import { GlTab } from '@gitlab/ui'; import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import { editor as monacoEditor, Range } from 'monaco-editor'; import Vue, { nextTick } from 'vue'; import Vuex from 'vuex'; import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises'; import { stubPerformanceWebAPI } from 'helpers/performance'; import { exampleConfigs, exampleFiles } from 'jest/ide/lib/editorconfig/mock_data'; import { EDITOR_CODE_INSTANCE_FN, EDITOR_DIFF_INSTANCE_FN, EXTENSION_CI_SCHEMA_FILE_NAME_MATCH, } from '~/editor/constants'; import { EditorMarkdownExtension } from '~/editor/extensions/source_editor_markdown_ext'; import { EditorMarkdownPreviewExtension } from '~/editor/extensions/source_editor_markdown_livepreview_ext'; import { CiSchemaExtension } from '~/editor/extensions/source_editor_ci_schema_ext'; import SourceEditor from '~/editor/source_editor'; import RepoEditor from '~/ide/components/repo_editor.vue'; import { leftSidebarViews, FILE_VIEW_MODE_PREVIEW, viewerTypes } from '~/ide/constants'; import ModelManager from '~/ide/lib/common/model_manager'; import service from '~/ide/services'; import { createStoreOptions } from '~/ide/stores'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import ContentViewer from '~/vue_shared/components/content_viewer/content_viewer.vue'; import SourceEditorInstance from '~/editor/source_editor_instance'; import { file } from '../helpers'; jest.mock('~/behaviors/markdown/render_gfm'); jest.mock('~/editor/extensions/source_editor_ci_schema_ext'); const PREVIEW_MARKDOWN_PATH = '/foo/bar/preview_markdown'; const CURRENT_PROJECT_ID = 'gitlab-org/gitlab'; const dummyFile = { text: { ...file('file.txt'), content: 'hello world', active: true, tempFile: true, }, markdown: { ...file(''), projectId: 'namespace/project', path: '', content: 'hello world', tempFile: true, active: true, }, binary: { ...file('file.dat'), content: '🐱', // non-ascii binary content, tempFile: true, active: true, }, ciConfig: { ...file(EXTENSION_CI_SCHEMA_FILE_NAME_MATCH), content: '', tempFile: true, active: true, }, empty: { ...file('empty'), tempFile: false, content: '', raw: '', }, }; const createActiveFile = (props) => { return { ...dummyFile.text, ...props, }; }; const prepareStore = (state, activeFile) => { const localState = { openFiles: [activeFile], projects: { [CURRENT_PROJECT_ID]: { branches: { main: { name: 'main', commit: { id: 'abcdefgh', }, }, }, }, }, currentProjectId: CURRENT_PROJECT_ID, currentBranchId: 'main', entries: { [activeFile.path]: activeFile, }, previewMarkdownPath: PREVIEW_MARKDOWN_PATH, }; const storeOptions = createStoreOptions(); return new Vuex.Store({ ...createStoreOptions(), state: { ...storeOptions.state, ...localState, ...state, }, }); }; describe('RepoEditor', () => { let wrapper; let vm; let createInstanceSpy; let createDiffInstanceSpy; let createModelSpy; let applyExtensionSpy; let removeExtensionSpy; let extensionsStore; const waitForEditorSetup = () => new Promise((resolve) => { vm.$once('editorSetup', resolve); }); const createComponent = async ({ state = {}, activeFile = dummyFile.text, flags = {} } = {}) => { const store = prepareStore(state, activeFile); wrapper = shallowMount(RepoEditor, { store, propsData: { file: store.state.openFiles[0], }, mocks: { ContentViewer, }, provide: { glFeatures: flags, }, }); await waitForPromises(); vm = wrapper.vm; extensionsStore = wrapper.vm.globalEditor.extensionsStore; jest.spyOn(vm, 'getFileData').mockResolvedValue(); jest.spyOn(vm, 'getRawFileData').mockResolvedValue(); }; const findEditor = () => wrapper.find('[data-testid="editor-container"]'); const findTabs = () => wrapper.findAllComponents(GlTab); const findPreviewTab = () => wrapper.find('[data-testid="preview-tab"]'); beforeEach(() => { stubPerformanceWebAPI(); createInstanceSpy = jest.spyOn(SourceEditor.prototype, EDITOR_CODE_INSTANCE_FN); createDiffInstanceSpy = jest.spyOn(SourceEditor.prototype, EDITOR_DIFF_INSTANCE_FN); createModelSpy = jest.spyOn(monacoEditor, 'createModel'); applyExtensionSpy = jest.spyOn(SourceEditorInstance.prototype, 'use'); removeExtensionSpy = jest.spyOn(SourceEditorInstance.prototype, 'unuse'); jest.spyOn(service, 'getFileData').mockResolvedValue(); jest.spyOn(service, 'getRawFileData').mockResolvedValue(); }); afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); // create a new model each time, otherwise tests conflict with