# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Projects::PipelinesController do include ApiHelpers let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :public, :repository) } let(:feature) { ProjectFeature::ENABLED } before do allow(Sidekiq.logger).to receive(:info) stub_not_protect_default_branch project.add_developer(user) project.project_feature.update!(builds_access_level: feature) sign_in(user) end shared_examples 'the show page' do |param| it 'redirects to pipeline path with param' do get param, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, id: pipeline } expect(response).to redirect_to(pipeline_path(pipeline, tab: param)) end context 'when the FF pipeline_tabs_vue is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(pipeline_tabs_vue: false) end it 'renders the show template' do get param, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, id: pipeline } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to render_template :show end end end describe 'GET index.json' do before do create_all_pipeline_types end context 'when using persisted stages', :request_store do render_views it 'returns serialized pipelines' do expect(::Gitlab::GitalyClient).to receive(:allow_ref_name_caching).and_call_original get_pipelines_index_json expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('pipeline') expect(json_response).to include('pipelines') expect(json_response['pipelines'].count).to eq 6 expect(json_response['count']['all']).to eq '6' json_response.dig('pipelines', 0, 'details', 'stages').tap do |stages| expect(stages.count).to eq 3 end end it 'does not execute N+1 queries', quarantine: 'https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/345470' do get_pipelines_index_json control_count = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new do get_pipelines_index_json end.count create_all_pipeline_types # There appears to be one extra query for Pipelines#has_warnings? for some reason expect { get_pipelines_index_json }.not_to exceed_query_limit(control_count + 1) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response['pipelines'].count).to eq 12 end end it 'does not include coverage data for the pipelines' do get_pipelines_index_json expect(json_response['pipelines'][0]).not_to include('coverage') end it 'paginates the result' do allow(Ci::Pipeline).to receive(:default_per_page).and_return(2) get_pipelines_index_json check_pipeline_response(returned: 2, all: 6) end context 'when performing gitaly calls', :request_store do it 'limits the Gitaly requests' do # Isolate from test preparation (Repository#exists? is also cached in RequestStore) RequestStore.end! RequestStore.clear! RequestStore.begin! expect(::Gitlab::GitalyClient).to receive(:allow_ref_name_caching).and_call_original # ListCommitsByOid, RepositoryExists, HasLocalBranches, ListCommitsByRefNames expect { get_pipelines_index_json } .to change { Gitlab::GitalyClient.get_request_count }.by(4) end end context 'when the project is private' do let(:project) { create(:project, :private, :repository) } it 'returns `not_found` when the user does not have access' do sign_in(create(:user)) get_pipelines_index_json expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end it 'returns the pipelines when the user has access' do get_pipelines_index_json expect(json_response['pipelines'].size).to eq(6) end end context 'when user tries to access legacy scope via URL' do it 'redirects to all pipelines with that status instead' do get_pipelines_index_html(scope: 'running') expect(response).to redirect_to(project_pipelines_path(project, status: 'running', format: :html)) end end context 'filter by scope' do context 'scope is branches or tags' do before do create(:ci_pipeline, :failed, project: project, ref: 'v1.0.0', tag: true) create(:ci_pipeline, :failed, project: project, ref: 'master', tag: false) create(:ci_pipeline, :failed, project: project, ref: 'feature', tag: false) end context 'when scope is branches' do it 'returns matched pipelines' do get_pipelines_index_json(scope: 'branches') check_pipeline_response(returned: 2, all: 9) end end context 'when scope is tags' do it 'returns matched pipelines' do get_pipelines_index_json(scope: 'tags') check_pipeline_response(returned: 1, all: 9) end end end end context 'filter by username' do let!(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :running, project: project, user: user) } context 'when username exists' do it 'returns matched pipelines' do get_pipelines_index_json(username: user.username) check_pipeline_response(returned: 1, all: 1) end end context 'when username does not exist' do it 'returns empty' do get_pipelines_index_json(username: 'invalid-username') check_pipeline_response(returned: 0, all: 0) end end end context 'filter by ref' do let!