module Banzai module Filter # Sanitize HTML # # Extends HTML::Pipeline::SanitizationFilter with a custom whitelist. class SanitizationFilter < HTML::Pipeline::SanitizationFilter UNSAFE_PROTOCOLS = %w(data javascript vbscript).freeze def whitelist whitelist = super customize_whitelist(whitelist) whitelist end private def customized?(transformers) transformers.last.source_location[0] == __FILE__ end def customize_whitelist(whitelist) # Only push these customizations once return if customized?(whitelist[:transformers]) # Allow code highlighting whitelist[:attributes]['pre'] = %w(class) whitelist[:attributes]['span'] = %w(class) # Allow table alignment whitelist[:attributes]['th'] = %w(style) whitelist[:attributes]['td'] = %w(style) # Allow span elements whitelist[:elements].push('span') # Allow abbr elements with title attribute whitelist[:elements].push('abbr') whitelist[:attributes]['abbr'] = %w(title) # Allow any protocol in `a` elements... whitelist[:protocols].delete('a') # ...but then remove links with unsafe protocols whitelist[:transformers].push(remove_unsafe_links) # Remove `rel` attribute from `a` elements whitelist[:transformers].push(remove_rel) # Remove `class` attribute from non-highlight spans whitelist[:transformers].push(clean_spans) whitelist end def remove_unsafe_links lambda do |env| node = env[:node] return unless == 'a' return unless node.has_attribute?('href') begin uri = Addressable::URI.parse(node['href']) uri.scheme = uri.scheme.strip.downcase if uri.scheme node.remove_attribute('href') if UNSAFE_PROTOCOLS.include?(uri.scheme) rescue Addressable::URI::InvalidURIError node.remove_attribute('href') end end end def remove_rel lambda do |env| if env[:node_name] == 'a' env[:node].remove_attribute('rel') end end end def clean_spans lambda do |env| node = env[:node] return unless == 'span' return unless node.has_attribute?('class') unless has_ancestor?(node, 'pre') node.remove_attribute('class') end { node_whitelist: [node] } end end end end end