# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::Git::Conflict::Parser do describe '.parse' do def parse_text(text) described_class.parse(text, our_path: 'README.md', their_path: 'README.md') end context 'when the file has valid conflicts' do let(:text) do <<~CONFLICT module Gitlab module Regexp extend self def username_regexp default_regexp end <<<<<<< files/ruby/regex.rb def project_name_regexp /\A[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\-\. ]*\z/ end def name_regexp /\A[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\. ]*\z/ ======= def project_name_regex %r{\A[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\-\. ]*\z} end def name_regex %r{\A[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\. ]*\z} >>>>>>> files/ruby/regex.rb end def path_regexp default_regexp end <<<<<<< files/ruby/regex.rb def archive_formats_regexp /(zip|tar|7z|tar\.gz|tgz|gz|tar\.bz2|tbz|tbz2|tb2|bz2)/ ======= def archive_formats_regex %r{(zip|tar|7z|tar\.gz|tgz|gz|tar\.bz2|tbz|tbz2|tb2|bz2)} >>>>>>> files/ruby/regex.rb end def git_reference_regexp # Valid git ref regexp, see: # https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-check-ref-format.html %r{ (?! (?# doesn't begins with) \/| (?# rule #6) (?# doesn't contain) .*(?: [\/.]\.| (?# rule #1,3) \/\/| (?# rule #6) @\{| (?# rule #8) \\ (?# rule #9) ) ) [^\000-\040\177~^:?*\[]+ (?# rule #4-5) (?# doesn't end with) (?>>>>>> files/ruby/regex.rb end end end CONFLICT end let(:lines) do described_class.parse(text, our_path: 'files/ruby/regex.rb', their_path: 'files/ruby/regex.rb') end let(:old_line_numbers) do lines.select { |line| line[:type] != 'new' }.map { |line| line[:line_old] } end let(:new_line_numbers) do lines.select { |line| line[:type] != 'old' }.map { |line| line[:line_new] } end let(:line_indexes) { lines.map { |line| line[:line_obj_index] } } it 'sets our lines as new lines' do expect(lines[8..13]).to all(include(type: 'new')) expect(lines[26..27]).to all(include(type: 'new')) expect(lines[56..57]).to all(include(type: 'new')) end it 'sets their lines as old lines' do expect(lines[14..19]).to all(include(type: 'old')) expect(lines[28..29]).to all(include(type: 'old')) expect(lines[58..59]).to all(include(type: 'old')) end it 'sets non-conflicted lines as both' do expect(lines[0..7]).to all(include(type: nil)) expect(lines[20..25]).to all(include(type: nil)) expect(lines[30..55]).to all(include(type: nil)) expect(lines[60..62]).to all(include(type: nil)) end it 'sets consecutive line numbers for line_obj_index, line_old, and line_new' do expect(line_indexes).to eq(0.upto(62).to_a) expect(old_line_numbers).to eq(1.upto(53).to_a) expect(new_line_numbers).to eq(1.upto(53).to_a) end end context 'when the file contents include conflict delimiters' do context 'when there is a non-start delimiter first' do it 'raises UnexpectedDelimiter when there is a middle delimiter first' do expect { parse_text('=======') } .to raise_error(Gitlab::Git::Conflict::Parser::UnexpectedDelimiter) end it 'raises UnexpectedDelimiter when there is an end delimiter first' do expect { parse_text('>>>>>>> README.md') } .to raise_error(Gitlab::Git::Conflict::Parser::UnexpectedDelimiter) end it 'does not raise when there is an end delimiter for a different path first' do expect { parse_text('>>>>>>> some-other-path.md') } .not_to raise_error end end context 'when a start delimiter is followed by a non-middle delimiter' do let(:start_text) { "<<<<<<< README.md\n" } let(:end_text) { "\n=======\n>>>>>>> README.md" } it 'raises UnexpectedDelimiter when it is followed by an end delimiter' do expect { parse_text(start_text + '>>>>>>> README.md' + end_text) } .to raise_error(Gitlab::Git::Conflict::Parser::UnexpectedDelimiter) end it 'raises UnexpectedDelimiter when it is followed by another start delimiter' do expect { parse_text(start_text + start_text + end_text) } .to raise_error(Gitlab::Git::Conflict::Parser::UnexpectedDelimiter) end it 'does not raise when it is followed by a start delimiter for a different path' do expect { parse_text(start_text + '>>>>>>> some-other-path.md' + end_text) } .not_to raise_error end end context 'when a middle delimiter is followed by a non-end delimiter' do let(:start_text) { "<<<<<<< README.md\n=======\n" } let(:end_text) { "\n>>>>>>> README.md" } it 'raises UnexpectedDelimiter when it is followed by another middle delimiter' do expect { parse_text(start_text + '=======' + end_text) } .to raise_error(Gitlab::Git::Conflict::Parser::UnexpectedDelimiter) end it 'raises UnexpectedDelimiter when it is followed by a start delimiter' do expect { parse_text(start_text + start_text + end_text) } .to raise_error(Gitlab::Git::Conflict::Parser::UnexpectedDelimiter) end it 'does not raise when it is followed by a start delimiter for another path' do expect { parse_text(start_text + '<<<<<<< some-other-path.md' + end_text) } .not_to raise_error end end it 'raises MissingEndDelimiter when there is no end delimiter at the end' do start_text = "<<<<<<< README.md\n=======\n" expect { parse_text(start_text) } .to raise_error(Gitlab::Git::Conflict::Parser::MissingEndDelimiter) expect { parse_text(start_text + '>>>>>>> some-other-path.md') } .to raise_error(Gitlab::Git::Conflict::Parser::MissingEndDelimiter) end end context 'other file types' do it 'raises UnmergeableFile when lines is blank, indicating a binary file' do expect { parse_text('') } .to raise_error(Gitlab::Git::Conflict::Parser::UnmergeableFile) expect { parse_text(nil) } .to raise_error(Gitlab::Git::Conflict::Parser::UnmergeableFile) end it 'raises UnmergeableFile when the file is over 200 KB' do expect { parse_text('a' * 204801) } .to raise_error(Gitlab::Git::Conflict::Parser::UnmergeableFile) end # All text from Rugged has an encoding of ASCII_8BIT, so force that in # these strings. context 'when the file contains UTF-8 characters' do it 'does not raise' do expect { parse_text((+"Espa\xC3\xB1a").force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)) } .not_to raise_error end end end end end