# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'Updating an existing release' do include GraphqlHelpers include Presentable let_it_be(:public_user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:guest) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:reporter) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:developer) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :public, :repository) } let_it_be(:milestone_12_3) { create(:milestone, project: project, title: '12.3') } let_it_be(:milestone_12_4) { create(:milestone, project: project, title: '12.4') } let_it_be(:tag_name) { 'v1.1.0' } let_it_be(:name) { 'Version 7.12.5'} let_it_be(:description) { 'Release 7.12.5 :rocket:' } let_it_be(:released_at) { '2018-12-10' } let_it_be(:created_at) { '2018-11-05' } let_it_be(:milestones) { [milestone_12_3, milestone_12_4] } let_it_be(:release) do create(:release, project: project, tag: tag_name, name: name, description: description, released_at: Time.parse(released_at).utc, created_at: Time.parse(created_at).utc, milestones: milestones) end let(:mutation_name) { :release_update } let(:mutation_arguments) do { projectPath: project.full_path, tagName: tag_name } end let(:mutation) do graphql_mutation(mutation_name, mutation_arguments, <<~FIELDS) release { tagName name description releasedAt createdAt milestones { nodes { title } } } errors FIELDS end let(:update_release) { post_graphql_mutation(mutation, current_user: current_user) } let(:mutation_response) { graphql_mutation_response(mutation_name)&.with_indifferent_access } let(:expected_attributes) do { tagName: tag_name, name: name, description: description, releasedAt: Time.parse(released_at).utc.iso8601, createdAt: Time.parse(created_at).utc.iso8601, milestones: { nodes: milestones.map { |m| { title: m.title } } } }.with_indifferent_access end around do |example| freeze_time { example.run } end before do project.add_guest(guest) project.add_reporter(reporter) project.add_developer(developer) stub_default_url_options(host: 'www.example.com') end shared_examples 'no errors' do it 'returns no errors' do update_release expect(graphql_errors).not_to be_present end end shared_examples 'top-level error with message' do |error_message| it 'returns a top-level error with message' do update_release expect(mutation_response).to be_nil expect(graphql_errors.count).to eq(1) expect(graphql_errors.first['message']).to eq(error_message) end end shared_examples 'errors-as-data with message' do |error_message| it 'returns an error-as-data with message' do update_release expect(mutation_response[:release]).to be_nil expect(mutation_response[:errors].count).to eq(1) expect(mutation_response[:errors].first).to match(error_message) end end shared_examples 'updates release fields' do |updates| it_behaves_like 'no errors' it 'updates the correct field and returns the release' do update_release expect(mutation_response[:release]).to eq(expected_attributes.merge(updates)) end end context 'when the current user has access to update releases' do let(:current_user) { developer } context 'name' do context 'when a new name is provided' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(name: 'Updated name') } it_behaves_like 'updates release fields', name: 'Updated name' end context 'when null is provided' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(name: nil) } it_behaves_like 'updates release fields', name: 'v1.1.0' end end context 'description' do context 'when a new description is provided' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(description: 'Updated description') } it_behaves_like 'updates release fields', description: 'Updated description' end context 'when null is provided' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(description: nil) } it_behaves_like 'updates release fields', description: nil end end context 'releasedAt' do context 'when no time zone is provided' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(releasedAt: '2015-05-05') } it_behaves_like 'updates release fields', releasedAt: Time.parse('2015-05-05').utc.iso8601 end context 'when a local time zone is provided' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(releasedAt: Time.parse('2015-05-05').in_time_zone('Hawaii').iso8601) } it_behaves_like 'updates release fields', releasedAt: Time.parse('2015-05-05').utc.iso8601 end context 'when null is provided' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(releasedAt: nil) } it_behaves_like 'top-level error with message', 'if the releasedAt argument is provided, it cannot be null' end end context 'milestones' do context 'when a new set of milestones is provided provided' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(milestones: ['12.3']) } it_behaves_like 'updates release fields', milestones: { nodes: [{ title: '12.3' }] } end context 'when an empty array is provided' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(milestones: []) } it_behaves_like 'updates release fields', milestones: { nodes: [] } end context 'when null is provided' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(milestones: nil) } it_behaves_like 'top-level error with message', 'if the milestones argument is provided, it cannot be null' end context 'when a non-existent milestone title is provided' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(milestones: ['not real']) } it_behaves_like 'errors-as-data with message', 'Milestone(s) not found: not real' end context 'when a milestone title from a different project is provided' do let(:milestone_in_different_project) { create(:milestone, title: 'milestone in different project') } let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(milestones: [milestone_in_different_project.title]) } it_behaves_like 'errors-as-data with message', 'Milestone(s) not found: milestone in different project' end end context 'validation' do context 'when no updated fields are provided' do it_behaves_like 'errors-as-data with message', 'params is empty' end context 'when the tag does not exist' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(tagName: 'not-a-real-tag') } it_behaves_like 'errors-as-data with message', 'Tag does not exist' end context 'when the project does not exist' do let(:mutation_arguments) { super().merge(projectPath: 'not/a/real/path') } it_behaves_like 'top-level error with message', Gitlab::Graphql::Authorize::AuthorizeResource::RESOURCE_ACCESS_ERROR end end end context "when the current user doesn't have access to update releases" do expected_error_message = Gitlab::Graphql::Authorize::AuthorizeResource::RESOURCE_ACCESS_ERROR context 'when the current user is a Reporter' do let(:current_user) { reporter } it_behaves_like 'top-level error with message', expected_error_message end context 'when the current user is a Guest' do let(:current_user) { guest } it_behaves_like 'top-level error with message', expected_error_message end context 'when the current user is a public user' do let(:current_user) { public_user } it_behaves_like 'top-level error with message', expected_error_message end end end