import { property } from 'lodash'; import { s__ } from '~/locale'; export const ROLLOUT_STRATEGY_ALL_USERS = 'default'; export const ROLLOUT_STRATEGY_PERCENT_ROLLOUT = 'gradualRolloutUserId'; export const ROLLOUT_STRATEGY_FLEXIBLE_ROLLOUT = 'flexibleRollout'; export const ROLLOUT_STRATEGY_USER_ID = 'userWithId'; export const ROLLOUT_STRATEGY_GITLAB_USER_LIST = 'gitlabUserList'; export const PERCENT_ROLLOUT_GROUP_ID = 'default'; export const DEFAULT_PERCENT_ROLLOUT = '100'; export const ALL_ENVIRONMENTS_NAME = '*'; export const INTERNAL_ID_PREFIX = 'internal_'; export const fetchPercentageParams = property(['parameters', 'percentage']); export const fetchUserIdParams = property(['parameters', 'userIds']); export const NEW_VERSION_FLAG = 'new_version_flag'; export const LEGACY_FLAG = 'legacy_flag'; export const NEW_FLAG_ALERT = s__( 'FeatureFlags|Feature Flags will look different in the next milestone. No action is needed, but you may notice the functionality was changed to improve the workflow.', ); export const FEATURE_FLAG_SCOPE = 'featureFlags'; export const USER_LIST_SCOPE = 'userLists'; export const EMPTY_PARAMETERS = { parameters: {}, userListId: undefined }; export const STRATEGY_SELECTIONS = [ { value: ROLLOUT_STRATEGY_ALL_USERS, text: s__('FeatureFlags|All users'), }, { value: ROLLOUT_STRATEGY_FLEXIBLE_ROLLOUT, text: s__('FeatureFlags|Percent rollout'), }, { value: ROLLOUT_STRATEGY_PERCENT_ROLLOUT, text: s__('FeatureFlags|Percent of users'), }, { value: ROLLOUT_STRATEGY_USER_ID, text: s__('FeatureFlags|User IDs'), }, { value: ROLLOUT_STRATEGY_GITLAB_USER_LIST, text: s__('FeatureFlags|User List'), }, ];