each other // because of same model being used in multiple tests monacoEditor.getModels().forEach((model) => model.dispose()); wrapper.destroy(); wrapper = null; }); describe('default', () => { it.each` boolVal | textVal ${true} | ${'all'} ${false} | ${'none'} `('sets renderWhitespace to "$textVal"', async ({ boolVal, textVal } = {}) => { await createComponent({ state: { renderWhitespaceInCode: boolVal, }, }); expect(vm.editorOptions.renderWhitespace).toEqual(textVal); }); it('renders an ide container', async () => { await createComponent(); expect(findEditor().isVisible()).toBe(true); }); it('renders no tabs', async () => { await createComponent(); const tabs = findTabs(); expect(tabs).toHaveLength(0); }); }); describe('schema registration for .gitlab-ci.yml', () => { const setup = async (activeFile, flagIsOn = true) => { await createComponent({ flags: { schemaLinting: flagIsOn, }, }); vm.editor.registerCiSchema = jest.fn(); if (activeFile) { wrapper.setProps({ file: activeFile }); } await waitForPromises(); await nextTick(); }; it.each` flagIsOn | activeFile | shouldUseExtension | desc ${false} | ${dummyFile.markdown} | ${false} | ${`file is not CI config; should NOT`} ${true} | ${dummyFile.markdown} | ${false} | ${`file is not CI config; should NOT`} ${false} | ${dummyFile.ciConfig} | ${false} | ${`file is CI config; should NOT`} ${true} | ${dummyFile.ciConfig} | ${true} | ${`file is CI config; should`} `( 'when the flag is "$flagIsOn", $desc use extension', async ({ flagIsOn, activeFile, shouldUseExtension }) => { await setup(activeFile, flagIsOn); if (shouldUseExtension) { expect(applyExtensionSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ definition: CiSchemaExtension, }); } else { expect(applyExtensionSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith({ definition: CiSchemaExtension, }); } }, ); it('stores the fetched extension and does not double-fetch the schema', async () => { await setup(); expect(CiSchemaExtension).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); wrapper.setProps({ file: dummyFile.ciConfig }); await waitForPromises(); await nextTick(); expect(CiSchemaExtension).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(vm.CiSchemaExtension).toEqual(CiSchemaExtension); expect(vm.editor.registerCiSchema).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); wrapper.setProps({ file: dummyFile.markdown }); await waitForPromises(); await nextTick(); expect(CiSchemaExtension).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(vm.editor.registerCiSchema).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); wrapper.setProps({ file: dummyFile.ciConfig }); await waitForPromises(); await nextTick(); expect(CiSchemaExtension).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(vm.editor.registerCiSchema).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); }); it('unuses the existing CI extension if the new model is not CI config', async () => { await setup(dummyFile.ciConfig); expect(removeExtensionSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); wrapper.setProps({ file: dummyFile.markdown }); await waitForPromises(); await nextTick(); expect(removeExtensionSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(CiSchemaExtension); }); }); describe('when file is markdown', () => { let mock; let activeFile; beforeEach(() => { activeFile = dummyFile.markdown; mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onPost(/(.*)\/preview_markdown/).reply(200, { body: `


`, }); }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); }); describe('when files is markdown', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await createComponent({ activeFile }); }); it('renders an Edit and a Preview Tab', () => { const tabs = findTabs(); expect(tabs).toHaveLength(2); expect('edit-tab'); expect('preview-tab'); }); it('renders markdown for tempFile', async () => { findPreviewTab().vm.