# frozen_string_literal: true # Gitlab::EventStore is a simple pub-sub mechanism that lets you publish # domain events and use Sidekiq workers as event handlers. # # It can be used to decouple domains from different bounded contexts # by publishing domain events and let any interested parties subscribe # to them. # module Gitlab module EventStore Error = Class.new(StandardError) InvalidEvent = Class.new(Error) InvalidSubscriber = Class.new(Error) def self.publish(event) instance.publish(event) end def self.instance @instance ||= configure! end # Define all event subscriptions using: # # store.subscribe(DomainA::SomeWorker, to: DomainB::SomeEvent) # # It is possible to subscribe to a subset of events matching a condition: # # store.subscribe(DomainA::SomeWorker, to: DomainB::SomeEvent), if: ->(event) { event.data == :some_value } # def self.configure! Store.new do |store| ### # Add subscriptions here: store.subscribe ::MergeRequests::UpdateHeadPipelineWorker, to: ::Ci::PipelineCreatedEvent end end private_class_method :configure! end end