# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Issues::CloneService do include DesignManagementTestHelpers let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:author) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:title) { 'Some issue' } let_it_be(:description) { "Some issue description with mention to #{user.to_reference}" } let_it_be(:group) { create(:group, :private) } let_it_be(:sub_group_1) { create(:group, :private, parent: group) } let_it_be(:sub_group_2) { create(:group, :private, parent: group) } let_it_be(:old_project) { create(:project, namespace: sub_group_1) } let_it_be(:new_project) { create(:project, namespace: sub_group_2) } let_it_be(:old_issue, reload: true) do create(:issue, title: title, description: description, project: old_project, author: author) end let(:with_notes) { false } subject(:clone_service) do described_class.new(container: old_project, current_user: user) end shared_context 'user can clone issue' do before do old_project.add_reporter(user) new_project.add_reporter(user) end end describe '#execute' do context 'issue movable' do include_context 'user can clone issue' context 'when issue creation fails' do before do allow_next_instance_of(Issues::CreateService) do |create_service| allow(create_service).to receive(:execute).and_return(ServiceResponse.error(message: 'some error')) end end it 'raises a clone error' do expect { clone_service.execute(old_issue, new_project) }.to raise_error( Issues::CloneService::CloneError, 'some error' ) end end context 'generic issue' do let!(:new_issue) { clone_service.execute(old_issue, new_project, with_notes: with_notes) } it 'creates a new issue in the selected project' do expect do clone_service.execute(old_issue, new_project) end.to change { new_project.issues.count }.by(1) end it 'copies issue title' do expect(new_issue.title).to eq title end it 'copies issue description' do expect(new_issue.description).to eq description end it 'adds system note to old issue at the end' do expect(old_issue.notes.last.note).to start_with 'cloned to' end it 'adds system note to new issue at the start' do # We set an assignee so an assignee system note will be generated and # we can assert that the "cloned from" note is the first one assignee = create(:user) new_project.add_developer(assignee) old_issue.assignees = [assignee] new_issue = clone_service.execute(old_issue, new_project) expect(new_issue.notes.size).to eq(2) cloned_from_note = new_issue.notes.last expect(cloned_from_note.note).to start_with 'cloned from' expect(new_issue.notes.fresh.first).to eq(cloned_from_note) end it 'keeps old issue open' do expect(old_issue.open?).to be true end it 'persists new issue' do expect(new_issue.persisted?).to be true end it 'persists all changes' do expect(old_issue.changed?).to be false expect(new_issue.changed?).to be false end it 'sets the current user as author' do expect(new_issue.author).to eq user end it 'creates a new internal id for issue' do expect(new_issue.iid).to be_present end it 'sets created_at of new issue to the time of clone' do future_time = 5.days.from_now travel_to(future_time) do new_issue = clone_service.execute(old_issue, new_project, with_notes: with_notes) expect(new_issue.created_at).to be_like_time(future_time) end end it 'does not set moved_issue' do expect(old_issue.moved?).to eq(false) end context 'when copying comments' do let(:with_notes) { true } it 'does not create extra system notes' do new_issue = clone_service.execute(old_issue, new_project, with_notes: with_notes) expect(new_issue.notes.count).to eq(old_issue.notes.count) end end end context 'issue with system notes and resource events' do before do create(:note, :system, noteable: old_issue, project: old_project) create(:resource_label_event, label: create(:label, project: old_project), issue: old_issue) create(:resource_state_event, issue: old_issue, state: :reopened) create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: old_issue, action: 'remove', milestone_id: nil) end it 'does not copy system notes and resource events' do new_issue = clone_service.execute(old_issue, new_project) # 1 here is for the "cloned from" system note expect(new_issue.notes.count).to eq(1) expect(new_issue.resource_state_events).to be_empty expect(new_issue.resource_milestone_events).to be_empty end end context 'issue with award emoji' do let!(:award_emoji) { create(:award_emoji, awardable: old_issue) } it 'does not copy the award emoji' do old_issue.reload new_issue = clone_service.execute(old_issue, new_project) expect(new_issue.reload.award_emoji).to be_empty end end context 'issue with milestone' do let(:milestone) { create(:milestone, group: sub_group_1) } let(:new_project) { create(:project, namespace: sub_group_1) } let(:old_issue) do create(:issue, title: title, description: description, project: old_project, author: author, milestone: milestone) end it 'copies the milestone and creates a resource_milestone_event' do new_issue = clone_service.execute(old_issue, new_project) expect(new_issue.milestone).to eq(milestone) expect(new_issue.resource_milestone_events.count).to eq(1) end end context 'issue with label' do let(:label) { create(:group_label, group: sub_group_1) } let(:new_project) { create(:project, namespace: sub_group_1) } let(:old_issue) do create(:issue, project: old_project, labels: [label]) end it 'copies the label and creates a resource_label_event' do new_issue = clone_service.execute(old_issue, new_project) expect(new_issue.labels).to contain_exactly(label) expect(new_issue.resource_label_events.count).to eq(1) end end context 'issue with due date' do let(:date) { Date.parse('2020-01-10') } let(:new_date) { date + 1.week } let(:old_issue) do create(:issue, title: title, description: description, project: old_project, author: author, due_date: date) end before do old_issue.update!