# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::Redis::MultiStore, feature_category: :redis do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax let_it_be(:redis_store_class) do Class.new(Gitlab::Redis::Wrapper) do def config_file_name config_file_name = "spec/fixtures/config/redis_new_format_host.yml" Rails.root.join(config_file_name).to_s end def self.name 'Sessions' end end end let_it_be(:primary_db) { 1 } let_it_be(:secondary_db) { 2 } let_it_be(:primary_store) { create_redis_store(redis_store_class.params, db: primary_db, serializer: nil) } let_it_be(:secondary_store) { create_redis_store(redis_store_class.params, db: secondary_db, serializer: nil) } let_it_be(:instance_name) { 'TestStore' } let_it_be(:multi_store) { described_class.new(primary_store, secondary_store, instance_name) } subject do multi_store.send(name, *args) end before do skip_feature_flags_yaml_validation skip_default_enabled_yaml_check end after(:all) do primary_store.flushdb secondary_store.flushdb end context 'when primary_store is nil' do let(:multi_store) { described_class.new(nil, secondary_store, instance_name) } it 'fails with exception' do expect { multi_store }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /primary_store is required/) end end context 'when secondary_store is nil' do let(:multi_store) { described_class.new(primary_store, nil, instance_name) } it 'fails with exception' do expect { multi_store }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /secondary_store is required/) end end context 'when instance_name is nil' do let(:instance_name) { nil } let(:multi_store) { described_class.new(primary_store, secondary_store, instance_name) } it 'fails with exception' do expect { multi_store }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /instance_name is required/) end end context 'when primary_store is not a ::Redis instance' do before do allow(primary_store).to receive(:is_a?).with(::Redis).and_return(false) allow(primary_store).to receive(:is_a?).with(::Redis::Namespace).and_return(false) end it 'fails with exception' do expect { described_class.new(primary_store, secondary_store, instance_name) } .to raise_error(ArgumentError, /invalid primary_store/) end end context 'when primary_store is a ::Redis::Namespace instance' do before do allow(primary_store).to receive(:is_a?).with(::Redis).and_return(false) allow(primary_store).to receive(:is_a?).with(::Redis::Namespace).and_return(true) end it 'fails with exception' do expect { described_class.new(primary_store, secondary_store, instance_name) }.not_to raise_error end end context 'when secondary_store is not a ::Redis instance' do before do allow(secondary_store).to receive(:is_a?).with(::Redis).and_return(false) allow(secondary_store).to receive(:is_a?).with(::Redis::Namespace).and_return(false) end it 'fails with exception' do expect { described_class.new(primary_store, secondary_store, instance_name) } .to raise_error(ArgumentError, /invalid secondary_store/) end end context 'when secondary_store is a ::Redis::Namespace instance' do before do allow(secondary_store).to receive(:is_a?).with(::Redis).and_return(false) allow(secondary_store).to receive(:is_a?).with(::Redis::Namespace).and_return(true) end it 'fails with exception' do expect { described_class.new(primary_store, secondary_store, instance_name) }.not_to raise_error end end # rubocop:disable RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers context 'with READ redis commands' do subject do multi_store.send(name, *args, **kwargs) end let_it_be(:key1) { "redis:{1}:key_a" } let_it_be(:key2) { "redis:{1}:key_b" } let_it_be(:value1) { "redis_value1" } let_it_be(:value2) { "redis_value2" } let_it_be(:skey) { "redis:set:key" } let_it_be(:skey2) { "redis:set:key2" } let_it_be(:smemberargs) { [skey, value1] } let_it_be(:hkey) { "redis:hash:key" } let_it_be(:hkey2) { "redis:hash:key2" } let_it_be(:zkey) { "redis:sortedset:key" } let_it_be(:zkey2) { "redis:sortedset:key2" } let_it_be(:hitem1) { "item1" } let_it_be(:hitem2) { "item2" } let_it_be(:keys) { [key1, key2] } let_it_be(:values) { [value1, value2] } let_it_be(:svalues) { [value2, value1] } let_it_be(:hgetargs) { [hkey, hitem1] } let_it_be(:hmgetval) { [value1] } let_it_be(:mhmgetargs) { [hkey, hitem1] } let_it_be(:hvalmapped) { { "item1" => value1 } } let_it_be(:sscanargs) { [skey2, 0] } let_it_be(:sscanval) { ["0", [value1]] } let_it_be(:sscan_eachval) { [value1] } let_it_be(:sscan_each_arg) { { match: '*1*' } } let_it_be(:hscan_eachval) { [[hitem1, value1]] } let_it_be(:zscan_eachval) { [[value1, 1.0]] } let_it_be(:scan_each_arg) { { match: 