= content_for :head do
= stylesheet_link_tag 'mailers/highlighted_diff_email'
= s_('Notify|%{author_name} %{action_name} %{ref_type} %{ref_name} at %{project_link}').html_safe % {author_name: @message.author_name, action_name: @message.action_name, ref_type: @message.ref_type, ref_name: @message.ref_name, project_link: link_to(@message.project_name_with_namespace, strip_tags(project_url(@message.project)))}
- if @message.compare
- if @message.reverse_compare?
= _('WARNING:')
= s_('Notify|The push did not contain any new commits, but force pushed to delete the commits and changes below.')
= @message.reverse_compare? ? _("Deleted commits:") : _("Commits:")
- @message.commits.each do |commit|
%strong= link_to(commit.short_id, project_commit_url(@message.project, commit))
= html_escape(s_('Notify|%{committed_by_start} by %{author_name} %{committed_by_end} %{committed_at_start} at %{committed_date} %{committed_at_end}')) % {committed_by_start: ''.html_safe, author_name: commit.author_name, committed_by_end: ''.html_safe, committed_at_start: ''.html_safe, committed_date: commit.committed_date.to_s(:iso8601), committed_at_end: ''.html_safe}
= commit.safe_message
- changed_files = n_('%d changed file', '%d changed files', @message.diffs_count) % @message.diffs_count
= s_('Notify|%{changed_files}:') % {changed_files: changed_files}
- @message.diffs.each do |diff_file|
%a{ href: "#{@message.target_url if @message.disable_diffs?}##{hexdigest(diff_file.file_path)}" }
- if diff_file.deleted_file?
= diff_file.old_path
- elsif diff_file.renamed_file?
= diff_file.old_path
= diff_file.new_path
- elsif diff_file.new_file?
= diff_file.new_path
- else
= diff_file.new_path
- unless @message.disable_diffs?
- if @message.compare_timeout
= s_('Notify|The diff was not included because it is too large.')
- else
= _('Changes:')
- @message.diffs.each do |diff_file|
- file_hash = hexdigest(diff_file.file_path)
%li{ id: file_hash }
%a{ href: @message.target_url + "##{file_hash}" }<
- if diff_file.deleted_file?
= diff_file.old_path
= s_('deleted')
- elsif diff_file.renamed_file?
= diff_file.old_path
= diff_file.new_path
- else
= diff_file.new_path
- if diff_file.too_large?
= s_('Notify|The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.')
- else
- blob = diff_file.blob
- if blob && blob.readable_text?
= render partial: "projects/diffs/email_line", collection: diff_file.highlighted_diff_lines, as: :line, locals: { diff_file: diff_file }
- else
= s_('Notify|No preview for this file type')