$emit('click'); await waitForPromises(); expect(wrapper.findComponent(ContentViewer).html()).toContain(dummyFile.text.content); }); describe('when file changes to non-markdown file', () => { beforeEach(async () => { wrapper.setProps({ file: dummyFile.empty }); }); it('should hide tabs', () => { expect(findTabs()).toHaveLength(0); }); }); }); it('when not in edit mode, shows no tabs', async () => { await createComponent({ state: { currentActivityView:, }, activeFile, }); expect(findTabs()).toHaveLength(0); }); }); describe('when file is binary and not raw', () => { beforeEach(async () => { const activeFile = dummyFile.binary; await createComponent({ activeFile }); }); it('does not render the IDE', () => { expect(findEditor().isVisible()).toBe(false); }); it('does not create an instance', () => { expect(createInstanceSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(createDiffInstanceSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('createEditorInstance', () => { it.each` viewer | diffInstance ${viewerTypes.edit} | ${undefined} ${viewerTypes.diff} | ${true} ${} | ${true} `( 'creates instance of correct type when viewer is $viewer', async ({ viewer, diffInstance }) => { await createComponent({ state: { viewer }, }); const isDiff = () => { return diffInstance ? { isDiff: true } : {}; }; expect(createInstanceSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.objectContaining(isDiff())); expect(createDiffInstanceSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes((diffInstance && 1) || 0); }, ); it('installs the WebIDE extension', async () => { await createComponent(); expect(applyExtensionSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); const ideExtensionApi = extensionsStore.get('EditorWebIde').api; Reflect.ownKeys(ideExtensionApi).forEach((fn) => { expect(vm.editor[fn]).toBeDefined(); expect(vm.editor.methods[fn]).toBe('EditorWebIde'); }); }); }); describe('setupEditor', () => { it('creates new model on load', async () => { await createComponent(); // We always create two models per file to be able to build a diff of changes expect(createModelSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); // The model with the most recent changes is the last one const [content] = createModelSpy.mock.calls[1]; expect(content).toBe(dummyFile.text.content); }); it('does not create a new model on subsequent calls to setupEditor and re-uses the already-existing model', async () => { await createComponent(); const existingModel = vm.model; createModelSpy.mockClear(); vm.setupEditor(); expect(createModelSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(vm.model).toBe(existingModel); }); it('updates state with the value of the model', async () => { await createComponent(); const newContent = 'As Gregor Samsa\n awoke one morning\n'; vm.model.setValue(newContent); vm.setupEditor(); expect(vm.file.content).toBe(newContent); }); it('sets head model as staged file', async () => { await createComponent(); vm.modelManager.dispose(); const addModelSpy = jest.spyOn(ModelManager.prototype, 'addModel'); vm.$store.state.stagedFiles.push({ ...vm.file, key: 'staged' }); vm.file.staged = true; vm.file.key = `unstaged-${vm.file.key}`; vm.setupEditor(); expect(addModelSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(vm.file, vm.$store.state.stagedFiles[0]); }); it.each` prefix | activeFile | viewer | shouldHaveMarkdownExtension ${'Should not'} | ${dummyFile.text} | ${viewerTypes.edit} | ${false} ${'Should'} | ${dummyFile.markdown} | ${viewerTypes.edit} | ${true} ${'Should not'} | ${dummyFile.empty} | ${viewerTypes.edit} | ${false} ${'Should not'} | ${dummyFile.text} | ${viewerTypes.diff} | ${false} ${'Should not'} | ${dummyFile.markdown} | ${viewerTypes.diff} | ${false} ${'Should not'} | ${dummyFile.empty} | ${viewerTypes.diff} | ${false} ${'Should not'} | ${dummyFile.text} | ${} | ${false} ${'Should not'} | ${dummyFile.markdown} | ${} | ${false} ${'Should not'} | ${dummyFile.empty} | ${} | ${false} `( '$prefix install markdown extension for $ in $viewer viewer', async ({ activeFile, viewer, shouldHaveMarkdownExtension } = {}) => { await createComponent({ state: { viewer }, activeFile }); if (shouldHaveMarkdownExtension) { expect(applyExtensionSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ definition: EditorMarkdownPreviewExtension, setupOptions: { previewMarkdownPath: PREVIEW_MARKDOWN_PATH }, }); // TODO: spying on extensions causes Jest to blow up, so we have to assert on // the public property the extension adds, as opposed to the args passed to the ctor expect(wrapper.vm.editor.markdownPreview.path).toBe(PREVIEW_MARKDOWN_PATH); } else { expect(applyExtensionSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith( wrapper.vm.editor, expect.any(EditorMarkdownExtension), ); } }, ); it('fetches the live preview extension even if markdown is not the first opened file', async () => { const textFile = dummyFile.text; const