# omniauth-salesforce This is fork of [omniauth-salesforce](https://github.com/realdoug/omniauth-salesforce) to support: 1. OmniAuth v1 and v2. OmniAuth v2 disables GET requests by default and defaults to POST. GitLab already has patched v1 to use POST, but other dependencies need to be updated: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/30073. There is active discussion with the gem owner (via email) about adding some GitLab employees as gem authors so tha they can push changes. If that happens, the updated/canonical gem should be used in favor of this vendored fork. [OmniAuth](https://github.com/intridea/omniauth) Strategy for [salesforce.com](salesforce.com). Note: This is a fork of the [original](https://github.com/richardvanhook/omniauth-salesforce) project and is now the main repository for the omniauth-salesforce gem. ## See it in action [http://omniauth-salesforce-example.herokuapp.com](http://omniauth-salesforce-example.herokuapp.com) [Source for above app](https://github.com/richardvanhook/omniauth-salesforce-example) ## Basic Usage ```ruby require "sinatra" require "omniauth" require "omniauth-salesforce" class MyApplication < Sinatra::Base use Rack::Session use OmniAuth::Builder do provider :salesforce, ENV['SALESFORCE_KEY'], ENV['SALESFORCE_SECRET'] end end ``` ## Including other sites ```ruby use OmniAuth::Builder do provider :salesforce, ENV['SALESFORCE_KEY'], ENV['SALESFORCE_SECRET'] provider OmniAuth::Strategies::SalesforceSandbox, ENV['SALESFORCE_SANDBOX_KEY'], ENV['SALESFORCE_SANDBOX_SECRET'] provider OmniAuth::Strategies::SalesforcePreRelease, ENV['SALESFORCE_PRERELEASE_KEY'], ENV['SALESFORCE_PRERELEASE_SECRET'] provider OmniAuth::Strategies::DatabaseDotCom, ENV['DATABASE_DOT_COM_KEY'], ENV['DATABASE_DOT_COM_SECRET'] end ``` ## Resources * [Article: Digging Deeper into OAuth 2.0 on Force.com](http://wiki.developerforce.com/index.php/Digging_Deeper_into_OAuth_2.0_on_Force.com)