'redis*' } } let_it_be(:scan_each_val) { [key1, key2, skey, skey2, hkey, hkey2, zkey, zkey2] } # rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength where(:case_name, :name, :args, :value, :kwargs, :block) do 'execute :get command' | :get | ref(:key1) | ref(:value1) | {} | nil 'execute :mget command' | :mget | ref(:keys) | ref(:values) | {} | nil 'execute :mget with block' | :mget | ref(:keys) | ref(:values) | {} | ->(value) { value } 'execute :smembers command' | :smembers | ref(:skey) | ref(:svalues) | {} | nil 'execute :scard command' | :scard | ref(:skey) | 2 | {} | nil 'execute :sismember command' | :sismember | ref(:smemberargs) | true | {} | nil 'execute :exists command' | :exists | ref(:key1) | 1 | {} | nil 'execute :exists? command' | :exists? | ref(:key1) | true | {} | nil 'execute :hget command' | :hget | ref(:hgetargs) | ref(:value1) | {} | nil 'execute :hlen command' | :hlen | ref(:hkey) | 1 | {} | nil 'execute :hgetall command' | :hgetall | ref(:hkey) | ref(:hvalmapped) | {} | nil 'execute :hexists command' | :hexists | ref(:hgetargs) | true | {} | nil 'execute :hmget command' | :hmget | ref(:hgetargs) | ref(:hmgetval) | {} | nil 'execute :mapped_hmget command' | :mapped_hmget | ref(:mhmgetargs) | ref(:hvalmapped) | {} | nil 'execute :sscan command' | :sscan | ref(:sscanargs) | ref(:sscanval) | {} | nil # we run *scan_each here as they are reads too 'execute :scan_each command' | :scan_each | nil | ref(:scan_each_val) | ref(:scan_each_arg) | nil 'execute :sscan_each command' | :sscan_each | ref(:skey2) | ref(:sscan_eachval) | {} | nil 'execute :sscan_each w block' | :sscan_each | ref(:skey) | ref(:sscan_eachval) | ref(:sscan_each_arg) | nil 'execute :hscan_each command' | :hscan_each | ref(:hkey) | ref(:hscan_eachval) | {} | nil 'execute :hscan_each w block' | :hscan_each | ref(:hkey2) | ref(:hscan_eachval) | ref(:sscan_each_arg) | nil 'execute :zscan_each command' | :zscan_each | ref(:zkey) | ref(:zscan_eachval) | {} | nil 'execute :zscan_each w block' | :zscan_each | ref(:zkey2) | ref(:zscan_eachval) | ref(:sscan_each_arg) | nil end # rubocop:enable Layout/LineLength before do primary_store.set(key1, value1) primary_store.set(key2, value2) primary_store.sadd?(skey, [value1, value2]) primary_store.sadd?(skey2, [value1]) primary_store.hset(hkey, hitem1, value1) primary_store.hset(hkey2, hitem1, value1, hitem2, value2) primary_store.zadd(zkey, 1, value1) primary_store.zadd(zkey2, [[1, value1], [2, value2]]) secondary_store.set(key1, value1) secondary_store.set(key2, value2) secondary_store.sadd?(skey, [value1, value2]) secondary_store.sadd?(skey2, [value1]) secondary_store.hset(hkey, hitem1, value1) secondary_store.hset(hkey2, hitem1, value1, hitem2, value2) secondary_store.zadd(zkey, 1, value1) secondary_store.zadd(zkey2, [[1, value1], [2, value2]]) end after do primary_store.flushdb secondary_store.flushdb end RSpec.shared_examples_for 'reads correct value' do it 'returns the correct value' do if value.is_a?(Array) # :smembers does not guarantee the order it will return the values (unsorted set) is_expected.to match_array(value) else is_expected.to eq(value) end end end RSpec.shared_examples_for 'fallback read from the non-default store' do let(:counter) { Gitlab::Metrics::NullMetric.instance } before do allow(Gitlab::Metrics).to receive(:counter).and_return(counter) end it 'fallback and execute on secondary instance' do expect(multi_store.fallback_store).to receive(name).with(*expected_args).and_call_original subject end it 'logs the ReadFromPrimaryError' do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:log_exception).with( an_instance_of(Gitlab::Redis::MultiStore::ReadFromPrimaryError), hash_including(command_name: name, instance_name: instance_name) ) subject end it 'increment read fallback count metrics' do expect(counter).to receive(:increment).with(command: name, instance_name: instance_name) subject end include_examples 'reads correct value' context 'when fallback read from the secondary instance raises an exception' do before do allow(multi_store.fallback_store).to receive(name).with(*expected_args).and_raise(StandardError) end it 'fails with exception' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(StandardError) end end end RSpec.shared_examples_for 'secondary store' do it 'execute on the secondary instance' do expect(secondary_store).to receive(name).with(*expected_args).and_call_original subject end include_examples 'reads correct value' it 'does not execute on the primary store' do expect(primary_store).not_to receive(name) subject end end with_them