mdFile = dummyFile.markdown; const previewExtConfig = { definition: EditorMarkdownPreviewExtension, setupOptions: { previewMarkdownPath: PREVIEW_MARKDOWN_PATH }, }; await createComponent({ activeFile: textFile }); applyExtensionSpy.mockClear(); await wrapper.setProps({ file: mdFile }); await waitForPromises(); expect(applyExtensionSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(previewExtConfig); }); }); describe('editor tabs', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await createComponent(); }); it.each` mode | isVisible ${'edit'} | ${false} ${'review'} | ${false} ${'commit'} | ${false} `('tabs in $mode are $isVisible', async ({ mode, isVisible } = {}) => { vm.$store.state.currentActivityView = leftSidebarViews[mode].name; await nextTick(); expect(wrapper.find('.nav-links').exists()).toBe(isVisible); }); }); describe('files in preview mode', () => { const changeViewMode = (viewMode) => vm.$store.dispatch('editor/updateFileEditor', { path: vm.file.path, data: { viewMode }, }); beforeEach(async () => { await createComponent({ activeFile: dummyFile.markdown, }); changeViewMode(FILE_VIEW_MODE_PREVIEW); await nextTick(); }); it('do not show the editor', () => { expect(vm.showEditor).toBe(false); expect(findEditor().isVisible()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('initEditor', () => { const hideEditorAndRunFn = async () => { jest.clearAllMocks(); jest.spyOn(vm, 'shouldHideEditor', 'get').mockReturnValue(true); vm.initEditor(); await nextTick(); }; it('does not fetch file information for temp entries', async () => { await createComponent({ activeFile: dummyFile.text, }); expect(vm.getFileData).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('is being initialised for files without content even if shouldHideEditor is `true`', async () => { await createComponent({ activeFile: dummyFile.empty, }); await hideEditorAndRunFn(); expect(vm.getFileData).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(vm.getRawFileData).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('does not initialize editor for files already with content when shouldHideEditor is `true`', async () => { await createComponent({ activeFile: dummyFile.text, }); await hideEditorAndRunFn(); expect(vm.getFileData).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(vm.getRawFileData).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(createInstanceSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('updates on file changes', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await createComponent({ activeFile: createActiveFile({ content: 'foo', // need to prevent full cycle of initEditor }), }); jest.spyOn(vm, 'initEditor').mockImplementation(); }); it('calls removePendingTab when old file is pending', async () => { jest.spyOn(vm, 'shouldHideEditor', 'get').mockReturnValue(true); jest.spyOn(vm, 'removePendingTab').mockImplementation(); const origFile = vm.file; vm.file.pending = true; await nextTick(); wrapper.setProps({ file: file('testing'), }); vm.file.content = 'foo'; // need to prevent full cycle of initEditor await nextTick(); expect(vm.removePendingTab).toHaveBeenCalledWith(origFile); }); it('does not call initEditor if the file did not change', async () => { Vue.set(vm, 'file', vm.file); await nextTick(); expect(vm.initEditor).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('calls initEditor when file key is changed', async () => { expect(vm.initEditor).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); wrapper.setProps({ file: { ...vm.file, key: 'new', }, }); await nextTick(); expect(vm.initEditor).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('populates editor with the fetched content', () => { const createRemoteFile = (name) => ({ ...file(name), tmpFile: false, }); beforeEach(async () => { await createComponent(); vm.getRawFileData.mockRestore(); }); it('after switching viewer from edit to diff', async () => { const f = createRemoteFile('newFile'); Vue.set(vm.$store.state.entries, f.path, f); jest.spyOn(service, 'getRawFileData').mockImplementation(async () => { expect(vm.file.loading).toBe(true); // switching from edit to diff mode usually triggers editor initialization vm.