# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe PagesDomains::UpdateService do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:pages_domain) { create(:pages_domain, :with_project) } let(:params) do attributes_for(:pages_domain, :with_trusted_chain).slice(:key, :certificate).tap do |params| params[:user_provided_key] = params.delete(:key) params[:user_provided_certificate] = params.delete(:certificate) end end subject(:service) { described_class.new(pages_domain.project, user, params) } context 'when the user does not have the required permissions' do it 'does not update the pages domain and does not publish a PagesDomainUpdatedEvent' do expect do expect(service.execute(pages_domain)).to be_nil end.to not_publish_event(PagesDomains::PagesDomainUpdatedEvent) end end context 'when the user has the required permissions' do before do pages_domain.project.add_maintainer(user) end context 'when it updates the domain successfully' do it 'updates the domain' do expect(service.execute(pages_domain)).to eq(true) end it 'publishes a PagesDomainUpdatedEvent' do expect { service.execute(pages_domain) } .to publish_event(PagesDomains::PagesDomainUpdatedEvent) .with( project_id: pages_domain.project.id, namespace_id: pages_domain.project.namespace.id, root_namespace_id: pages_domain.project.root_namespace.id, domain: pages_domain.domain ) end end context 'when it fails to update the domain' do let(:params) { { user_provided_certificate: 'blabla' } } it 'does not update a pages domain' do expect(service.execute(pages_domain)).to be(false) end it 'does not publish a PagesDomainUpdatedEvent' do expect { service.execute(pages_domain) } .not_to publish_event(PagesDomains::PagesDomainUpdatedEvent) end end end end