import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import Vue, { nextTick } from 'vue'; import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'; import Vuex from 'vuex'; import { mockTracking, triggerEvent } from 'helpers/tracking_helper'; import DiffFileHeader from '~/diffs/components/diff_file_header.vue'; import { DIFF_FILE_AUTOMATIC_COLLAPSE, DIFF_FILE_MANUAL_COLLAPSE } from '~/diffs/constants'; import { reviewFile } from '~/diffs/store/actions'; import { SET_DIFF_FILE_VIEWED, SET_MR_FILE_REVIEWS } from '~/diffs/store/mutation_types'; import { diffViewerModes } from '~/ide/constants'; import { scrollToElement } from '~/lib/utils/common_utils'; import { truncateSha } from '~/lib/utils/text_utility'; import { __, sprintf } from '~/locale'; import ClipboardButton from '~/vue_shared/components/clipboard_button.vue'; import testAction from '../../__helpers__/vuex_action_helper'; import diffDiscussionsMockData from '../mock_data/diff_discussions'; jest.mock('~/lib/utils/common_utils'); const diffFile = Object.freeze( Object.assign(diffDiscussionsMockData.diff_file, { id: '123', file_hash: 'xyz', file_identifier_hash: 'abc', edit_path: 'link:/to/edit/path', blob: { id: '848ed9407c6730ff16edb3dd24485a0eea24292a', path: 'lib/base.js', name: 'base.js', mode: '100644', readable_text: true, icon: 'doc-text', }, }), ); Vue.use(Vuex); describe('DiffFileHeader component', () => { let wrapper; let mockStoreConfig; const diffHasExpandedDiscussionsResultMock = jest.fn(); const diffHasDiscussionsResultMock = jest.fn(); const defaultMockStoreConfig = { state: {}, modules: { diffs: { namespaced: true, getters: { diffHasExpandedDiscussions: () => diffHasExpandedDiscussionsResultMock, diffHasDiscussions: () => diffHasDiscussionsResultMock, }, actions: { toggleFileDiscussions: jest.fn(), toggleFileDiscussionWrappers: jest.fn(), toggleFullDiff: jest.fn(), setCurrentFileHash: jest.fn(), setFileCollapsedByUser: jest.fn(), reviewFile: jest.fn(), }, }, }, }; afterEach(() => { [ diffHasDiscussionsResultMock, diffHasExpandedDiscussionsResultMock, ...Object.values(mockStoreConfig.modules.diffs.actions), ].forEach((mock) => mock.mockReset()); wrapper.destroy(); }); const findHeader = () => wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'header' }); const findTitleLink = () => wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'titleWrapper' }); const findExpandButton = () => wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'expandDiffToFullFileButton' }); const findFileActions = () => wrapper.find('.file-actions'); const findModeChangedLine = () => wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'fileMode' }); const findLfsLabel = () => wrapper.find('[data-testid="label-lfs"]'); const findToggleDiscussionsButton = () => wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'toggleDiscussionsButton' }); const findExternalLink = () => wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'externalLink' }); const findReplacedFileButton = () => wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'replacedFileButton' }); const findViewFileButton = () => wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'viewButton' }); const findCollapseIcon = () => wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'collapseIcon' }); const findEditButton = () => wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'editButton' }); const findReviewFileCheckbox = () => wrapper.find("[data-testid='fileReviewCheckbox']"); const createComponent = ({ props, options = {} } = {}) => { mockStoreConfig = cloneDeep(defaultMockStoreConfig); const store = new Vuex.Store({ ...mockStoreConfig, ...( || {}) }); wrapper = shallowMount(DiffFileHeader, { propsData: { diffFile, canCurrentUserFork: false, viewDiffsFileByFile: false, ...props, }, ...options, store, }); }; it.each` visibility | collapsible ${'visible'} | ${true} ${'hidden'} | ${false} `('collapse toggle is $visibility if collapsible is $collapsible', ({ collapsible }) => { createComponent({ props: { collapsible } }); expect(findCollapseIcon().exists()).toBe(collapsible); }); it.each` expanded | icon ${true} | ${'chevron-down'} ${false} | ${'chevron-right'} `('collapse icon is $icon if expanded is $expanded', ({ icon, expanded }) => { createComponent({ props: { expanded, collapsible: true } }); expect(findCollapseIcon().props('name')).toBe(icon); }); it('when header is clicked emits toggleFile', async () => { createComponent(); findHeader().trigger('click'); await nextTick(); expect(wrapper.emitted().toggleFile).toBeDefined(); }); it('when collapseIcon is clicked emits toggleFile', async () => { createComponent({ props: { collapsible: true } }); findCollapseIcon().vm.