$store.state.viewer = viewerTypes.diff; jest.runOnlyPendingTimers(); return 'rawFileData123\n'; }); wrapper.setProps({ file: f, }); await waitForEditorSetup(); expect(vm.model.getModel().getValue()).toBe('rawFileData123\n'); }); it('after opening multiple files at the same time', async () => { const fileA = createRemoteFile('fileA'); const aContent = 'fileA-rawContent\n'; const bContent = 'fileB-rawContent\n'; const fileB = createRemoteFile('fileB'); Vue.set(vm.$store.state.entries, fileA.path, fileA); Vue.set(vm.$store.state.entries, fileB.path, fileB); jest .spyOn(service, 'getRawFileData') .mockImplementation(async () => { // opening fileB while the content of fileA is still being fetched wrapper.setProps({ file: fileB, }); return aContent; }) .mockImplementationOnce(async () => { // we delay returning fileB content // to make sure the editor doesn't initialize prematurely jest.advanceTimersByTime(30); return bContent; }); wrapper.setProps({ file: fileA, }); await waitForEditorSetup(); expect(vm.model.getModel().getValue()).toBe(bContent); }); }); describe('onPaste', () => { const setFileName = (name) => createActiveFile({ content: 'hello world\n', name, path: `foo/${name}`, key: 'new', }); const pasteImage = () => { window.dispatchEvent( Object.assign(new Event('paste'), { clipboardData: { files: [new File(['foo'], 'foo.png', { type: 'image/png' })], }, }), ); }; const watchState = (watched) => new Promise((resolve) => { const unwatch = vm.$, () => { unwatch(); resolve(); }); }); // Pasting an image does a lot of things like using the FileReader API, // so, waitForPromises isn't very reliable (and causes a flaky spec) // Read more about const waitForFileContentChange = () => watchState((s) => s.entries['foo/'].content); beforeEach(async () => { await createComponent({ state: { trees: { 'gitlab-org/gitlab': { tree: [] }, }, currentProjectId: 'gitlab-org', currentBranchId: 'gitlab', }, activeFile: setFileName(''), }); // set cursor to line 2, column 1 vm.editor.setSelection(new Range(2, 1, 2, 1)); vm.editor.focus(); jest.spyOn(vm.editor, 'hasTextFocus').mockReturnValue(true); }); it('adds an image entry to the same folder for a pasted image in a markdown file', async () => { pasteImage(); await waitForFileContentChange(); expect(vm.$store.state.entries['foo/foo.png'].rawPath.startsWith('blob:')).toBe(true); expect(vm.$store.state.entries['foo/foo.png']).toMatchObject({ path: 'foo/foo.png', type: 'blob', content: 'foo', rawPath: vm.$store.state.entries['foo/foo.png'].rawPath, }); }); it("adds a markdown image tag to the file's contents", async () => { pasteImage(); await waitForFileContentChange(); expect(vm.file.content).toBe('hello world\n![foo.png](./foo.png)'); }); it("does not add file to state or set markdown image syntax if the file isn't markdown", async () => { await wrapper.setProps({ file: setFileName('myfile.txt'), }); pasteImage(); await waitForPromises(); expect(vm.$store.state.entries['foo/foo.png']).toBeUndefined(); expect(vm.file.content).toBe('hello world\n'); }); }); describe('fetchEditorconfigRules', () => { it.each(exampleFiles)( 'does not fetch content from remote for .editorconfig files present locally (case %#)', async ({ path, monacoRules }) => { await createComponent({ state: { entries: (() => { const res = {}; exampleConfigs.forEach(({ path: configPath, content }) => { res[configPath] = { ...file(), path: configPath, content }; }); return res; })(), }, activeFile: createActiveFile({ path, key: path, name: 'myfile.txt', content: 'hello world', }), }); expect(vm.rules).toEqual(monacoRules); expect(vm.model.options).toMatchObject(monacoRules); expect(vm.getFileData).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(vm.getRawFileData).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }, ); it('fetches content from remote for .editorconfig files not available locally', async () => { const activeFile = createActiveFile({ path: 'foo/bar/baz/test/my_spec.js', key: 'foo/bar/baz/test/my_spec.js', name: 'myfile.txt', content: 'hello world', }); const expectations = [ 'foo/bar/baz/.editorconfig', 'foo/bar/.editorconfig', 'foo/.editorconfig', '.editorconfig', ]; await createComponent({ state: { entries: (() => { const res = { [activeFile.path]: activeFile, }; exampleConfigs.forEach(({ path: configPath }) => { const f = { ...file(), path: configPath }; delete f.content; delete f.raw; res[configPath] = f; }); return res; })(), }, activeFile, }); expect([args]) => args)).toEqual( => expect.stringContaining(expectation)), ); expect([args]) => args)).toEqual( => expect.objectContaining({ path: expectation })), ); }); }); });