(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :running, project: project, ref: 'branch-1') } context 'when pipelines with the ref exists' do it 'returns matched pipelines' do get_pipelines_index_json(ref: 'branch-1') check_pipeline_response(returned: 1, all: 1) end end context 'when no pipeline with the ref exists' do it 'returns empty list' do get_pipelines_index_json(ref: 'invalid-ref') check_pipeline_response(returned: 0, all: 0) end end end context 'filter by status' do context 'when pipelines with the status exists' do it 'returns matched pipelines' do get_pipelines_index_json(status: 'success') check_pipeline_response(returned: 1, all: 1) end end context 'when no pipeline with the status exists' do it 'returns empty list' do get_pipelines_index_json(status: 'manual') check_pipeline_response(returned: 0, all: 0) end end context 'when invalid status' do it 'returns all list' do get_pipelines_index_json(status: 'invalid-status') check_pipeline_response(returned: 6, all: 6) end end end def get_pipelines_index_html(params = {}) get :index, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project }.merge(params), format: :html end def get_pipelines_index_json(params = {}) get :index, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project }.merge(params), format: :json end def create_all_pipeline_types %w(pending running success failed canceled).each_with_index do |status, index| create_pipeline(status, project.commit("HEAD~#{index}")) end create_pipeline_with_merge_request end def create_pipeline_with_merge_request # New merge requests must be created with different branches, so # let's just create new ones with random names. branch_name = "test-#{SecureRandom.hex}" project.repository.create_branch(branch_name, project.repository.root_ref) mr = create(:merge_request, source_project: project, target_project: project, source_branch: branch_name) create_pipeline(:running, project.commit('HEAD'), merge_request: mr) end def create_pipeline(status, sha, merge_request: nil) user = create(:user) pipeline = create(:ci_empty_pipeline, status: status, project: project, sha: sha.id, ref: sha.id.first(8), user: user, merge_request: merge_request) build_stage = create(:ci_stage, name: 'build', pipeline: pipeline) test_stage = create(:ci_stage, name: 'test', pipeline: pipeline) deploy_stage = create(:ci_stage, name: 'deploy', pipeline: pipeline) create_build(pipeline, build_stage, 1, 'build', user) create_build(pipeline, test_stage, 2, 'test', user) create_build(pipeline, deploy_stage, 3, 'deploy', user) pipeline end def create_build(pipeline, stage, stage_idx, name, user = nil) status = %w[created running pending success failed canceled].sample create( :ci_build, :artifacts, artifacts_expire_at: 2.days.from_now, pipeline: pipeline, ci_stage: stage, stage_idx: stage_idx, name: name, status: status, user: user ) end def check_pipeline_response(returned:, all:) aggregate_failures do expect(response).to match_response_schema('pipeline') expect(json_response['pipelines'].count).to eq returned expect(json_response['count']['all'].to_i).to eq all end end end describe 'GET #index' do before do stub_application_setting(auto_devops_enabled: false) end def action get :index, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project } end subject { project.namespace } context 'runners_availability_section experiment' do it_behaves_like 'tracks assignment and records the subject', :runners_availability_section, :namespace end end describe 'GET #show' do def get_pipeline_html get :show, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, id: pipeline }, format: :html end context 'when the project is public' do render_views let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } let_it_be(:build_stage) { create(:ci_stage, name: 'build', pipeline: pipeline) } let_it_be(:test_stage) { create(:ci_stage, name: 'test', pipeline: pipeline) } let_it_be(:deploy_stage) { create(:ci_stage, name: 'deploy', pipeline: pipeline) } def create_build_with_artifacts(stage, stage_idx, name, status) create(:ci_build, :artifacts, :tags, status, user: user, pipeline: pipeline, ci_stage: stage, stage_idx: stage_idx, name: name) end def create_bridge(stage, stage_idx, name, status) create(:ci_bridge, status, pipeline: pipeline, ci_stage: stage, stage_idx: stage_idx, name: name) end before do create_build_with_artifacts(build_stage, 0, 'job1', :failed) create_build_with_artifacts(build_stage, 0, 'job2', :running) create_build_with_artifacts(build_stage, 0, 'job3', :pending) create_bridge(deploy_stage, 1, 'deploy-a', :failed) create_bridge(deploy_stage, 1, 'deploy-b', :created) end it 'avoids N+1 database queries', :request_store, :use_sql_query_cache do # warm up get_pipeline_html expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) control = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new(skip_cached: false) do get_pipeline_html expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) end create_build_with_artifacts(build_stage, 0, 'job4', :failed) create_build_with_artifacts(build_stage, 0, 