$emit('click', new Event('click')); await nextTick(); expect(wrapper.emitted().toggleFile).toBeDefined(); }); it('when other element in header is clicked does not emits toggleFile', async () => { createComponent({ props: { collapsible: true } }); findTitleLink().trigger('click'); await nextTick(); expect(wrapper.emitted().toggleFile).not.toBeDefined(); }); describe('copy to clipboard', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent(); }); it('displays a copy to clipboard button', () => { expect(wrapper.findComponent(ClipboardButton).exists()).toBe(true); }); it('triggers the copy to clipboard tracking event', () => { const trackingSpy = mockTracking('_category_', wrapper.vm.$el, jest.spyOn); triggerEvent('[data-testid="diff-file-copy-clipboard"]'); expect(trackingSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('_category_', 'click_copy_file_button', { label: 'diff_copy_file_path_button', property: 'diff_copy_file', }); }); }); describe('for submodule', () => { const submoduleDiffFile = { ...diffFile, submodule: true, submodule_link: 'link://to/submodule', }; it('prefers submodule_tree_url over submodule_link for href', () => { const submoduleTreeUrl = 'some://tree/url'; createComponent({ props: { discussionLink: 'discussionLink', diffFile: { ...submoduleDiffFile, submodule_tree_url: 'some://tree/url', }, }, }); expect(findTitleLink().attributes('href')).toBe(submoduleTreeUrl); }); it('uses submodule_link for href if submodule_tree_url does not exists', () => { const submoduleLink = 'link://to/submodule'; createComponent({ props: { discussionLink: 'discussionLink', diffFile: submoduleDiffFile, }, }); expect(findTitleLink().attributes('href')).toBe(submoduleLink); }); it('uses file_path + SHA as link text', () => { createComponent({ props: { diffFile: submoduleDiffFile, }, }); expect(findTitleLink().text()).toContain( `${diffFile.file_path} @ ${truncateSha(}`, ); }); it('does not render file actions', () => { createComponent({ props: { diffFile: submoduleDiffFile, addMergeRequestButtons: true, }, }); expect(findFileActions().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('for any file', () => { const allModes = Object.keys(diffViewerModes).map((m) => [m]); it.each(allModes)('for %s file mode displays mode changes', (mode) => { createComponent({ props: { diffFile: { ...diffFile, mode_changed: true, a_mode: 'old-mode', b_mode: 'new-mode', viewer: { ...diffFile.viewer, name: diffViewerModes[mode], }, }, }, }); expect(findModeChangedLine().text()).toMatch(/old-mode.+new-mode/); }); it.each(allModes.filter((m) => m[0] !== 'mode_changed'))( 'for %s file mode does not display mode changes', (mode) => { createComponent({ props: { diffFile: { ...diffFile, mode_changed: false, a_mode: 'old-mode', b_mode: 'new-mode', viewer: { ...diffFile.viewer, name: diffViewerModes[mode], }, }, }, }); expect(findModeChangedLine().exists()).toBe(false); }, ); it('displays the LFS label for files stored in LFS', () => { createComponent({ props: { diffFile: { ...diffFile, stored_externally: true, external_storage: 'lfs' }, }, }); expect(findLfsLabel().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('does not display the LFS label for files stored in repository', () => { createComponent({ props: { diffFile: { ...diffFile, stored_externally: false }, }, }); expect(findLfsLabel().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('does not render view replaced file button if no replaced view path is present', () => { createComponent({ props: { diffFile: { ...diffFile, replaced_view_path: null }, }, }); expect(findReplacedFileButton().exists()).toBe(false); }); describe('when addMergeRequestButtons is false', () => { it('does not render file actions', () => { createComponent({ props: { addMergeRequestButtons: false } }); expect(findFileActions().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('should not render edit button', () => { createComponent({ props: { addMergeRequestButtons: false } }); expect(findEditButton().