module Gitlab module Ci class Config module Entry ## # Entry that represents a cache configuration # class Cache < Node include Configurable include Attributable ALLOWED_KEYS = %i[key untracked paths policy].freeze DEFAULT_POLICY = 'pull-push'.freeze validations do validates :config, allowed_keys: ALLOWED_KEYS validates :policy, inclusion: { in: %w[pull-push push pull], message: 'should be pull-push, push, or pull' }, allow_blank: true end entry :key, Entry::Key, description: 'Cache key used to define a cache affinity.' entry :untracked, Entry::Boolean, description: 'Cache all untracked files.' entry :paths, Entry::Paths, description: 'Specify which paths should be cached across builds.' helpers :key attributes :policy def value result = super result[:key] = key_value result[:policy] = policy || DEFAULT_POLICY result end end end end end end