'job5', :running) create_build_with_artifacts(build_stage, 0, 'job6', :pending) create_bridge(deploy_stage, 1, 'deploy-c', :failed) create_bridge(deploy_stage, 1, 'deploy-d', :created) expect do get_pipeline_html expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) end.not_to exceed_all_query_limit(control) end end context 'when the project is private' do let(:project) { create(:project, :private, :repository) } let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } it 'returns `not_found` when the user does not have access' do sign_in(create(:user)) get_pipeline_html expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end end describe 'GET show.json' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } it 'returns the pipeline' do get_pipeline_json expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response).not_to be_an(Array) expect(json_response['id']).to be(pipeline.id) expect(json_response['details']).to have_key 'stages' end context 'when the pipeline has multiple stages and groups', :request_store do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_empty_pipeline, project: project, user: user, sha: project.commit.id) end let(:build_stage) { create(:ci_stage, name: 'build', pipeline: pipeline) } let(:test_stage) { create(:ci_stage, name: 'test', pipeline: pipeline) } let(:deploy_stage) { create(:ci_stage, name: 'deploy', pipeline: pipeline) } let(:post_deploy_stage) { create(:ci_stage, name: 'post deploy', pipeline: pipeline) } before do create_build(build_stage, 0, 'build') create_build(test_stage, 1, 'rspec 0') create_build(deploy_stage, 2, 'production') create_build(post_deploy_stage, 3, 'pages 0') end it 'does not perform N + 1 queries' do # Set up all required variables get_pipeline_json control_count = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new { get_pipeline_json }.count first_build = pipeline.builds.first first_build.tag_list << [:hello, :world] create(:deployment, deployable: first_build) second_build = pipeline.builds.second second_build.tag_list << [:docker, :ruby] create(:deployment, deployable: second_build) new_count = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new { get_pipeline_json }.count expect(new_count).to be_within(1).of(control_count) end end context 'when builds are disabled' do let(:feature) { ProjectFeature::DISABLED } it 'users can not see internal pipelines' do get_pipeline_json expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end context 'when pipeline is external' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, source: :external, project: project) } it 'users can see the external pipeline' do get_pipeline_json expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response['id']).to be(pipeline.id) end end end context 'with triggered pipelines' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let_it_be(:source_project) { create(:project, :repository) } let_it_be(:target_project) { create(:project, :repository) } let_it_be(:root_pipeline) { create_pipeline(project) } let_it_be(:source_pipeline) { create_pipeline(source_project) } let_it_be(:source_of_source_pipeline) { create_pipeline(source_project) } let_it_be(:target_pipeline) { create_pipeline(target_project) } let_it_be(:target_of_target_pipeline) { create_pipeline(target_project) } before do create_link(source_of_source_pipeline, source_pipeline) create_link(source_pipeline, root_pipeline) create_link(root_pipeline, target_pipeline) create_link(target_pipeline, target_of_target_pipeline) end shared_examples 'not expanded' do let(:expected_stages) { be_nil } it 'does return base details' do get_pipeline_json(root_pipeline) expect(json_response['triggered_by']).to include('id' => source_pipeline.id) expect(json_response['triggered']).to contain_exactly( include('id' => target_pipeline.id)) end it 'does not expand triggered_by pipeline' do get_pipeline_json(root_pipeline) triggered_by = json_response['triggered_by'] expect(triggered_by['triggered_by']).to be_nil expect(triggered_by['triggered']).to be_nil expect(triggered_by['details']['stages']).to expected_stages end it 'does not expand triggered pipelines' do get_pipeline_json(root_pipeline) first_triggered = json_response['triggered'].first expect(first_triggered['triggered_by']).to be_nil expect(first_triggered['triggered']).to be_nil expect(first_triggered['details']['stages']).to expected_stages end end shared_examples 'expanded' do it 'does return base details' do get_pipeline_json(root_pipeline) expect(json_response['triggered_by']).to include('id' => source_pipeline.id) expect(json_response['triggered']).to contain_exactly( include('id' => target_pipeline.id)) end it 'does expand triggered_by pipeline' do get_pipeline_json(root_pipeline) triggered_by = json_response['triggered_by'] expect(triggered_by['triggered_by']).to include( 'id' => source_of_source_pipeline.id) expect(triggered_by['details']['stages']).not_to be_nil end