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when addMergeRequestButtons is true', () => { describe('without discussions', () => { it('does not render a toggle discussions button', () => { diffHasDiscussionsResultMock.mockReturnValue(false); createComponent({ props: { addMergeRequestButtons: true } }); expect(findToggleDiscussionsButton().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('with discussions', () => { it('dispatches toggleFileDiscussionWrappers when user clicks on toggle discussions button', () => { diffHasDiscussionsResultMock.mockReturnValue(true); createComponent({ props: { addMergeRequestButtons: true } }); expect(findToggleDiscussionsButton().exists()).toBe(true); findToggleDiscussionsButton().vm.$emit('click'); expect( mockStoreConfig.modules.diffs.actions.toggleFileDiscussionWrappers, ).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.any(Object), diffFile); }); }); it('should show edit button', () => { createComponent({ props: { addMergeRequestButtons: true, }, }); expect(findEditButton().exists()).toBe(true); }); describe('view on environment button', () => { it('is displayed when external url is provided', () => { const externalUrl = 'link://to/external'; const formattedExternalUrl = 'link://formatted'; createComponent({ props: { diffFile: { ...diffFile, external_url: externalUrl, formatted_external_url: formattedExternalUrl, }, addMergeRequestButtons: true, }, }); expect(findExternalLink().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('is hidden by default', () => { createComponent({ props: { addMergeRequestButtons: true } }); expect(findExternalLink().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('without file blob', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ props: { diffFile: { ...diffFile, blob: false } } }); }); it('should not render toggle discussions button', () => { expect(findToggleDiscussionsButton().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('should not render edit button', () => { expect(findEditButton().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('with file blob', () => { it('should render correct file view button', () => { const viewPath = 'link://view-path'; createComponent({ props: { diffFile: { ...diffFile, view_path: viewPath }, addMergeRequestButtons: true, }, }); expect(findViewFileButton().attributes('href')).toBe(viewPath); expect(findViewFileButton().text()).toEqual( `View file @ ${diffFile.content_sha.substr(0, 8)}`, ); }); }); }); describe('expand full file button', () => { describe('when diff is fully expanded', () => { it('is not rendered', () => { createComponent({ props: { diffFile: { ...diffFile, is_fully_expanded: true, }, }, }); expect(findExpandButton().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when diff is not fully expanded', () => { const fullyNotExpandedFileProps = { diffFile: { ...diffFile, is_fully_expanded: false, edit_path: 'link/to/edit/path.txt', isShowingFullFile: false, }, addMergeRequestButtons: true, }; it('renders expand to full file button if not showing full file already', () => { createComponent({ props: fullyNotExpandedFileProps }); expect(findExpandButton().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('renders loading icon when loading full file', () => { createComponent({ props: fullyNotExpandedFileProps }); expect(findExpandButton().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('toggles full diff on click', () => { createComponent({ props: fullyNotExpandedFileProps }); findExpandButton().vm.$emit('click'); expect(mockStoreConfig.modules.diffs.actions.toggleFullDiff).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); it('uses discussionPath for link if it is defined', () => { const discussionPath = 'link://to/discussion'; createComponent({ props: { discussionPath, }, }); expect(findTitleLink().attributes('href')).toBe(discussionPath); }); it('uses local anchor for link as last resort', () => { createComponent(); expect(findTitleLink().attributes('href')).toMatch(/^#diff-content/); }); describe('when local anchor for link is clicked', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent(); }); it('scrolls to target', () => { findTitleLink().trigger('click'); expect(scrollToElement).