# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Database # This class provides a way to automatically execute code that relies on acquiring a database lock in a way # designed to minimize impact on a busy production database. # # A default timing configuration is provided that makes repeated attempts to acquire the necessary lock, with # varying lock_timeout settings, and also serves to limit the maximum number of attempts. class WithLockRetries AttemptsExhaustedError = Class.new(StandardError) NULL_LOGGER = Gitlab::JsonLogger.new('/dev/null') # Each element of the array represents a retry iteration. # - DEFAULT_TIMING_CONFIGURATION.size provides the iteration count. # - First element: DB lock_timeout # - Second element: Sleep time after unsuccessful lock attempt (LockWaitTimeout error raised) # - Worst case, this configuration would retry for about 40 minutes. DEFAULT_TIMING_CONFIGURATION = [ [0.1.seconds, 0.05.seconds], # short timings, lock_timeout: 100ms, sleep after LockWaitTimeout: 50ms [0.1.seconds, 0.05.seconds], [0.2.seconds, 0.05.seconds], [0.3.seconds, 0.10.seconds], [0.4.seconds, 0.15.seconds], [0.5.seconds, 2.seconds], [0.5.seconds, 2.seconds], [0.5.seconds, 2.seconds], [0.5.seconds, 2.seconds], [1.second, 5.seconds], # probably high traffic, increase timings [1.second, 1.minute], [0.1.seconds, 0.05.seconds], [0.1.seconds, 0.05.seconds], [0.2.seconds, 0.05.seconds], [0.3.seconds, 0.10.seconds], [0.4.seconds, 0.15.seconds], [0.5.seconds, 2.seconds], [0.5.seconds, 2.seconds], [0.5.seconds, 2.seconds], [3.seconds, 3.minutes], # probably high traffic or long locks, increase timings [0.1.seconds, 0.05.seconds], [0.1.seconds, 0.05.seconds], [0.5.seconds, 2.seconds], [0.5.seconds, 2.seconds], [5.seconds, 2.minutes], [0.5.seconds, 0.5.seconds], [0.5.seconds, 0.5.seconds], [7.seconds, 5.minutes], [0.5.seconds, 0.5.seconds], [0.5.seconds, 0.5.seconds], [7.seconds, 5.minutes], [0.5.seconds, 0.5.seconds], [0.5.seconds, 0.5.seconds], [7.seconds, 5.minutes], [0.1.seconds, 0.05.seconds], [0.1.seconds, 0.05.seconds], [0.5.seconds, 2.seconds], [10.seconds, 10.minutes], [0.1.seconds, 0.05.seconds], [0.5.seconds, 2.seconds], [10.seconds, 10.minutes] ].freeze def initialize(logger: NULL_LOGGER, timing_configuration: DEFAULT_TIMING_CONFIGURATION, klass: nil, env: ENV) @logger = logger @klass = klass @timing_configuration = timing_configuration @env = env @current_iteration = 1 @log_params = { method: 'with_lock_retries', class: klass.to_s } end # Executes a block of code, retrying it whenever a database lock can't be acquired in time # # When a database lock can't be acquired, ActiveRecord throws ActiveRecord::LockWaitTimeout # exception which we intercept to re-execute the block of code, until it finishes or we reach the # max attempt limit. The default behavior when max attempts have been reached is to make a final attempt with the # lock_timeout disabled, but this can be altered with the raise_on_exhaustion parameter. # # @see DEFAULT_TIMING_CONFIGURATION for the timings used when attempting a retry # @param [Boolean] raise_on_exhaustion whether to raise `AttemptsExhaustedError` when exhausting max attempts # @param [Proc] block of code that will be executed def run(raise_on_exhaustion: false, &block) raise 'no block given' unless block_given? @block = block if lock_retries_disabled? log(message: 'DISABLE_LOCK_RETRIES environment variable is true, executing the block without retry') return run_block end begin run_block_with_lock_timeout rescue ActiveRecord::LockWaitTimeout if retry_with_lock_timeout? disable_idle_in_transaction_timeout if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.transaction_open? wait_until_next_retry reset_db_settings retry else reset_db_settings raise AttemptsExhaustedError, 'configured attempts to obtain locks are exhausted' if raise_on_exhaustion run_block_without_lock_timeout end ensure reset_db_settings end end private attr_reader :logger, :env, :block, :current_iteration, :log_params, :timing_configuration def run_block block.call end def run_block_with_lock_timeout ActiveRecord::Base.transaction(requires_new: true) do execute("SET LOCAL lock_timeout TO '#{current_lock_timeout_in_ms}ms'") log(message: 'Lock timeout is set', current_iteration: current_iteration, lock_timeout_in_ms: current_lock_timeout_in_ms) run_block log(message: 'Migration finished', current_iteration: current_iteration, lock_timeout_in_ms: current_lock_timeout_in_ms) end end def retry_with_lock_timeout? current_iteration != retry_count end def wait_until_next_retry log(message: 'ActiveRecord::LockWaitTimeout error, retrying after sleep', current_iteration: current_iteration, sleep_time_in_seconds: current_sleep_time_in_seconds) sleep(current_sleep_time_in_seconds) @current_iteration += 1 end def run_block_without_lock_timeout log(message: "Couldn't acquire lock to perform the migration", current_iteration: current_iteration) log(message: "Executing the migration without lock timeout", current_iteration: current_iteration) disable_lock_timeout if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.transaction_open? run_block log(message: 'Migration finished', current_iteration: current_iteration) end def lock_retries_disabled? Gitlab::Utils.to_boolean(env['DISABLE_LOCK_RETRIES']) end def log(params) logger.info(log_params.merge(params)) end def execute(statement) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(statement) end def retry_count timing_configuration.size end def current_lock_timeout_in_ms Integer(timing_configuration[current_iteration - 1][0].in_milliseconds) end def current_sleep_time_in_seconds timing_configuration[current_iteration - 1][1].to_f end def disable_idle_in_transaction_timeout execute("SET LOCAL idle_in_transaction_session_timeout TO '0'") end def disable_lock_timeout execute("SET LOCAL lock_timeout TO '0'") end def reset_db_settings execute('RESET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout; RESET lock_timeout') end end end end