do describe name.to_s do let(:expected_args) { kwargs&.present? ? [*args, { **kwargs }] : Array(args) } before do allow(primary_store).to receive(name).and_call_original allow(secondary_store).to receive(name).and_call_original end context 'when reading from the primary is successful' do it 'returns the correct value' do expect(primary_store).to receive(name).with(*expected_args).and_call_original subject end unless params[:block] it 'does not execute on the secondary store' do expect(secondary_store).not_to receive(name) subject end end include_examples 'reads correct value' end context 'when reading from primary instance is raising an exception' do before do allow(multi_store.default_store).to receive(name).with(*expected_args).and_raise(StandardError) allow(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:log_exception) end it 'logs the exception' do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:log_exception).with(an_instance_of(StandardError), hash_including(:multi_store_error_message, instance_name: instance_name, command_name: name)) subject end include_examples 'fallback read from the non-default store' end context 'when reading from empty default instance' do before do # this ensures a cache miss without having to stub the default store multi_store.default_store.flushdb end include_examples 'fallback read from the non-default store' end context 'when the command is executed within pipelined block' do subject do multi_store.pipelined do |pipeline| pipeline.send(name, *args, **kwargs) end end it 'is executed only 1 time on primary and secondary instance' do expect(primary_store).to receive(:pipelined).and_call_original expect(secondary_store).to receive(:pipelined).and_call_original 2.times do expect_next_instance_of(Redis::PipelinedConnection) do |pipeline| expect(pipeline).to receive(name).with(*expected_args).once.and_call_original end end subject end end if params[:block] subject do multi_store.send(name, *expected_args, &block) end context 'when block is provided' do it 'both stores yields to the block' do expect(primary_store).to receive(name).and_yield(value) expect(secondary_store).to receive(name).and_yield(value) subject end it 'both stores to execute' do expect(primary_store).to receive(name).with(*expected_args).and_call_original expect(secondary_store).to receive(name).with(*expected_args).and_call_original subject end include_examples 'reads correct value' end end context 'with both primary and secondary store using same redis instance' do let(:primary_store) { create_redis_store(redis_store_class.params, db: primary_db, serializer: nil) } let(:secondary_store) { create_redis_store(redis_store_class.params, db: primary_db, serializer: nil) } let(:multi_store) { described_class.new(primary_store, secondary_store, instance_name) } it_behaves_like 'secondary store' end context 'when use_primary_and_secondary_stores feature flag is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_primary_and_secondary_stores_for_test_store: false) end context 'when using secondary store as default' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_primary_store_as_default_for_test_store: false) end it 'executes only on secondary redis store', :aggregate_errors do expect(secondary_store).to receive(name).with(*expected_args).and_call_original expect(primary_store).not_to receive(name).with(*expected_args).and_call_original subject end end context 'when using primary store as default' do it 'executes only on primary redis store', :aggregate_errors do expect(primary_store).to receive(name).with(*expected_args).and_call_original expect(secondary_store).not_to receive(name).with(*expected_args).and_call_original subject end end end end end end # rubocop:enable RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers context 'with nested command in block' do let(:skey) { "test_set" } let(:values) { %w[{x}a {x}b {x}c] } before do primary_store.set('{x}a', 1) primary_store.set('{x}b', 2) primary_store.set('{x}c', 3) secondary_store.set('{x}a', 10) secondary_store.set('{x}b', 20) secondary_store.set('{x}c', 30) end subject do multi_store.mget(values) do |v| multi_store.sadd(skey, v) multi_store.scard(skey) end end RSpec.shared_examples_for 'primary instance executes block' do it 'ensures primary instance is executing the block' do expect(primary_store).to receive(:send).with(:mget, values).and_call_original expect(primary_store).to receive(:send).with(:sadd, skey, %w[1 2 3]).and_call_original expect(primary_store).to receive(:send).with(:scard, skey).and_call_original expect(secondary_store).to