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('updates anchor in URL', () => { findTitleLink().trigger('click'); expect(window.location.href).toMatch(/#diff-content/); }); }); }); describe('for new file', () => { it('displays the path', () => { createComponent({ props: { diffFile: { ...diffFile, new_file: true } } }); expect(findTitleLink().text()).toBe(diffFile.file_path); }); }); describe('for deleted file', () => { it('displays the path', () => { createComponent({ props: { diffFile: { ...diffFile, deleted_file: true } } }); expect(findTitleLink().text()).toBe( sprintf(__('%{filePath} deleted'), { filePath: diffFile.file_path }, false), ); }); it('does not show edit button', () => { createComponent({ props: { diffFile: { ...diffFile, deleted_file: true } } }); expect(findEditButton().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('for renamed file', () => { it('displays old and new path if the file was renamed', () => { createComponent({ props: { diffFile: { ...diffFile, renamed_file: true, old_path_html: 'old', new_path_html: 'new', }, }, }); expect(findTitleLink().text()).toMatch(/^old.+new/s); }); }); describe('for replaced file', () => { it('renders view replaced file button', () => { const replacedViewPath = 'some/path'; createComponent({ props: { diffFile: { ...diffFile, replaced_view_path: replacedViewPath, }, addMergeRequestButtons: true, }, }); expect(findReplacedFileButton().exists()).toBe(true); }); }); describe('file reviews', () => { it('calls the action to set the new review', () => { createComponent({ props: { diffFile: { ...diffFile, viewer: { ...diffFile.viewer, automaticallyCollapsed: false, manuallyCollapsed: null, }, }, showLocalFileReviews: true, addMergeRequestButtons: true, }, }); const file = wrapper.vm.diffFile; findReviewFileCheckbox().vm.$emit('change', true); return testAction( reviewFile, { file, reviewed: true }, {}, [ { type: SET_DIFF_FILE_VIEWED, payload: { id: file.file_hash, seen: true } }, { type: SET_MR_FILE_REVIEWS, payload: { [file.file_identifier_hash]: [, `hash:${file.file_hash}`] }, }, ], [], ); }); it.each` description | newReviewedStatus | collapseType | aCollapse | mCollapse | callAction ${'does nothing'} | ${true} | ${DIFF_FILE_MANUAL_COLLAPSE} | ${false} | ${true} | ${false} ${'does nothing'} | ${false} | ${DIFF_FILE_AUTOMATIC_COLLAPSE} | ${true} | ${null} | ${false} ${'does nothing'} | ${true} | ${'not collapsed'} | ${false} | ${null} | ${false} ${'does nothing'} | ${false} | ${'not collapsed'} | ${false} | ${null} | ${false} ${'collapses the file'} | ${true} | ${DIFF_FILE_AUTOMATIC_COLLAPSE} | ${true} | ${null} | ${true} `( "$description if the new review status is reviewed = $newReviewedStatus and the file's collapse type is collapse = $collapseType", ({ newReviewedStatus, aCollapse, mCollapse, callAction }) => { createComponent({ props: { diffFile: { ...diffFile, viewer: { ...diffFile.viewer, automaticallyCollapsed: aCollapse, manuallyCollapsed: mCollapse, }, }, showLocalFileReviews: true, addMergeRequestButtons: true, }, }); findReviewFileCheckbox().vm.$emit('change', newReviewedStatus); if (callAction) { expect(mockStoreConfig.modules.diffs.actions.setFileCollapsedByUser).toHaveBeenCalled(); } else { expect( mockStoreConfig.modules.diffs.actions.setFileCollapsedByUser, ).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); } }, ); it.each` description | show | visible ${'shows'} | ${true} | ${true} ${'hides'} | ${false} | ${false} `( '$description the file review feature given { showLocalFileReviewsProp: $show }', ({ show, visible }) => { createComponent({ props: { showLocalFileReviews: show, addMergeRequestButtons: true, }, }); expect(findReviewFileCheckbox().exists()).toEqual(visible); }, ); it.each` open | status | fires ${true} | ${true} | ${true} ${false} | ${false} | ${true} ${true} | ${false} | ${false} ${false} | ${true} | ${false} `( 'toggles appropriately when { fileExpanded: $open, newReviewStatus: $status }', ({ open, status, fires }) => { createComponent({ props: { diffFile: { ...diffFile, viewer: { ...diffFile.viewer, automaticallyCollapsed: false, manuallyCollapsed: null, }, }, showLocalFileReviews: true, addMergeRequestButtons: true, expanded: open, }, }); findReviewFileCheckbox().vm.$emit('change', status); expect(Boolean(wrapper.emitted().toggleFile)).toBe(fires); }, ); }); });