it 'does not recursively expand triggered_by' do get_pipeline_json(root_pipeline) triggered_by = json_response['triggered_by'] expect(triggered_by['triggered']).to be_nil end it 'does expand triggered pipelines' do get_pipeline_json(root_pipeline) first_triggered = json_response['triggered'].first expect(first_triggered['triggered']).to contain_exactly( include('id' => target_of_target_pipeline.id)) expect(first_triggered['details']['stages']).not_to be_nil end it 'does not recursively expand triggered' do get_pipeline_json(root_pipeline) first_triggered = json_response['triggered'].first expect(first_triggered['triggered_by']).to be_nil end end context 'when it does have permission to read other projects' do before do source_project.add_developer(user) target_project.add_developer(user) end context 'when not-expanding any pipelines' do let(:expanded) { nil } it_behaves_like 'not expanded' end context 'when expanding non-existing pipeline' do let(:expanded) { [-1] } it_behaves_like 'not expanded' end context 'when expanding pipeline that is not directly expandable' do let(:expanded) { [source_of_source_pipeline.id, target_of_target_pipeline.id] } it_behaves_like 'not expanded' end context 'when expanding self' do let(:expanded) { [root_pipeline.id] } context 'it does not recursively expand pipelines' do it_behaves_like 'not expanded' end end context 'when expanding source and target pipeline' do let(:expanded) { [source_pipeline.id, target_pipeline.id] } it_behaves_like 'expanded' context 'when expand depth is limited to 1' do before do stub_const('TriggeredPipelineEntity::MAX_EXPAND_DEPTH', 1) end it_behaves_like 'not expanded' do # We expect that triggered/triggered_by is not expanded, # but we still return details.stages for that pipeline let(:expected_stages) { be_a(Array) } end end end context 'when expanding all' do let(:expanded) do [ source_of_source_pipeline.id, source_pipeline.id, root_pipeline.id, target_pipeline.id, target_of_target_pipeline.id ] end it_behaves_like 'expanded' end end context 'when does not have permission to read other projects' do let(:expanded) { [source_pipeline.id, target_pipeline.id] } it_behaves_like 'not expanded' end def create_pipeline(project) create(:ci_empty_pipeline, project: project).tap do |pipeline| create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, ci_stage: create(:ci_stage, name: 'test', pipeline: pipeline), name: 'rspec') end end def create_link(source_pipeline, pipeline) source_pipeline.sourced_pipelines.create!( source_job: source_pipeline.builds.all.sample, source_project: source_pipeline.project, project: pipeline.project, pipeline: pipeline ) end def get_pipeline_json(pipeline) params = { namespace_id: pipeline.project.namespace, project_id: pipeline.project, id: pipeline, expanded: expanded } get :show, params: params.compact, format: :json end end def get_pipeline_json get :show, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, id: pipeline }, format: :json end def create_build(stage, stage_idx, name) create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, ci_stage: stage, stage_idx: stage_idx, name: name) end end describe 'GET dag' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } it_behaves_like 'the show page', 'dag' end describe 'GET dag.json' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } let(:build_stage) { create(:ci_stage, name: 'build', pipeline: pipeline) } let(:test_stage) { create(:ci_stage, name: 'test', pipeline: pipeline) } before do create_build(build_stage, 1, 'build') create_build(test_stage, 2, 'test', scheduling_type: 'dag').tap do |job| create(:ci_build_need, build: job, name: 'build') end end it 'returns the pipeline with DAG serialization' do get :dag, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, id: pipeline }, format: :json expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response.fetch('stages')).not_to be_empty build_stage = json_response['stages'].first expect(build_stage.fetch('name')).to eq 'build' expect(build_stage.fetch('groups').first.fetch('jobs')) .to eq [{ 'name' => 'build', 'scheduling_type' => 'stage' }] test_stage = json_response['stages'].last expect(test_stage.fetch('name')).to eq 'test' expect(test_stage.fetch('groups').first.fetch('jobs')) .to eq [{ 'name' => 'test', 'scheduling_type' => 'dag', 'needs' => ['build'] }] end def create_build(stage, stage_idx, name, params = {}) create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, ci_stage: stage, stage_idx: stage_idx, name: name, **params) end end describe 'GET builds' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } it_behaves_like 'the show page', 'builds' end describe 'GET failures' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } context 'with ff `pipeline_tabs_vue` disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(pipeline_tabs_vue: false) end context 'with failed jobs' do before do