receive(:send).with(:mget, values).and_call_original expect(secondary_store).to receive(:send).with(:sadd, skey, %w[10 20 30]).and_call_original expect(secondary_store).to receive(:send).with(:scard, skey).and_call_original subject end end context 'when using both stores' do context 'when primary instance is default store' do it_behaves_like 'primary instance executes block' end context 'when secondary instance is default store' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_primary_store_as_default_for_test_store: false) end # multistore read still favours the primary store it_behaves_like 'primary instance executes block' end end context 'when using 1 store only' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_primary_and_secondary_stores_for_test_store: false) end context 'when primary instance is default store' do it 'ensures only primary instance is executing the block' do expect(secondary_store).not_to receive(:send) expect(primary_store).to receive(:send).with(:mget, values).and_call_original expect(primary_store).to receive(:send).with(:sadd, skey, %w[1 2 3]).and_call_original expect(primary_store).to receive(:send).with(:scard, skey).and_call_original subject end end context 'when secondary instance is default store' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_primary_store_as_default_for_test_store: false) end it 'ensures only secondary instance is executing the block' do expect(secondary_store).to receive(:send).with(:mget, values).and_call_original expect(secondary_store).to receive(:send).with(:sadd, skey, %w[10 20 30]).and_call_original expect(secondary_store).to receive(:send).with(:scard, skey).and_call_original expect(primary_store).not_to receive(:send) subject end end end end RSpec.shared_examples_for 'verify that store contains values' do |store| it "#{store} redis store contains correct values", :aggregate_errors do subject redis_store = multi_store.send(store) if expected_value.is_a?(Array) # :smembers does not guarantee the order it will return the values expect(redis_store.send(verification_name, *verification_args)).to match_array(expected_value) else expect(redis_store.send(verification_name, *verification_args)).to eq(expected_value) end end end # rubocop:disable RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers context 'with WRITE redis commands' do let_it_be(:ikey1) { "counter1" } let_it_be(:ikey2) { "counter2" } let_it_be(:iargs) { [ikey2, 3] } let_it_be(:ivalue1) { "1" } let_it_be(:ivalue2) { "3" } let_it_be(:key1) { "redis:{1}:key_a" } let_it_be(:key2) { "redis:{1}:key_b" } let_it_be(:key3) { "redis:{1}:key_c" } let_it_be(:key4) { "redis:{1}:key_d" } let_it_be(:value1) { "redis_value1" } let_it_be(:value2) { "redis_value2" } let_it_be(:key1_value1) { [key1, value1] } let_it_be(:key1_value2) { [key1, value2] } let_it_be(:ttl) { 10 } let_it_be(:key1_ttl_value1) { [key1, ttl, value1] } let_it_be(:skey) { "redis:set:key" } let_it_be(:svalues1) { [value2, value1] } let_it_be(:svalues2) { [value1] } let_it_be(:skey_value1) { [skey, [value1]] } let_it_be(:skey_value2) { [skey, [value2]] } let_it_be(:script) { %(redis.call("set", "#{key1}", "#{value1}")) } let_it_be(:hkey1) { "redis:{1}:hash_a" } let_it_be(:hkey2) { "redis:{1}:hash_b" } let_it_be(:item) { "item" } let_it_be(:hdelarg) { [hkey1, item] } let_it_be(:hsetarg) { [hkey2, item, value1] } let_it_be(:mhsetarg) { [hkey2, { "item" => value1 }] } let_it_be(:hgetarg) { [hkey2, item] } let_it_be(:expireargs) { [key3, ttl] } # rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength where(:case_name, :name, :args, :expected_value, :verification_name, :verification_args) do 'execute :set command' | :set | ref(:key1_value1) | ref(:value1) | :get | ref(:key1) 'execute :setnx command' | :setnx | ref(:key1_value2) | ref(:value1) | :get | ref(:key2) 'execute :setex command' | :setex | ref(:key1_ttl_value1) | ref(:ttl) | :ttl | ref(:key1) 'execute :sadd command' | :sadd | ref(:skey_value2) | ref(:svalues1) | :smembers | ref(:skey) 'execute :srem command' | :srem | ref(:skey_value1) | [] | :smembers | ref(:skey) 'execute :del command' | :del | ref(:key2) | nil | :get | ref(:key2) 'execute :unlink command' | :unlink | ref(:key3) | nil | :get | ref(:key3) 'execute :flushdb command' | :flushdb | nil | 0 | :dbsize | nil 'execute :eval command' | :eval | ref(:script) | ref(:value1) | :get | ref(:key1) 'execute :incr command' | :incr | ref(:ikey1) | ref(:ivalue1) | :get | ref(:ikey1) 'execute :incrby command' | :incrby | ref(:iargs) | ref(:ivalue2) | :get | ref(:ikey2) 'execute :hset command' | :hset | ref(:hsetarg) | ref(:value1) | :hget | ref(:hgetarg) 'execute :hdel command' | :hdel | ref(:hdelarg) | nil | :hget | ref(:hdelarg) 'execute :expire command' | :expire | ref(:expireargs) | ref(:ttl) | :ttl | ref(:key3) 'execute :mapped_hmset command' | :mapped_hmset | ref(:mhsetarg) | ref(:value1) | :hget | ref(:hgetarg) end # rubocop:enable Layout/LineLength before do primary_store.flushdb secondary_store.flushdb primary_store.set(key2, value1) primary_store.set(key3, value1) primary_store.set(key4, value1) primary_store.sadd?