# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::Auth::Saml::IdentityLinker do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:provider) { 'saml' } let(:uid) { user.email } let(:in_response_to) { '12345' } let(:saml_response) { instance_double(OneLogin::RubySaml::Response, in_response_to: in_response_to) } let(:session) { { 'last_authn_request_id' => in_response_to } } let(:oauth) do OmniAuth::AuthHash.new(provider: provider, uid: uid, extra: { response_object: saml_response }) end subject { described_class.new(user, oauth, session) } context 'with valid GitLab initiated request' do context 'linked identity exists' do let!(:identity) { user.identities.create!(provider: provider, extern_uid: uid) } it "doesn't create new identity" do expect { subject.link }.not_to change { Identity.count } end it "sets #changed? to false" do subject.link expect(subject).not_to be_changed end end context 'identity needs to be created' do it 'creates linked identity' do expect { subject.link }.to change { user.identities.count } end it 'sets identity provider' do subject.link expect(user.identities.last.provider).to eq provider end it 'sets identity extern_uid' do subject.link expect(user.identities.last.extern_uid).to eq uid end it 'sets #changed? to true' do subject.link expect(subject).to be_changed end end end context 'with identity provider initiated request' do let(:session) { { 'last_authn_request_id' => nil } } it 'attempting to link accounts raises an exception' do expect { subject.link }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Auth::Saml::IdentityLinker::UnverifiedRequest) end end end