create(:ci_build, :failed, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'hello') end it 'shows the page' do get :failures, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, id: pipeline } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to render_template :show end end context 'without failed jobs' do it 'redirects to the main pipeline page' do get :failures, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, id: pipeline } expect(response).to redirect_to(pipeline_path(pipeline)) end end end it 'redirects to the pipeline page with `failures` query param' do get :failures, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, id: pipeline } expect(response).to redirect_to(pipeline_path(pipeline, tab: 'failures')) end end describe 'GET stages.json' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } let(:build_stage) { create(:ci_stage, name: 'build', pipeline: pipeline) } context 'when accessing existing stage' do before do create(:ci_build, :retried, :failed, pipeline: pipeline, ci_stage: build_stage) create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, ci_stage: build_stage) end context 'without retried' do before do get_stage('build') end it 'returns pipeline jobs without the retried builds' do expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('pipeline_stage') expect(json_response['latest_statuses'].length).to eq 1 expect(json_response).not_to have_key('retried') end end context 'with retried' do before do get_stage('build', retried: true) end it 'returns pipelines jobs with the retried builds' do expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('pipeline_stage') expect(json_response['latest_statuses'].length).to eq 1 expect(json_response['retried'].length).to eq 1 end end end context 'when accessing unknown stage' do before do get_stage('test') end it 'responds with not found' do expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end def get_stage(name, params = {}) get :stage, params: { **params.merge( namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, id: pipeline.id, stage: name, format: :json) } end end describe 'GET status.json' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } let(:status) { pipeline.detailed_status(double('user')) } before do get :status, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, id: pipeline.id }, format: :json end it 'return a detailed pipeline status in json' do expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response['text']).to eq status.text expect(json_response['label']).to eq status.label expect(json_response['icon']).to eq status.icon expect(json_response['favicon']).to match_asset_path("/assets/ci_favicons/#{status.favicon}.png") end end describe 'GET #charts' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } [ { chart_param: '', event: 'p_analytics_ci_cd_pipelines' }, { chart_param: 'pipelines', event: 'p_analytics_ci_cd_pipelines' }, { chart_param: 'deployment-frequency', event: 'p_analytics_ci_cd_deployment_frequency' }, { chart_param: 'lead-time', event: 'p_analytics_ci_cd_lead_time' }, { chart_param: 'time-to-restore-service', event: 'p_analytics_ci_cd_time_to_restore_service' }, { chart_param: 'change-failure-rate', event: 'p_analytics_ci_cd_change_failure_rate' } ].each do |tab| it_behaves_like 'tracking unique visits', :charts do let(:request_params) { { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, id: pipeline.id, chart: tab[:chart_param] } } let(:target_id) { ['p_analytics_pipelines', tab[:event]] } end it_behaves_like 'Snowplow event tracking with RedisHLL context' do subject { get :charts, params: request_params, format: :html } let(:request_params) { { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, id: pipeline.id, chart: tab[:chart_param] } } let(:feature_flag_name) { :route_hll_to_snowplow_phase2 } let(:category) { described_class.name } let(:action) { 'perform_analytics_usage_action' } let(:namespace) { project.namespace } let(:label) { 'redis_hll_counters.analytics.analytics_total_unique_counts_monthly' } let(:property) { 'p_analytics_pipelines' } end end end describe 'POST create' do let(:project) { create(:project, :public, :repository) } before do project.add_developer(user) project.project_feature.update!