import Api from '~/api'; import { addNumericSuffix } from '~/ide/utils'; import { leftSidebarViews, packageJsonPath, DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS, PERMISSION_READ_MR, PERMISSION_CREATE_MR, PERMISSION_PUSH_CODE, PUSH_RULE_REJECT_UNSIGNED_COMMITS, } from '../constants'; import { MSG_CANNOT_PUSH_CODE, MSG_CANNOT_PUSH_CODE_SHOULD_FORK, MSG_CANNOT_PUSH_CODE_GO_TO_FORK, MSG_CANNOT_PUSH_UNSIGNED, MSG_CANNOT_PUSH_UNSIGNED_SHORT, MSG_FORK, MSG_GO_TO_FORK, } from '../messages'; import { getChangesCountForFiles, filePathMatches } from './utils'; const getCannotPushCodeViewModel = (state) => { const { ide_path: idePath, fork_path: forkPath } = state.links.forkInfo || {}; if (idePath) { return { message: MSG_CANNOT_PUSH_CODE_GO_TO_FORK, action: { href: idePath, text: MSG_GO_TO_FORK, }, }; } else if (forkPath) { return { message: MSG_CANNOT_PUSH_CODE_SHOULD_FORK, action: { href: forkPath, isForm: true, text: MSG_FORK, }, }; } return { message: MSG_CANNOT_PUSH_CODE, }; }; export const activeFile = (state) => state.openFiles.find((file) => || null; export const addedFiles = (state) => state.changedFiles.filter((f) => f.tempFile); export const modifiedFiles = (state) => state.changedFiles.filter((f) => !f.tempFile); export const projectsWithTrees = (state) => Object.keys(state.projects).map((projectId) => { const project = state.projects[projectId]; return { ...project, branches: Object.keys(project.branches).map((branchId) => { const branch = project.branches[branchId]; return { ...branch, tree: state.trees[branch.treeId], }; }), }; }); export const currentMergeRequest = (state) => { if ( state.projects[state.currentProjectId] && state.projects[state.currentProjectId].mergeRequests ) { return state.projects[state.currentProjectId].mergeRequests[state.currentMergeRequestId]; } return null; }; export const findProject = (state) => (projectId) => state.projects[projectId]; export const currentProject = (state, getters) => getters.findProject(state.currentProjectId); export const emptyRepo = (state) => state.projects[state.currentProjectId] && state.projects[state.currentProjectId].empty_repo; export const currentTree = (state) => state.trees[`${state.currentProjectId}/${state.currentBranchId}`]; export const hasMergeRequest = (state) => Boolean(state.currentMergeRequestId); export const allBlobs = (state) => Object.keys(state.entries) .reduce((acc, key) => { const entry = state.entries[key]; if (entry.type === 'blob') { acc.push(entry); } return acc; }, []) .sort((a, b) => b.lastOpenedAt - a.lastOpenedAt); export const getChangedFile = (state) => (path) => state.changedFiles.find((f) => f.path === path); export const getStagedFile = (state) => (path) => state.stagedFiles.find((f) => f.path === path); export const getOpenFile = (state) => (path) => state.openFiles.find((f) => f.path === path); export const lastOpenedFile = (state) => [...state.changedFiles, ...state.stagedFiles].sort((a, b) => b.lastOpenedAt - a.lastOpenedAt)[0]; export const isEditModeActive = (state) => state.currentActivityView ===; export const isCommitModeActive = (state) => state.currentActivityView ===; export const isReviewModeActive = (state) => state.currentActivityView ===; export const someUncommittedChanges = (state) => Boolean(state.changedFiles.length || state.stagedFiles.length); export const getChangesInFolder = (state) => (path) => { const changedFilesCount = state.changedFiles.filter((f) => filePathMatches(f.path, path)).length; const stagedFilesCount = state.stagedFiles.filter( (f) => filePathMatches(f.path, path) && !getChangedFile(state)(f.path), ).length; return changedFilesCount + stagedFilesCount; }; export const getUnstagedFilesCountForPath = (state) => (path) => getChangesCountForFiles(state.changedFiles, path); export const getStagedFilesCountForPath = (state) => (path) => getChangesCountForFiles(state.stagedFiles, path); export const lastCommit = (state, getters) => { const branch = getters.currentProject && getters.currentBranch; return branch ? branch.commit : null; }; export const findBranch = (state, getters) => (projectId, branchId) => { const project = getters.findProject(projectId); return project && project.branches[branchId]; }; export const currentBranch = (state, getters) => getters.findBranch(state.currentProjectId, state.currentBranchId); export const branchName = (_state, getters) => getters.currentBranch &&; export const packageJson = (state) => state.entries[packageJsonPath]; export const isOnDefaultBranch = (_state, getters) => getters.currentProject && getters.currentProject.default_branch === getters.branchName; export const canPushToBranch = (_state, getters) => { return Boolean(getters.currentBranch ? getters.currentBranch.can_push : getters.canPushCode); }; export const isFileDeletedAndReadded = (state, getters) => (path) => { const stagedFile = getters.getStagedFile(path); const file = state.entries[path]; return Boolean(stagedFile && stagedFile.deleted && file.tempFile); }; // checks if any diff exists in the staged or unstaged changes for this path export const getDiffInfo = (state, getters) => (path) => { const stagedFile = getters.getStagedFile(path); const file = state.entries[path]; const renamed = file.prevPath ? file.path !== file.prevPath : false; const deletedAndReadded = getters.isFileDeletedAndReadded(path); const deleted = deletedAndReadded ? false : file.deleted; const tempFile = deletedAndReadded ? false : file.tempFile; const changed = file.content !== (deletedAndReadded ? stagedFile.raw : file.raw); return { exists: changed || renamed || deleted || tempFile, changed, renamed, deleted, tempFile, }; }; export const findProjectPermissions = (state, getters) => (projectId) => getters.findProject(projectId)?.userPermissions || DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS; export const findPushRules = (state, getters) => (projectId) => getters.findProject(projectId)?.pushRules || {}; export const canReadMergeRequests = (state, getters) => Boolean(getters.findProjectPermissions(state.currentProjectId)[PERMISSION_READ_MR]); export const canCreateMergeRequests = (state, getters) => Boolean(getters.findProjectPermissions(state.currentProjectId)[PERMISSION_CREATE_MR]); /** * Returns an object with `isAllowed` and `message` based on why the user cant push code */ export const canPushCodeStatus = (state, getters) => { const canPushCode = getters.findProjectPermissions(state.currentProjectId)[PERMISSION_PUSH_CODE]; const rejectUnsignedCommits = getters.findPushRules(state.currentProjectId)[ PUSH_RULE_REJECT_UNSIGNED_COMMITS ]; if (window.gon?.features?.rejectUnsignedCommitsByGitlab && rejectUnsignedCommits) { return { isAllowed: false, message: MSG_CANNOT_PUSH_UNSIGNED, messageShort: MSG_CANNOT_PUSH_UNSIGNED_SHORT, }; } if (!canPushCode) { return { isAllowed: false, messageShort: MSG_CANNOT_PUSH_CODE, ...getCannotPushCodeViewModel(state), }; } return { isAllowed: true, message: '', messageShort: '', }; }; export const canPushCode = (state, getters) => getters.canPushCodeStatus.isAllowed; export const entryExists = (state) => (path) => Boolean(state.entries[path] && !state.entries[path].deleted); export const getAvailableFileName = (state, getters) => (path) => { let newPath = path; while (getters.entryExists(newPath)) { newPath = addNumericSuffix(newPath); } return newPath; }; export const getUrlForPath = (state) => (path) => `/project/${state.currentProjectId}/tree/${state.currentBranchId}/-/${path}/`; export const getJsonSchemaForPath = (state, getters) => (path) => { const [namespace, ...project] = state.currentProjectId.split('/'); return { uri: // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals location.origin + Api.buildUrl(Api.projectFileSchemaPath) .replace(':namespace_path', namespace) .replace(':project_path', project.join('/')) .replace(':ref', getters.currentBranch? || state.currentBranchId) .replace(':filename', path), fileMatch: [`*${path}`], }; }; export * from './getters/alert';