# Getting started with interactive web terminals > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/50144) in GitLab 11.3. Interactive web terminals give the user access to a terminal in GitLab for running one-of commands for their CI pipeline. NOTE: **Note:** This is not available for the shared Runners on GitLab.com. To make use of this feature, you need to provide your [own Runner](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/install/) and properly [configure it](#configuration). ## Configuration Two things need to be configured for the interactive web terminal to work: - The Runner needs to have [`[session_server]` configured properly][session-server] - Web terminals need to be [enabled](../../administration/integration/terminal.md#enabling-and-disabling-terminal-support) ## Debugging a running job NOTE: **Note:** Not all executors are [supported](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/executors/#compatibility-chart). Sometimes, when a job is running, things don't go as you would expect, and it would be helpful if one can have a shell to aid debugging. When a job is running, on the right panel you can see a button `debug` that will open the terminal for the current job. ![Example of job running with terminal available](img/interactive_web_terminal_running_job.png) When clicked, a new tab will open to the terminal page where you can access the terminal and type commands like a normal shell. ![terminal of the job](img/interactive_web_terminal_page.png) If you have the terminal open and the job has finished with its tasks, the terminal will block the job from finishing for the duration configured in [`[session_server].terminal_max_retention_time`][session-server] until you close the terminal window. ![finished job with terminal open](img/finished_job_with_terminal_open.png) [session-server]: https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/advanced-configuration.html#the-session_server-section