(builds_access_level: feature) end context 'with a valid .gitlab-ci.yml file' do before do stub_ci_pipeline_yaml_file(YAML.dump({ test: { stage: 'test', script: 'echo' } })) end shared_examples 'creates a pipeline' do specify do expect { post_request }.to change { project.ci_pipelines.count }.by(1) pipeline = project.ci_pipelines.last expected_redirect_path = Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.project_pipeline_path(project, pipeline) expect(pipeline).to be_created expect(response).to redirect_to(expected_redirect_path) end end it_behaves_like 'creates a pipeline' context 'when latest commit contains [ci skip]' do before do project.repository.create_file(user, 'new-file.txt', 'A new file', message: '[skip ci] This is a test', branch_name: 'master') end it_behaves_like 'creates a pipeline' end end context 'with an invalid .gitlab-ci.yml file' do before do stub_ci_pipeline_yaml_file('invalid yaml file') end it 'does not persist a pipeline' do expect { post_request }.not_to change { project.ci_pipelines.count } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:bad_request) expect(response).to render_template('new') end end def post_request post :create, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, pipeline: { ref: 'master' } } end end describe 'POST create.json' do let(:project) { create(:project, :public, :repository) } subject do post :create, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, pipeline: { ref: 'master' } }, format: :json end before do project.add_developer(user) project.project_feature.update!(builds_access_level: feature) end context 'with a valid .gitlab-ci.yml file' do before do stub_ci_pipeline_yaml_file(YAML.dump({ test: { stage: 'test', script: 'echo' } })) end it 'creates a pipeline' do expect { subject }.to change { project.ci_pipelines.count }.by(1) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:created) expect(json_response['id']).to eq(project.ci_pipelines.last.id) end end context 'with an invalid .gitlab-ci.yml file' do before do stub_ci_pipeline_yaml_file(YAML.dump({ build: { stage: 'build', script: 'echo', rules: [{ when: 'always' }] }, test: { stage: 'invalid', script: 'echo' } })) end it 'does not create a pipeline' do expect { subject }.not_to change { project.ci_pipelines.count } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:bad_request) expect(json_response['errors']).to eq([ 'test job: chosen stage does not exist; available stages are .pre, build, test, deploy, .post' ]) expect(json_response['warnings'][0]).to include( 'jobs:build may allow multiple pipelines to run for a single action due to `rules:when`' ) expect(json_response['total_warnings']).to eq(1) end end end describe 'POST retry.json' do subject(:post_retry) do post :retry, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, id: pipeline.id }, format: :json end let!(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :failed, project: project) } let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, :failed, pipeline: pipeline) } let(:worker_spy) { class_spy(::Ci::RetryPipelineWorker) } before do stub_const('::Ci::RetryPipelineWorker', worker_spy) end it 'retries a pipeline in the background without returning any content' do post_retry expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:no_content) expect(::Ci::RetryPipelineWorker).to have_received(:perform_async).with(pipeline.id, user.id) end context 'when builds are disabled' do let(:feature) { ProjectFeature::DISABLED } it 'fails to retry pipeline' do post_retry expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end context 'when access denied' do it 'returns an error' do sign_in(create(:user)) post_retry expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end context 'when service returns an error' do before do service_response = ServiceResponse.error(message: 'some error', http_status: 404) allow_next_instance_of(::Ci::RetryPipelineService) do |service| allow(service).to receive(:check_access).and_return(service_response) end end it 'does not retry' do post_retry expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) expect(response.body).to include('some error') expect(::Ci::RetryPipelineWorker).not_to have_received(:perform_async).with(pipeline.id, user.id) end end end describe 'POST cancel.json' do let!(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, :running, pipeline: pipeline) } before do post :cancel, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, id: pipeline.id }, format: :json end it 'cancels a pipeline without returning any content', :sidekiq_might_not_need_inline do expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:no_content) expect(pipeline.reload).to be_canceled end context 'when builds are disabled' do let(:feature) { ProjectFeature::DISABLED } it 'fails to retry pipeline' do expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end end describe 'GET test_report' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } it_behaves_like 'the show page', 'test_report' end describe 'GET test_report.json' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } context 'with attachments' do let(:blob) do <<~EOF Some failure [[ATTACHMENT|some/path.png]] EOF end before do allow_any_instance_of(Ci::JobArtifact).to receive(:each_blob).and_yield(blob) end it 'does not have N+1 problem with attachments' do get_test_report_json create(:ci_build, name: 'rspec', pipeline: pipeline).tap do |build| create(:ci_job_artifact, :junit, job: build) end clear_controller_memoization control_count = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new { get_test_report_json }.count create(:ci_build, name: 