(skey, value1) primary_store.hset(hkey2, item, value1) secondary_store.set(key2, value1) secondary_store.set(key3, value1) secondary_store.set(key4, value1) secondary_store.sadd?(skey, value1) secondary_store.hset(hkey2, item, value1) end with_them do describe name.to_s do let(:expected_args) { args || no_args } before do allow(primary_store).to receive(name).and_call_original allow(secondary_store).to receive(name).and_call_original end context 'when executing on primary instance is successful' do it 'executes on both primary and secondary redis store', :aggregate_errors do expect(primary_store).to receive(name).with(*expected_args).and_call_original expect(secondary_store).to receive(name).with(*expected_args).and_call_original subject end include_examples 'verify that store contains values', :primary_store include_examples 'verify that store contains values', :secondary_store end context 'when use_primary_and_secondary_stores feature flag is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_primary_and_secondary_stores_for_test_store: false) end context 'when using secondary store as default' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_primary_store_as_default_for_test_store: false) end it 'executes only on secondary redis store', :aggregate_errors do expect(secondary_store).to receive(name).with(*expected_args).and_call_original expect(primary_store).not_to receive(name).with(*expected_args).and_call_original subject end end context 'when using primary store as default' do it 'executes only on primary redis store', :aggregate_errors do expect(primary_store).to receive(name).with(*expected_args).and_call_original expect(secondary_store).not_to receive(name).with(*expected_args).and_call_original subject end end end context 'when executing on the primary instance is raising an exception' do before do allow(primary_store).to receive(name).with(*expected_args).and_raise(StandardError) allow(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:log_exception) end it 'logs the exception and execute on secondary instance', :aggregate_errors do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:log_exception).with(an_instance_of(StandardError), hash_including(:multi_store_error_message, command_name: name, instance_name: instance_name)) expect(secondary_store).to receive(name).with(*expected_args).and_call_original subject end include_examples 'verify that store contains values', :secondary_store end context 'when the command is executed within pipelined block' do subject do multi_store.pipelined do |pipeline| pipeline.send(name, *args) end end it 'is executed only 1 time on each instance', :aggregate_errors do expect(primary_store).to receive(:pipelined).and_call_original expect_next_instance_of(Redis::PipelinedConnection) do |pipeline| expect(pipeline).to receive(name).with(*expected_args).once.and_call_original end expect(secondary_store).to receive(:pipelined).and_call_original expect_next_instance_of(Redis::PipelinedConnection) do |pipeline| expect(pipeline).to receive(name).with(*expected_args).once.and_call_original end subject end include_examples 'verify that store contains values', :primary_store include_examples 'verify that store contains values', :secondary_store end end end end # rubocop:enable RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers context 'with ENUMERATOR_COMMANDS redis commands' do let_it_be(:hkey) { "redis:hash" } let_it_be(:skey) { "redis:set" } let_it_be(:zkey) { "redis:sortedset" } let_it_be(:rvalue) { "value1" } let_it_be(:scan_kwargs) { { match: 'redis:hash' } } where(:case_name, :name, :args, :kwargs) do 'execute :scan_each command' | :scan_each | nil | ref(:scan_kwargs) 'execute :sscan_each command' | :sscan_each | ref(:skey) | {} 'execute :hscan_each command' | :hscan_each | ref(:hkey) | {} 'execute :zscan_each command' | :zscan_each | ref(:zkey) | {} end before(:all) do primary_store.hset(hkey, rvalue, 1) primary_store.sadd?(skey, rvalue) primary_store.zadd(zkey, 1, rvalue) secondary_store.hset(hkey, rvalue, 1) secondary_store.sadd?