#! /bin/sh # GITLAB # Maintainer: @dzaporozhets # Authors: rovanion.luckey@gmail.com, @dzaporozhets ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: gitlab # Required-Start: $local_fs $remote_fs $network $syslog redis-server # Required-Stop: $local_fs $remote_fs $network $syslog # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6 # Short-Description: GitLab git repository management # Description: GitLab git repository management # chkconfig: - 85 14 ### END INIT INFO ### # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! # This file will be overwritten on update. # Instead add/change your variables in /etc/default/gitlab # An example defaults file can be found in lib/support/init.d/gitlab.default.example ### ### Environment variables RAILS_ENV="production" USE_UNICORN="" # Script variable names should be lower-case not to conflict with # internal /bin/sh variables such as PATH, EDITOR or SHELL. app_user="git" app_root="/home/$app_user/gitlab" pid_path="$app_root/tmp/pids" socket_path="$app_root/tmp/sockets" rails_socket="$socket_path/gitlab.socket" web_server_pid_path="$pid_path/unicorn.pid" sidekiq_pid_path="$pid_path/sidekiq.pid" mail_room_enabled=false mail_room_pid_path="$pid_path/mail_room.pid" gitlab_workhorse_dir=$(cd $app_root/../gitlab-workhorse 2> /dev/null && pwd) gitlab_workhorse_pid_path="$pid_path/gitlab-workhorse.pid" gitlab_workhorse_options="-listenUmask 0 -listenNetwork unix -listenAddr $socket_path/gitlab-workhorse.socket -authBackend -authSocket $rails_socket -documentRoot $app_root/public" gitlab_workhorse_log="$app_root/log/gitlab-workhorse.log" gitlab_pages_enabled=false gitlab_pages_dir=$(cd $app_root/../gitlab-pages 2> /dev/null && pwd) gitlab_pages_pid_path="$pid_path/gitlab-pages.pid" gitlab_pages_options="-pages-domain example.com -pages-root $app_root/shared/pages -listen-proxy" gitlab_pages_log="$app_root/log/gitlab-pages.log" shell_path="/bin/bash" gitaly_enabled=true gitaly_dir=$(cd $app_root/../gitaly 2> /dev/null && pwd) gitaly_pid_path="$pid_path/gitaly.pid" gitaly_log="$app_root/log/gitaly.log" # Read configuration variable file if it is present test -f /etc/default/gitlab && . /etc/default/gitlab # Switch to the app_user if it is not they who are running the script. if [ `whoami` != "$app_user" ]; then eval su - "$app_user" -c $(echo \")$shell_path -l -c \'$0 "$@"\'$(echo \"); exit; fi # Switch to the gitlab path, exit on failure. if ! cd "$app_root" ; then echo "Failed to cd into $app_root, exiting!"; exit 1 fi # Select the web server to use if [ -z "$USE_UNICORN" ]; then use_web_server="puma" else use_web_server="unicorn" fi ### Init Script functions ## Gets the pids from the files check_pids(){ if ! mkdir -p "$pid_path"; then echo "Could not create the path $pid_path needed to store the pids." exit 1 fi # If there exists a file which should hold the value of the web server pid: read it. if [ -f "$web_server_pid_path" ]; then wpid=$(cat "$web_server_pid_path") else wpid=0 fi if [ -f "$sidekiq_pid_path" ]; then spid=$(cat "$sidekiq_pid_path") else spid=0 fi if [ -f "$gitlab_workhorse_pid_path" ]; then hpid=$(cat "$gitlab_workhorse_pid_path") else hpid=0 fi if [ "$mail_room_enabled" = true ]; then if [ -f "$mail_room_pid_path" ]; then mpid=$(cat "$mail_room_pid_path") else mpid=0 fi fi if [ "$gitlab_pages_enabled" = true ]; then if [ -f "$gitlab_pages_pid_path" ]; then gppid=$(cat "$gitlab_pages_pid_path") else gppid=0 fi fi if [ "$gitaly_enabled" = true ]; then if [ -f "$gitaly_pid_path" ]; then gapid=$(cat "$gitaly_pid_path") else gapid=0 fi fi } ## Called when we have started the two processes and are waiting for their pid files. wait_for_pids(){ # We are sleeping a bit here mostly because sidekiq is slow at writing its pid i=0; while [ ! -f $web_server_pid_path ] || [ ! -f $sidekiq_pid_path ] || [ ! -f $gitlab_workhorse_pid_path ] || { [ "$mail_room_enabled" = true ] && [ ! -f $mail_room_pid_path ]; } || { [ "$gitlab_pages_enabled" = true ] && [ ! -f $gitlab_pages_pid_path ]; } || { [ "$gitaly_enabled" = true ] && [ ! -f $gitaly_pid_path ]; }; do sleep 0.1; i=$((i+1)) if [ $((i%10)) = 0 ]; then echo -n "." elif [ $((i)) = 301 ]; then echo "Waited 30s for the processes to write their pids, something probably went wrong." exit 1; fi done echo } # We use the pids in so many parts of the script it makes sense to always check them. # Only after start() is run should the pids change. Sidekiq sets its own pid. check_pids ## Checks whether the different parts of the service are already running or not. check_status(){ check_pids # If the web server is running kill -0 $wpid returns true, or rather 0. # Checks of *_status should only check for == 0 or != 0, never anything else. if [ $wpid -ne 0 ]; then kill -0 "$wpid" 2>/dev/null web_status="$?" else web_status="-1" fi if [ $spid -ne 0 ]; then kill -0 "$spid" 2>/dev/null sidekiq_status="$?" else sidekiq_status="-1" fi if [ $hpid -ne 0 ]; then kill -0 "$hpid" 2>/dev/null gitlab_workhorse_status="$?" else gitlab_workhorse_status="-1" fi if [ "$mail_room_enabled" = true ]; then if [ $mpid -ne 0 ]; then kill -0 "$mpid" 2>/dev/null mail_room_status="$?" else mail_room_status="-1" fi fi if [ "$gitlab_pages_enabled" = true ]; then if [ $gppid -ne 0 ]; then kill -0 "$gppid" 2>/dev/null gitlab_pages_status="$?" else gitlab_pages_status="-1" fi fi if [ "$gitaly_enabled" = true ]; then if [ $gapid -ne 0 ]; then kill -0 "$gapid" 2>/dev/null gitaly_status="$?" else gitaly_status="-1" fi fi if [ $web_status = 0 ] && [ $sidekiq_status = 0 ] && [ $gitlab_workhorse_status = 0 ] && { [ "$mail_room_enabled" != true ] || [ $mail_room_status = 0 ]; } && { [ "$gitlab_pages_enabled" != true ] || [ $gitlab_pages_status = 0 ]; } && { [ "$gitaly_enabled" != true ] || [ $gitaly_status = 0 ]; }; then gitlab_status=0 else # http://refspecs.linuxbase.org/LSB_4.1.0/LSB-Core-generic/LSB-Core-generic/iniscrptact.html # code 3 means 'program is not running' gitlab_status=3 fi } ## Check for stale pids and remove them if necessary. check_stale_pids(){ check_status # If there is a pid it is something else than 0, the service is running if # *_status is == 0. if [ "$wpid" != "0" ] && [ "$web_status" != "0" ]; then echo "Removing stale web server pid. This is most likely caused by the web server crashing the last time it ran." if ! rm "$web_server_pid_path"; then echo "Unable to remove stale pid, exiting." exit 1 fi fi if [ "$spid" != "0" ] && [ "$sidekiq_status" != "0" ]; then echo "Removing stale Sidekiq job dispatcher pid. This is most likely caused by Sidekiq crashing the last time it ran." if ! rm "$sidekiq_pid_path"; then echo "Unable to remove stale pid, exiting" exit 1 fi fi if [ "$hpid" != "0" ] && [ "$gitlab_workhorse_status" != "0" ]; then echo "Removing stale GitLab Workhorse pid. This is most likely caused by GitLab Workhorse crashing the last time it ran." if ! rm "$gitlab_workhorse_pid_path"; then echo "Unable to remove stale pid, exiting" exit 1 fi fi if [ "$mail_room_enabled" = true ] && [ "$mpid" != "0" ] && [ "$mail_room_status" != "0" ]; then echo "Removing stale MailRoom job dispatcher pid. This is most likely caused by MailRoom crashing the last time it ran." if ! rm "$mail_room_pid_path"; then echo "Unable to remove stale pid, exiting" exit 1 fi fi if [ "$gitlab_pages_enabled" = true ] && [ "$gppid" != "0" ] && [ "$gitlab_pages_status" != "0" ]; then echo "Removing stale GitLab Pages job dispatcher pid. This is most likely caused by GitLab Pages crashing the last time it ran." if ! rm "$gitlab_pages_pid_path"; then echo "Unable to remove stale pid, exiting" exit 1 fi fi if [ "$gitaly_enabled" = true ] && [ "$gapid" != "0" ] && [ "$gitaly_status" != "0" ]; then echo "Removing stale Gitaly pid. This is most likely caused by Gitaly crashing the last time it ran." if ! rm "$gitaly_pid_path"; then echo "Unable to remove stale pid, exiting" exit 1 fi fi } ## If no parts of the service is running, bail out. exit_if_not_running(){ check_stale_pids if [ "$web_status" != "0" ] && [ "$sidekiq_status" != "0" ] && [ "$gitlab_workhorse_status" != "0" ] && { [ "$mail_room_enabled" != true ] || [ "$mail_room_status" != "0" ]; } && { [ "$gitlab_pages_enabled" != true ] || [ "$gitlab_pages_status" != "0" ]; } && { [ "$gitaly_enabled" != true ] || [ "$gitaly_status" != "0" ]; }; then echo "GitLab is not running." exit fi } ## Starts web server and Sidekiq if they're not running. start_gitlab() { check_stale_pids if [ "$web_status" != "0" ]; then echo "Starting GitLab web server ($use_web_server)" fi if [ "$sidekiq_status" != "0" ]; then echo "Starting GitLab Sidekiq" fi if [ "$gitlab_workhorse_status" != "0" ]; then echo "Starting GitLab Workhorse" fi if [ "$mail_room_enabled" = true ] && [ "$mail_room_status" != "0" ]; then echo "Starting GitLab MailRoom" fi if [ "$gitlab_pages_enabled" = true ] && [ "$gitlab_pages_status" != "0" ]; then echo "Starting GitLab Pages" fi if [ "$gitaly_enabled" = true ] && [ "$gitaly_status" != "0" ]; then echo "Starting Gitaly" fi # Then check if the service is running. If it is: don't start again. if [ "$web_status" = "0" ]; then echo "The web server already running with pid $wpid, not restarting." else # Remove old socket if it exists rm -f "$rails_socket" 2>/dev/null # Start the web server RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV USE_WEB_SERVER=$use_web_server bin/web start fi # If sidekiq is already running, don't start it again. if [ "$sidekiq_status" = "0" ]; then echo "The Sidekiq job dispatcher is already running with pid $spid, not restarting" else RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV bin/background_jobs start & fi if [ "$gitlab_workhorse_status" = "0" ]; then echo "The GitLab Workhorse is already running with pid $hpid, not restarting" else # No need to remove a socket, gitlab-workhorse does this itself. # Because gitlab-workhorse has multiple executables we need to fix # the PATH. $app_root/bin/daemon_with_pidfile $gitlab_workhorse_pid_path \ /usr/bin/env PATH=$gitlab_workhorse_dir:$PATH \ gitlab-workhorse $gitlab_workhorse_options \ >> $gitlab_workhorse_log 2>&1 & fi if [ "$mail_room_enabled" = true ]; then # If MailRoom is already running, don't start it again. if [ "$mail_room_status" = "0" ]; then echo "The MailRoom email processor is already running with pid $mpid, not restarting" else RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV bin/mail_room start & fi fi if [ "$gitlab_pages_enabled" = true ]; then if [ "$gitlab_pages_status" = "0" ]; then echo "The GitLab Pages is already running with pid $gppid, not restarting" else $app_root/bin/daemon_with_pidfile $gitlab_pages_pid_path \ $gitlab_pages_dir/gitlab-pages $gitlab_pages_options \ >> $gitlab_pages_log 2>&1 & fi fi if [ "$gitaly_enabled" = true ]; then if [ "$gitaly_status" = "0" ]; then echo "Gitaly is already running with pid $gapid, not restarting" else $app_root/bin/daemon_with_pidfile $gitaly_pid_path \ $gitaly_dir/gitaly $gitaly_dir/config.toml >> $gitaly_log 2>&1 & fi fi # Wait for the pids to be planted wait_for_pids # Finally check the status to tell whether or not GitLab is running print_status } ## Asks web server, Sidekiq and MailRoom if they would be so kind as to stop, if not kills them. stop_gitlab() { exit_if_not_running if [ "$web_status" = "0" ]; then echo "Shutting down GitLab web server" RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV USE_WEB_SERVER=$use_web_server bin/web stop fi if [ "$sidekiq_status" = "0" ]; then echo "Shutting down GitLab Sidekiq" RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV bin/background_jobs stop fi if [ "$gitlab_workhorse_status" = "0" ]; then echo "Shutting down GitLab Workhorse" kill -- $(cat $gitlab_workhorse_pid_path) fi if [ "$mail_room_enabled" = true ] && [ "$mail_room_status" = "0" ]; then echo "Shutting down GitLab MailRoom" RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV bin/mail_room stop fi if [ "$gitlab_pages_status" = "0" ]; then echo "Shutting down gitlab-pages" kill -- $(cat $gitlab_pages_pid_path) fi if [ "$gitaly_status" = "0" ]; then echo "Shutting down Gitaly" kill -- $(cat $gitaly_pid_path) fi # If something needs to be stopped, lets wait for it to stop. Never use SIGKILL in a script. while [ "$web_status" = "0" ] || [ "$sidekiq_status" = "0" ] || [ "$gitlab_workhorse_status" = "0" ] || { [ "$mail_room_enabled" = true ] && [ "$mail_room_status" = "0" ]; } || { [ "$gitlab_pages_enabled" = true ] && [ "$gitlab_pages_status" = "0" ]; } || { [ "$gitaly_enabled" = true ] && [ "$gitaly_status" = "0" ]; }; do sleep 1 check_status printf "." if [ "$web_status" != "0" ] && [ "$sidekiq_status" != "0" ] && [ "$gitlab_workhorse_status" != "0" ] && { [ "$mail_room_enabled" != true ] || [ "$mail_room_status" != "0" ]; } && { [ "$gitlab_pages_enabled" != true ] || [ "$gitlab_pages_status" != "0" ]; } && { [ "$gitaly_enabled" != true ] || [ "$gitaly_status" != "0" ]; }; then printf "\n" break fi done sleep 1 # Cleaning up unused pids rm "$web_server_pid_path" 2>/dev/null # rm "$sidekiq_pid_path" 2>/dev/null # Sidekiq seems to be cleaning up its own pid. rm -f "$gitlab_workhorse_pid_path" if [ "$mail_room_enabled" = true ]; then rm "$mail_room_pid_path" 2>/dev/null fi rm -f "$gitlab_pages_pid_path" rm -f "$gitaly_pid_path" print_status } ## Prints the status of GitLab and its components. print_status() { check_status if [ "$web_status" != "0" ] && [ "$sidekiq_status" != "0" ] && [ "$gitlab_workhorse_status" != "0" ] && { [ "$mail_room_enabled" != true ] || [ "$mail_room_status" != "0" ]; } && { [ "$gitlab_pages_enabled" != true ] || [ "$gitlab_pages_status" != "0" ]; } && { [ "$gitaly_enabled" != true ] || [ "$gitaly_status" != "0" ]; }; then echo "GitLab is not running." return fi if [ "$web_status" = "0" ]; then echo "The GitLab web server with pid $wpid is running." else printf "The GitLab web server is \033[31mnot running\033[0m.