'karma', pipeline: pipeline).tap do |build| create(:ci_job_artifact, :junit, job: build) end clear_controller_memoization expect { get_test_report_json }.not_to exceed_query_limit(control_count) end end context 'when pipeline does not have a test report' do it 'renders an empty test report' do get_test_report_json expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response['total_count']).to eq(0) end end context 'when pipeline has a test report' do before do create(:ci_build, :test_reports, name: 'rspec', pipeline: pipeline) end it 'renders the test report' do get_test_report_json expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response['total_count']).to eq(4) end end context 'when pipeline has a corrupt test report artifact' do before do create(:ci_build, :broken_test_reports, name: 'rspec', pipeline: pipeline) get_test_report_json end it 'renders the test reports' do expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response['test_suites'].count).to eq(1) end it 'returns a suite_error on the suite with corrupted XML' do expect(json_response['test_suites'].first['suite_error']).to eq('JUnit XML parsing failed: 1:1: FATAL: Document is empty') end end context 'when test_report contains attachment and scope is with_attachment as a URL param' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :with_test_reports_attachment, project: project) } it 'returns a test reports with attachment' do get_test_report_json(scope: 'with_attachment') expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response["test_suites"]).to be_present expect(json_response["test_suites"].first["test_cases"].first).to include("attachment_url") end end context 'when test_report does not contain attachment and scope is with_attachment as a URL param' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :with_test_reports, project: project) } it 'returns a test reports with empty values' do get_test_report_json(scope: 'with_attachment') expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response["test_suites"]).to be_empty end end def get_test_report_json(**args) params = { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, id: pipeline.id } params.merge!(args) if args get :test_report, params: params, format: :json end def clear_controller_memoization controller.clear_memoization(:pipeline_test_report) controller.instance_variable_set(:@pipeline, nil) end end describe 'GET latest' do let(:branch_main) { project.repository.branches[0] } let(:branch_secondary) { project.repository.branches[1] } let!(:pipeline_master) do create(:ci_pipeline, ref: branch_main.name, sha: branch_main.target, project: project) end let!(:pipeline_secondary) do create(:ci_pipeline, ref: branch_secondary.name, sha: branch_secondary.target, project: project) end before do project.change_head(branch_main.name) project.reload_default_branch end context 'no ref provided' do it 'shows latest pipeline for the default project branch' do get :show, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, latest: true, ref: nil } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(assigns(:pipeline)).to have_attributes(id: pipeline_master.id) end end context 'ref provided' do render_views before do create(:ci_pipeline, ref: 'master', project: project) end it 'shows a 404 if no pipeline exists' do get :show, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, latest: true, ref: 'non-existence' } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end it 'shows the latest pipeline for the provided ref' do get :show, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, latest: true, ref: branch_secondary.name } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(assigns(:pipeline)).to have_attributes(id: pipeline_secondary.id) end context 'newer pipeline exists for older sha' do before do create(:ci_pipeline, ref: branch_secondary.name, sha: project.commit(branch_secondary.name).parent, project: project) end it 'shows the provided ref with the last sha/pipeline combo' do get :show, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, latest: true, ref: branch_secondary.name } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(assigns(:pipeline)).to have_attributes(id: pipeline_secondary.id) end end end it 'renders a 404 if no pipeline is found for the ref' do get :show, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, ref: 'no-branch' } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end describe 'DELETE #destroy' do let!(:project) { create(:project, :private, :repository) } let!(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :failed, project: project) } let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, :failed, pipeline: pipeline) } context 'when user has ability to delete pipeline' do before do sign_in(project.first_owner) end it 'deletes pipeline and redirects' do delete_pipeline expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:see_other) expect(Ci::Build.exists?