(skey, rvalue) secondary_store.zadd(zkey, 1, rvalue) end RSpec.shared_examples_for 'enumerator commands execution' do |both_stores, default_primary| context 'without block passed in' do subject do multi_store.send(name, *args, **kwargs) end it 'returns an enumerator' do expect(subject).to be_instance_of(Enumerator) end end context 'with block passed in' do subject do multi_store.send(name, *args, **kwargs) { |key| multi_store.incr(rvalue) } end it 'returns nil' do expect(subject).to eq(nil) end it 'runs block on correct Redis instance' do if both_stores expect(primary_store).to receive(name).with(*expected_args).and_call_original expect(secondary_store).to receive(name).with(*expected_args).and_call_original expect(primary_store).to receive(:incr).with(rvalue) expect(secondary_store).to receive(:incr).with(rvalue) elsif default_primary expect(primary_store).to receive(name).with(*expected_args).and_call_original expect(primary_store).to receive(:incr).with(rvalue) expect(secondary_store).not_to receive(name) expect(secondary_store).not_to receive(:incr).with(rvalue) else expect(secondary_store).to receive(name).with(*expected_args).and_call_original expect(secondary_store).to receive(:incr).with(rvalue) expect(primary_store).not_to receive(name) expect(primary_store).not_to receive(:incr).with(rvalue) end subject end end end with_them do describe name.to_s do let(:expected_args) { kwargs.present? ? [*args, { **kwargs }] : Array(args) } before do allow(primary_store).to receive(name).and_call_original allow(secondary_store).to receive(name).and_call_original end context 'when only using 1 store' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_primary_and_secondary_stores_for_test_store: false) end context 'when using secondary store as default' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_primary_store_as_default_for_test_store: false) end it_behaves_like 'enumerator commands execution', false, false end context 'when using primary store as default' do it_behaves_like 'enumerator commands execution', false, true end end context 'when using both stores' do context 'when using secondary store as default' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_primary_store_as_default_for_test_store: false) end it_behaves_like 'enumerator commands execution', true, false end context 'when using primary store as default' do it_behaves_like 'enumerator commands execution', true, true end end end end end RSpec.shared_examples_for 'pipelined command' do |name| let_it_be(:key1) { "redis:{1}:key_a" } let_it_be(:value1) { "redis_value1" } let_it_be(:value2) { "redis_value2" } let_it_be(:expected_value) { value1 } let_it_be(:verification_name) { :get } let_it_be(:verification_args) { key1 } before do primary_store.flushdb secondary_store.flushdb end describe "command execution in a pipelined command" do let(:counter) { Gitlab::Metrics::NullMetric.instance } before do allow(Gitlab::Metrics).to receive(:counter).with( :gitlab_redis_multi_store_pipelined_diff_error_total, 'Redis MultiStore pipelined command diff between stores' ).and_return(counter) end subject do multi_store.send(name) do |redis| redis.set(key1, value1) end end context 'when executing on primary instance is successful' do it 'executes on both primary and secondary redis store', :aggregate_errors do expect(primary_store).to receive(name).and_call_original expect(secondary_store).to receive(name).and_call_original subject end include_examples 'verify that store contains values', :primary_store include_examples 'verify that store contains values', :secondary_store end context 'when executing on the primary instance is raising an exception' do before do allow(primary_store).to receive(name).and_raise(StandardError) allow(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:log_exception) end it 'logs the exception and execute on secondary instance', :aggregate_errors do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:log_exception).with(an_instance_of(StandardError), hash_including(:multi_store_error_message, command_name: name)) expect(secondary_store).to receive(name).and_call_original subject end include_examples 'verify that store contains values', :secondary_store end describe 'return values from a pipelined command' do RSpec::Matchers.define :pipeline_diff_error_with_stacktrace do |message| match do |object| expect(object).to be_a(Gitlab::Redis::MultiStore::PipelinedDiffError) expect(object.backtrace).not_to be_nil expect(object.message).to eq(message) end end subject do multi_store.send(name) do |redis| redis.get(key1) end end context 'when the value exists on