# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Deployments::UpdateEnvironmentService do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:options) { { name: environment_name } } let(:pipeline) do create( :ci_pipeline, sha: 'b83d6e391c22777fca1ed3012fce84f633d7fed0', project: project ) end let(:job) do create(:ci_build, :with_deployment, pipeline: pipeline, ref: 'master', tag: false, environment: environment_name, options: { environment: options }, project: project) end let(:deployment) { job.deployment } let(:environment) { deployment.environment } let(:environment_name) { 'production' } subject(:service) { described_class.new(deployment) } before do allow(Deployments::LinkMergeRequestWorker).to receive(:perform_async) allow(Deployments::HooksWorker).to receive(:perform_async) job.success! # Create/Succeed deployment end describe '#execute' do let(:store) { Gitlab::EtagCaching::Store.new } it 'invalidates the environment etag cache' do old_value = store.get(environment.etag_cache_key) service.execute expect(store.get(environment.etag_cache_key)).not_to eq(old_value) end it 'creates ref' do expect_any_instance_of(Repository) .to receive(:create_ref) .with(deployment.sha, "refs/environments/production/deployments/#{deployment.iid}") service.execute end it 'updates merge request metrics' do expect_any_instance_of(Deployment) .to receive(:update_merge_request_metrics!) service.execute end it 'returns the deployment' do expect(subject.execute).to eq(deployment) end it 'returns the deployment when could not save the environment' do allow(environment).to receive(:save).and_return(false) expect(subject.execute).to eq(deployment) end it 'returns the deployment when environment is stopped' do allow(environment).to receive(:stopped?).and_return(true) expect(subject.execute).to eq(deployment) end context 'when start action is defined' do let(:options) { { name: 'production', action: 'start' } } context 'and environment is stopped' do before do environment.stop_complete end it 'makes environment available' do service.execute expect(environment.reload).to be_available end end end context 'when external URL is specified and the tier is unset' do let(:options) { { name: 'production', url: external_url } } before do environment.update_columns(external_url: external_url, tier: nil) job.update!(environment: 'production') end context 'when external URL is valid' do let(:external_url) { 'https://google.com' } it 'succeeds to update the tier automatically' do expect { subject.execute }.to change { environment.tier }.from(nil).to('production') end end context 'when external URL is invalid' do let(:external_url) { 'javascript:alert("hello")' } it 'fails to update the tier due to validation error' do expect { subject.execute }.not_to change { environment.tier } end it 'tracks an exception' do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:track_exception) .with(an_instance_of(described_class::EnvironmentUpdateFailure), project_id: project.id, environment_id: environment.id, reason: %q{External url javascript scheme is not allowed}) .once subject.execute end end end context 'when variables are used' do let(:options) do { name: 'review-apps/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME', url: 'http://$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME.review-apps.gitlab.com' } end before do environment.update!(name: 'review-apps/master') job.update!(environment: 'review-apps/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME') end it 'does not create a new environment' do expect { subject.execute }.not_to change { Environment.count } end it 'updates external url' do subject.execute expect(subject.environment.name).to eq('review-apps/master') expect(subject.environment.external_url).to eq('http://master.review-apps.gitlab.com') end end context 'when auto_stop_in are used' do let(:options) do { name: 'production', auto_stop_in: '1 day' } end before do environment.update_attribute(:auto_stop_at, nil) end it 'renews auto stop at' do freeze_time do expect { subject.execute } .to change { environment.reset.auto_stop_at&.round }.from(nil).to(1.day.since.round) end end context 'when value is a variable' do let(:options) { { name: 'production', auto_stop_in: '$TTL' } } let(:yaml_variables) do [ { key: "TTL", value: '2 days', public: true } ] end before do job.update_attribute(:yaml_variables, yaml_variables) end it 'renews auto stop at with expanded variable value' do freeze_time do expect { subject.execute } .to change { environment.reset.auto_stop_at&.round }.from(nil).to(2.days.since.round) end end end end context 'when deployment tier is specified' do let(:environment_name) { 'customer-portal' } let(:options) { { name: environment_name, deployment_tier: 'production' } } context 'when tier has already been set' do before do environment.update_column(:tier, Environment.tiers[:other]) end it 'overwrites the guessed tier by the specified deployment tier' do expect { subject.execute } .to change { environment.reset.tier }.from('other').to('production') end end context 'when tier has not been set' do before do environment.update_column(:tier, nil) end it 'sets the specified deployment tier' do expect { subject.execute } .to change { environment.reset.tier }.from(nil).to('production') end context 'when deployment was created by an external CD system' do before do deployment.update_column(:deployable_id, nil) deployment.reload end it 'guesses the deployment tier' do expect { subject.execute } .to change { environment.reset.tier }.from(nil).to('other') end end end end context 'when deployment tier is not specified' do let(:environment_name) { 'customer-portal' } let(:options) { { name: environment_name } } it 'guesses the deployment tier' do environment.update_column(:tier, nil) expect { subject.execute } .to change { environment.reset.tier }.from(nil).to('other') end end end describe '#expanded_environment_url' do subject { service.send(:expanded_environment_url) } context 'when yaml environment uses $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME' do let(:job) do create(:ci_build, :with_deployment, pipeline: pipeline, ref: 'master', environment: 'production', project: project, options: { environment: { name: 'production', url: 'http://review/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME' } }) end it { is_expected.to eq('http://review/master') } end context 'when yaml environment uses $CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG' do let(:job) do create(:ci_build, :with_deployment, pipeline: pipeline, ref: 'master', environment: 'prod-slug', project: project, options: { environment: { name: 'prod-slug', url: 'http://review/$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG' } }) end it { is_expected.to eq('http://review/prod-slug') } end context 'when yaml environment uses yaml_variables containing symbol keys' do let(:job) do create(:ci_build, :with_deployment, pipeline: pipeline, yaml_variables: [{ key: :APP_HOST, value: 'host' }], environment: 'production', project: project, options: { environment: { name: 'production', url: 'http://review/$APP_HOST' } }) end it { is_expected.to eq('http://review/host') } end context 'when job variables are generated during runtime' do let(:job) do create(:ci_build, :with_deployment, pipeline: pipeline, environment: 'review/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME', project: project, job_variables: [job_variable], options: { environment: { name: 'review/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME', url: 'http://$DYNAMIC_ENV_URL' } }) end let(:job_variable) do build(:ci_job_variable, :dotenv_source, key: 'DYNAMIC_ENV_URL', value: 'abc.test.com') end it 'expands the environment URL from the dynamic variable' do is_expected.to eq('http://abc.test.com') end end context 'when environment url uses a nested variable' do let(:yaml_variables) do [ { key: 'MAIN_DOMAIN', value: '${STACK_NAME}.example.com' }, { key: 'STACK_NAME', value: 'appname-${ENVIRONMENT_NAME}' }, { key: 'ENVIRONMENT_NAME', value: '${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}' } ] end let(:job) do create(:ci_build, :with_deployment, pipeline: pipeline, ref: 'master', environment: 'production', project: project, yaml_variables: yaml_variables, options: { environment: { name: 'production', url: 'http://$MAIN_DOMAIN' } }) end it { is_expected.to eq('http://appname-master.example.com') } end context 'when yaml environment does not have url' do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :with_deployment, pipeline: pipeline, environment: 'staging', project: project) } it 'returns the external_url from persisted environment' do is_expected.to be_nil end end end describe "merge request metrics" do let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, target_branch: 'master', source_branch: 'feature', source_project: project) } context "while updating the 'first_deployed_to_production_at' time" do before do merge_request.metrics.update!(merged_at: 1.hour.ago) end context "for merge requests merged before the current deploy" do it "sets the time if the deploy's environment is 'production'" do service.execute expect(merge_request.reload.metrics.first_deployed_to_production_at).to be_like_time(deployment.finished_at) end context 'when job deploys to staging' do let(:job) do create(:ci_build, :with_deployment, pipeline: pipeline, ref: 'master', tag: false, environment: 'staging', options: { environment: { name: 'staging' } }, project: project) end it "doesn't set the time if the deploy's environment is not 'production'" do service.execute expect(merge_request.reload.metrics.first_deployed_to_production_at).to be_nil end end it 'does not raise errors if the merge request does not have a metrics record' do merge_request.metrics.destroy! expect(merge_request.reload.metrics).to be_nil expect { service.execute }.not_to raise_error end end context "for merge requests merged before the previous deploy" do context "if the 'first_deployed_to_production_at' time is already set" do it "does not overwrite the older 'first_deployed_to_production_at' time" do # Previous deploy service.execute expect(merge_request.reload.metrics.first_deployed_to_production_at).to be_like_time(deployment.finished_at) # Current deploy travel_to(12.hours.from_now) do service.execute expect(merge_request.reload.metrics.first_deployed_to_production_at).to be_like_time(deployment.finished_at) end end end context "if the 'first_deployed_to_production_at' time is not already set" do it "does not overwrite the older 'first_deployed_to_production_at' time" do # Previous deploy time = 5.minutes.from_now travel_to(time) { service.execute } expect(merge_request.reload.metrics.merged_at).to be < merge_request.reload.metrics.first_deployed_to_production_at previous_time = merge_request.reload.metrics.first_deployed_to_production_at # Current deploy travel_to(time + 12.hours) { service.execute } expect(merge_request.reload.metrics.first_deployed_to_production_at).to eq(previous_time) end end end end end end