(build.id)).to be_falsy expect(Ci::Pipeline.exists?(pipeline.id)).to be_falsy end context 'and builds are disabled' do let(:feature) { ProjectFeature::DISABLED } it 'fails to delete pipeline' do delete_pipeline expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end context 'and project is undergoing stats refresh' do it_behaves_like 'preventing request because of ongoing project stats refresh' do let(:make_request) { delete_pipeline } it 'does not delete the pipeline' do make_request expect(Ci::Pipeline.exists?(pipeline.id)).to be_truthy end end end end context 'when user has no privileges' do it 'fails to delete pipeline' do delete_pipeline expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:forbidden) end end def delete_pipeline delete :destroy, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, id: pipeline.id } end end describe 'GET config_variables.json', :use_clean_rails_memory_store_caching do include ReactiveCachingHelpers let(:ci_config) { '' } let(:files) { { '.gitlab-ci.yml' => YAML.dump(ci_config) } } let(:project) { create(:project, :auto_devops_disabled, :custom_repo, files: files) } let(:service) { Ci::ListConfigVariablesService.new(project, user) } before do allow(Ci::ListConfigVariablesService) .to receive(:new) .and_return(service) end context 'when sending a valid sha' do let(:sha) { 'master' } let(:ci_config) do { variables: { KEY1: { value: 'val 1', description: 'description 1' } }, test: { stage: 'test', script: 'echo' } } end before do synchronous_reactive_cache(service) end it 'returns variable list' do get_config_variables expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response['KEY1']).to eq({ 'value' => 'val 1', 'description' => 'description 1' }) end end context 'when sending an invalid sha' do let(:sha) { 'invalid-sha' } before do synchronous_reactive_cache(service) end it 'returns empty json' do get_config_variables expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response).to eq({}) end end context 'when sending an invalid config' do let(:sha) { 'master' } let(:ci_config) do { variables: { KEY1: { value: 'val 1', description: 'description 1' } }, test: { stage: 'invalid', script: 'echo' } } end before do synchronous_reactive_cache(service) end it 'returns empty result' do get_config_variables expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response).to eq({}) end end context 'when the cache is empty' do let(:sha) { 'master' } let(:ci_config) do { variables: { KEY1: { value: 'val 1', description: 'description 1' } }, test: { stage: 'test', script: 'echo' } } end it 'returns no content' do get_config_variables expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:no_content) end end context 'when project uses external project ci config' do let(:other_project) { create(:project, :custom_repo, files: other_project_files) } let(:other_project_files) { { '.gitlab-ci.yml' => YAML.dump(other_project_ci_config) } } let(:sha) { 'master' } let(:other_project_ci_config) do { variables: { KEY1: { value: 'val 1', description: 'description 1' } }, test: { stage: 'test', script: 'echo' } } end before do other_project.add_developer(user) project.update!(ci_config_path: ".gitlab-ci.yml@#{other_project.full_path}:master") synchronous_reactive_cache(service) end it 'returns other project config variables' do get_config_variables expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response['KEY1']).to eq({ 'value' => 'val 1', 'description' => 'description 1' }) end end private def get_config_variables get :config_variables, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, sha: sha }, format: :json end end describe 'GET downloadable_artifacts.json' do context 'when pipeline is empty' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline) } it 'returns status not_found' do get_downloadable_artifacts_json expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end context 'when pipeline exists' do context 'when pipeline does not have any downloadable artifacts' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } it 'returns an empty array' do get_downloadable_artifacts_json expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response['artifacts']).to be_empty end end context 'when pipeline has downloadable artifacts' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :with_codequality_reports, project: project) } before do create(:ci_build, name: 'rspec', pipeline: pipeline).tap do |build| create(:ci_job_artifact, :junit, job: build) end end it 'returns an array of artifacts' do get_downloadable_artifacts_json expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response['artifacts']).to be_kind_of(Array) expect(json_response['artifacts'].size).to eq(2) end end end private def get_downloadable_artifacts_json get :downloadable_artifacts, params: { namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, id: pipeline.id }, format: :json end end end