both and are equal' do before do primary_store.set(key1, value1) secondary_store.set(key1, value1) end it 'returns the value' do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).not_to receive(:log_exception) expect(subject).to eq([value1]) end end context 'when the value exists on both but differ' do before do primary_store.set(key1, value1) secondary_store.set(key1, value2) end it 'returns the value from the secondary store, logging an error' do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:log_exception).with( pipeline_diff_error_with_stacktrace( 'Pipelined command executed on both stores successfully but results differ between them. ' \ "Result from the primary: [#{value1.inspect}]. Result from the secondary: [#{value2.inspect}]." ), hash_including(command_name: name, instance_name: instance_name) ).and_call_original expect(counter).to receive(:increment).with(command: name, instance_name: instance_name) expect(subject).to eq([value2]) end end context 'when the value does not exist on the primary but it does on the secondary' do before do secondary_store.set(key1, value2) end it 'returns the value from the secondary store, logging an error' do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:log_exception).with( pipeline_diff_error_with_stacktrace( 'Pipelined command executed on both stores successfully but results differ between them. ' \ "Result from the primary: [nil]. Result from the secondary: [#{value2.inspect}]." ), hash_including(command_name: name, instance_name: instance_name) ) expect(counter).to receive(:increment).with(command: name, instance_name: instance_name) expect(subject).to eq([value2]) end end context 'when the value does not exist in either' do it 'returns nil without logging an error' do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).not_to receive(:log_exception) expect(counter).not_to receive(:increment) expect(subject).to eq([nil]) end end end context 'when use_primary_and_secondary_stores feature flag is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_primary_and_secondary_stores_for_test_store: false) end context 'when using secondary store as default' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_primary_store_as_default_for_test_store: false) end it 'executes on secondary store', :aggregate_errors do expect(primary_store).not_to receive(:send).and_call_original expect(secondary_store).to receive(:send).and_call_original subject end end context 'when using primary store as default' do it 'executes on primary store', :aggregate_errors do expect(secondary_store).not_to receive(:send).and_call_original expect(primary_store).to receive(:send).and_call_original subject end end end end end describe '#multi' do include_examples 'pipelined command', :multi end describe '#pipelined' do include_examples 'pipelined command', :pipelined end describe '#ping' do subject { multi_store.ping } context 'when using both stores' do before do allow(multi_store).to receive(:use_primary_and_secondary_stores?).and_return(true) end context 'without message' do it 'returns PONG' do expect(subject).to eq('PONG') end end context 'with message' do it 'returns the same message' do expect(multi_store.ping('hello world')).to eq('hello world') end end shared_examples 'returns an error' do before do allow(store).to receive(:ping).and_raise('boom') end it 'returns the error' do expect { subject }.to raise_error('boom') end end context 'when primary store returns an error' do let(:store) { primary_store } it_behaves_like 'returns an error' end context 'when secondary store returns an error' do let(:store) { secondary_store } it_behaves_like 'returns an error' end end shared_examples 'single store as default store' do context 'when the store retuns success' do it 'returns response from the respective store' do expect(store).to receive(:ping).and_return('PONG') subject expect(subject).to eq('PONG') end end context 'when the store returns an error' do before do allow(store).to receive(:ping).and_raise('boom') end it 'returns the error' do expect { subject }.to raise_error('boom') end end end context 'when using only one store' do before do allow(multi_store).to receive(:use_primary_and_secondary_stores?).and_return(false) end context 'when using primary_store as default store' do let(:store) { primary_store } before do allow(multi_store).to receive(:use_primary_store_as_default?).and_return(true) end it_behaves_like 'single store as default store' end context 'when using secondary_store as default store' do let(:store) { secondary_store } before do allow(multi_store).to