\n" fi if [ "$sidekiq_status" = "0" ]; then echo "The GitLab Sidekiq job dispatcher with pid $spid is running." else printf "The GitLab Sidekiq job dispatcher is \033[31mnot running\033[0m.\n" fi if [ "$gitlab_workhorse_status" = "0" ]; then echo "The GitLab Workhorse with pid $hpid is running." else printf "The GitLab Workhorse is \033[31mnot running\033[0m.\n" fi if [ "$mail_room_enabled" = true ]; then if [ "$mail_room_status" = "0" ]; then echo "The GitLab MailRoom email processor with pid $mpid is running." else printf "The GitLab MailRoom email processor is \033[31mnot running\033[0m.\n" fi fi if [ "$gitlab_pages_enabled" = true ]; then if [ "$gitlab_pages_status" = "0" ]; then echo "The GitLab Pages with pid $gppid is running." else printf "The GitLab Pages is \033[31mnot running\033[0m.\n" fi fi if [ "$gitaly_enabled" = true ]; then if [ "$gitaly_status" = "0" ]; then echo "Gitaly with pid $gapid is running." else printf "Gitaly is \033[31mnot running\033[0m.\n" fi fi if [ "$web_status" = "0" ] && [ "$sidekiq_status" = "0" ] && [ "$gitlab_workhorse_status" = "0" ] && { [ "$mail_room_enabled" != true ] || [ "$mail_room_status" = "0" ]; } && { [ "$gitlab_pages_enabled" != true ] || [ "$gitlab_pages_status" = "0" ]; } && { [ "$gitaly_enabled" != true ] || [ "$gitaly_status" = "0" ]; }; then printf "GitLab and all its components are \033[32mup and running\033[0m.\n" fi } ## Tells web server to reload its config and Sidekiq to restart reload_gitlab(){ exit_if_not_running if [ "$wpid" = "0" ];then echo "The GitLab web server Web server is not running thus its configuration can't be reloaded." exit 1 fi printf "Reloading GitLab web server configuration... " RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV USE_WEB_SERVER=$use_web_server bin/web reload echo "Done." echo "Restarting GitLab Sidekiq since it isn't capable of reloading its config..." RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV bin/background_jobs restart if [ "$mail_room_enabled" != true ]; then echo "Restarting GitLab MailRoom since it isn't capable of reloading its config..." RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV bin/mail_room restart fi wait_for_pids print_status } ## Restarts Sidekiq and web server. restart_gitlab(){ check_status if [ "$web_status" = "0" ] || [ "$sidekiq_status" = "0" ] || [ "$gitlab_workhorse" = "0" ] || { [ "$mail_room_enabled" = true ] && [ "$mail_room_status" = "0" ]; } || { [ "$gitlab_pages_enabled" = true ] && [ "$gitlab_pages_status" = "0" ]; } || { [ "$gitaly_enabled" = true ] && [ "$gitaly_status" = "0" ]; }; then stop_gitlab fi start_gitlab } ### Finally the input handling. case "$1" in start) start_gitlab ;; stop) stop_gitlab ;; restart) restart_gitlab ;; reload|force-reload) reload_gitlab ;; status) print_status exit $gitlab_status ;; *) echo "Usage: service gitlab {start|stop|restart|reload|status}" exit 1 ;; esac exit