(due_date: new_date) SystemNoteService.change_start_date_or_due_date(old_issue, old_project, author, old_issue.previous_changes.slice('due_date')) end it 'keeps the same due date' do new_issue = clone_service.execute(old_issue, new_project) expect(new_issue.due_date).to eq(old_issue.due_date) end end context 'issue with assignee' do let_it_be(:assignee) { create(:user) } before do old_issue.assignees = [assignee] end it 'preserves assignee with access to the new issue' do new_project.add_reporter(assignee) new_issue = clone_service.execute(old_issue, new_project) expect(new_issue.assignees).to eq([assignee]) end it 'ignores assignee without access to the new issue' do new_issue = clone_service.execute(old_issue, new_project) expect(new_issue.assignees).to be_empty end end context 'issue is confidential' do before do old_issue.update_columns(confidential: true) end it 'preserves the confidential flag' do new_issue = clone_service.execute(old_issue, new_project) expect(new_issue.confidential).to be true end end context 'moving to same project' do it 'also works' do new_issue = clone_service.execute(old_issue, old_project) expect(new_issue.project).to eq(old_project) expect(new_issue.iid).not_to eq(old_issue.iid) end end context 'project issue hooks' do let!(:hook) { create(:project_hook, project: old_project, issues_events: true) } it 'executes project issue hooks' do allow_next_instance_of(WebHookService) do |instance| allow(instance).to receive(:execute) end # Ideally, we'd test that `WebHookWorker.jobs.size` increased by 1, # but since the entire spec run takes place in a transaction, we never # actually get to the `after_commit` hook that queues these jobs. expect { clone_service.execute(old_issue, new_project) } .not_to raise_error # Sidekiq::Worker::EnqueueFromTransactionError end end # These tests verify that notes are copied. More thorough tests are in # the unit test for Notes::CopyService. context 'issue with notes' do let_it_be(:notes) do [ create(:note, noteable: old_issue, project: old_project, created_at: 2.weeks.ago, updated_at: 1.week.ago), create(:note, noteable: old_issue, project: old_project) ] end let(:new_issue) { clone_service.execute(old_issue, new_project, with_notes: with_notes) } let(:copied_notes) { new_issue.notes.limit(notes.size) } # Remove the system note added by the copy itself it 'does not copy notes' do # only the system note expect(copied_notes.order('id ASC').pluck(:note).size).to eq(1) end context 'when copying comments' do let(:with_notes) { true } it 'copies existing notes in order' do expect(copied_notes.order('id ASC').pluck(:note)).to eq(notes.map(&:note)) end end end context 'issue with a design', :clean_gitlab_redis_shared_state do let_it_be(:new_project) { create(:project) } let!(:design) { create(:design, :with_lfs_file, issue: old_issue) } let!(:note) { create(:diff_note_on_design, noteable: design, issue: old_issue, project: old_issue.project) } let(:subject) { clone_service.execute(old_issue, new_project) } before do enable_design_management end it 'calls CopyDesignCollection::QueueService' do expect(DesignManagement::CopyDesignCollection::QueueService).to receive(:new) .with(user, old_issue, kind_of(Issue)) .and_call_original subject end it 'logs if QueueService returns an error', :aggregate_failures do error_message = 'error' expect_next_instance_of(DesignManagement::CopyDesignCollection::QueueService) do |service| expect(service).to receive(:execute).and_return( ServiceResponse.error(message: error_message) ) end expect(Gitlab::AppLogger).to receive(:error).with(error_message) subject end # Perform a small integration test to ensure the services and worker # can correctly create designs. it 'copies the design and its notes', :sidekiq_inline, :aggregate_failures do new_issue = subject expect(new_issue.designs.size).to eq(1) expect(new_issue.designs.first.notes.size).to eq(1) end end context 'issue relative position' do let(:subject) { clone_service.execute(old_issue, new_project) } it_behaves_like 'copy or reset relative position' end end describe 'clone permissions' do let(:clone) { clone_service.execute(old_issue, new_project) } context 'target project is pending deletion' do include_context 'user can clone issue' before do new_project.update_columns(pending_delete: true) end after do new_project.update_columns(pending_delete: false) end it { expect { clone }.to raise_error(Issues::CloneService::CloneError, /pending deletion/) } end context 'user is reporter in both projects' do include_context 'user can clone issue' it { expect { clone }.not_to raise_error } end context 'user is reporter only in new project' do before do new_project.add_reporter(user) end it { expect { clone }.to raise_error(StandardError, /permissions/) } end context 'user is reporter only in old project' do before do old_project.add_reporter(user) end it { expect { clone }.to raise_error(StandardError, /permissions/) } end context 'user is reporter in one project and guest in another' do before do new_project.add_guest(user) old_project.add_reporter(user) end it { expect { clone }.to raise_error(StandardError, /permissions/) } end context 'issue is not persisted' do include_context 'user can clone issue' let(:old_issue) { build(:issue, project: old_project, author: author) } it { expect { clone }.to raise_error(StandardError, /permissions/) } end end end end