidden)).toEqual(result); }); }); });