# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Ci::RetryBuildService do set(:user) { create(:user) } set(:project) { create(:project) } set(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } let(:stage) do create(:ci_stage_entity, project: project, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'test') end let(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, stage_id: stage.id) } let(:service) do described_class.new(project, user) end CLONE_ACCESSORS = described_class::CLONE_ACCESSORS REJECT_ACCESSORS = %i[id status user token token_encrypted coverage trace runner artifacts_expire_at artifacts_file artifacts_metadata artifacts_size created_at updated_at started_at finished_at queued_at erased_by erased_at auto_canceled_by job_artifacts job_artifacts_archive job_artifacts_metadata job_artifacts_trace job_artifacts_junit job_artifacts_sast job_artifacts_dependency_scanning job_artifacts_container_scanning job_artifacts_dast job_artifacts_license_management job_artifacts_performance job_artifacts_codequality job_artifacts_metrics scheduled_at].freeze IGNORE_ACCESSORS = %i[type lock_version target_url base_tags trace_sections commit_id deployment erased_by_id project_id runner_id tag_taggings taggings tags trigger_request_id user_id auto_canceled_by_id retried failure_reason sourced_pipelines artifacts_file_store artifacts_metadata_store metadata runner_session trace_chunks].freeze shared_examples 'build duplication' do let(:another_pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, project: project) } let(:build) do create(:ci_build, :failed, :expired, :erased, :queued, :coverage, :tags, :allowed_to_fail, :on_tag, :triggered, :teardown_environment, description: 'my-job', stage: 'test', stage_id: stage.id, pipeline: pipeline, auto_canceled_by: another_pipeline, scheduled_at: 10.seconds.since) end before do # Make sure that build has both `stage_id` and `stage` because FactoryBot # can reset one of the fields when assigning another. We plan to deprecate # and remove legacy `stage` column in the future. build.update(stage: 'test', stage_id: stage.id) # Make sure we have one instance for every possible job_artifact_X # associations to check they are correctly rejected on build duplication. Ci::JobArtifact::TYPE_AND_FORMAT_PAIRS.each do |file_type, file_format| create(:ci_job_artifact, file_format, file_type: file_type, job: build, expire_at: build.artifacts_expire_at) end build.reload end describe 'clone accessors' do CLONE_ACCESSORS.each do |attribute| it "clones #{attribute} build attribute" do expect(build.send(attribute)).not_to be_nil expect(new_build.send(attribute)).not_to be_nil expect(new_build.send(attribute)).to eq build.send(attribute) end end context 'when job has nullified protected' do before do build.update_attribute(:protected, nil) end it "clones protected build attribute" do expect(new_build.protected).to be_nil expect(new_build.protected).to eq build.protected end end end describe 'reject acessors' do REJECT_ACCESSORS.each do |attribute| it "does not clone #{attribute} build attribute" do expect(new_build.send(attribute)).not_to eq build.send(attribute) end end end it 'has correct number of known attributes' do processed_accessors = CLONE_ACCESSORS + REJECT_ACCESSORS known_accessors = processed_accessors + IGNORE_ACCESSORS # :tag_list is a special case, this accessor does not exist # in reflected associations, comes from `act_as_taggable` and # we use it to copy tags, instead of reusing tags. # current_accessors = Ci::Build.attribute_names.map(&:to_sym) + Ci::Build.reflect_on_all_associations.map(&:name) + [:tag_list] current_accessors.uniq! expect(current_accessors).to include(*processed_accessors) expect(known_accessors).to include(*current_accessors) end end describe '#execute' do let(:new_build) do Timecop.freeze(1.second.from_now) do service.execute(build) end end context 'when user has ability to execute build' do before do stub_not_protect_default_branch project.add_developer(user) end it_behaves_like 'build duplication' it 'creates a new build that represents the old one' do expect(new_build.name).to eq build.name end it 'enqueues the new build' do expect(new_build).to be_pending end it 'resolves todos for old build that failed' do expect(MergeRequests::AddTodoWhenBuildFailsService) .to receive_message_chain(:new, :close) service.execute(build) end context 'when there are subsequent builds that are skipped' do let!(:subsequent_build) do create(:ci_build, :skipped, stage_idx: 2, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'deploy') end it 'resumes pipeline processing in a subsequent stage' do service.execute(build) expect(subsequent_build.reload).to be_created end end end context 'when user does not have ability to execute build' do it 'raises an error' do expect { service.execute(build) } .to raise_error Gitlab::Access::AccessDeniedError end end end describe '#reprocess' do let(:new_build) do Timecop.freeze(1.second.from_now) do service.reprocess!(build) end end context 'when user has ability to execute build' do before do stub_not_protect_default_branch project.add_developer(user) end it_behaves_like 'build duplication' it 'creates a new build that represents the old one' do expect(new_build.name).to eq build.name end it 'does not enqueue the new build' do expect(new_build).to be_created end it 'does mark old build as retried in the database and on the instance' do expect(new_build).to be_latest expect(build).to be_retried expect(build.reload).to be_retried end end context 'when user does not have ability to execute build' do it 'raises an error' do expect { service.reprocess!(build) } .to raise_error Gitlab::Access::AccessDeniedError end end end end