receive(:use_primary_store_as_default?).and_return(false) end it_behaves_like 'single store as default store' end end end context 'with unsupported command' do let(:counter) { Gitlab::Metrics::NullMetric.instance } before do primary_store.flushdb secondary_store.flushdb allow(Gitlab::Metrics).to receive(:counter).and_return(counter) end subject { multi_store.command } context 'when in test environment' do it 'raises error' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(instance_of(Gitlab::Redis::MultiStore::MethodMissingError)) end end context 'when not in test environment' do before do stub_rails_env('production') end it 'responds to missing method' do expect(multi_store).to receive(:respond_to_missing?).and_call_original expect(multi_store.respond_to?(:command)).to be(true) end it 'executes method missing' do expect(multi_store).to receive(:method_missing) subject end context 'when command is not in SKIP_LOG_METHOD_MISSING_FOR_COMMANDS' do it 'logs MethodMissingError' do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:log_exception).with( an_instance_of(Gitlab::Redis::MultiStore::MethodMissingError), hash_including(command_name: :command, instance_name: instance_name) ) subject end it 'increments method missing counter' do expect(counter).to receive(:increment).with(command: :command, instance_name: instance_name) subject end it 'fallback and executes only on the secondary store', :aggregate_errors do expect(primary_store).to receive(:command).and_call_original expect(secondary_store).not_to receive(:command) subject end end context 'when command is in SKIP_LOG_METHOD_MISSING_FOR_COMMANDS' do subject { multi_store.info } it 'does not log MethodMissingError' do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).not_to receive(:log_exception) subject end it 'does not increment method missing counter' do expect(counter).not_to receive(:increment) subject end end context 'with feature flag :use_primary_store_as_default_for_test_store is enabled' do it 'fallback and executes only on the secondary store', :aggregate_errors do expect(primary_store).to receive(:command).and_call_original expect(secondary_store).not_to receive(:command) subject end end context 'with feature flag :use_primary_store_as_default_for_test_store is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_primary_store_as_default_for_test_store: false) end it 'fallback and executes only on the secondary store', :aggregate_errors do expect(secondary_store).to receive(:command).and_call_original expect(primary_store).not_to receive(:command) subject end end context 'when the command is executed within pipelined block' do subject do multi_store.pipelined(&:command) end it 'is executed only 1 time on each instance', :aggregate_errors do expect(primary_store).to receive(:pipelined).once.and_call_original expect(secondary_store).to receive(:pipelined).once.and_call_original 2.times do expect_next_instance_of(Redis::PipelinedConnection) do |pipeline| expect(pipeline).to receive(:command).once end end subject end end end end describe '#to_s' do subject { multi_store.to_s } it 'returns same value as primary_store' do is_expected.to eq(primary_store.to_s) end end describe '#is_a?' do it 'returns true for ::Redis::Store' do expect(multi_store.is_a?(::Redis::Store)).to be true end end describe '#use_primary_and_secondary_stores?' do it 'multi store is enabled' do expect(multi_store.use_primary_and_secondary_stores?).to be true end context 'with empty DB' do before do allow(Feature::FlipperFeature).to receive(:table_exists?).and_return(false) end it 'multi store is disabled' do expect(multi_store.use_primary_and_secondary_stores?).to be false end end context 'when FF table guard raises' do before do allow(Feature::FlipperFeature).to receive(:table_exists?).and_raise end it 'multi store is disabled' do expect(multi_store.use_primary_and_secondary_stores?).to be false end end end describe '#use_primary_store_as_default?' do it 'multi store is disabled' do expect(multi_store.use_primary_store_as_default?).to be true end context 'with empty DB' do before do allow(Feature::FlipperFeature).to receive(:table_exists?).and_return(false) end it 'multi store is disabled' do expect(multi_store.use_primary_and_secondary_stores?).to be false end end context 'when FF table guard raises' do before do allow(Feature::FlipperFeature).to receive(:table_exists?).and_raise end it 'multi store is disabled' do expect(multi_store.use_primary_and_secondary_stores?).to be false end end end def create_redis_store(options, extras = {}) ::Redis::Store.new(options.merge(extras)) end end