module SubmoduleHelper extend self VALID_SUBMODULE_PROTOCOLS = %w[http https git ssh].freeze # links to files listing for submodule if submodule is a project on this server def submodule_links(submodule_item, ref = nil, repository = @repository) url = repository.submodule_url_for(ref, submodule_item.path) if url == '.' || url == './' url = File.join(Gitlab.config.gitlab.url, repository.project.full_path) end if url =~ %r{([^/:]+)/([^/]+(?:\.git)?)\Z} namespace, project = $1, $2 gitlab_hosts = [Gitlab.config.gitlab.url, Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.ssh_path_prefix] gitlab_hosts.each do |host| if url.start_with?(host) namespace, _, project = url.sub(host, '').rpartition('/') break end end namespace.sub!(%r{\A/}, '') project.rstrip! project.sub!(/\.git\z/, '') if self_url?(url, namespace, project) [namespace_project_path(namespace, project), namespace_project_tree_path(namespace, project,] elsif relative_self_url?(url) relative_self_links(url,, repository.project) elsif github_dot_com_url?(url) standard_links('', namespace, project, elsif gitlab_dot_com_url?(url) standard_links('', namespace, project, else [sanitize_submodule_url(url), nil] end else [sanitize_submodule_url(url), nil] end end protected def github_dot_com_url?(url) url =~ %r{github\.com[/:][^/]+/[^/]+\Z} end def gitlab_dot_com_url?(url) url =~ %r{gitlab\.com[/:][^/]+/[^/]+\Z} end def self_url?(url, namespace, project) url_no_dotgit = url.chomp('.git') return true if url_no_dotgit == [Gitlab.config.gitlab.url, '/', namespace, '/', project].join('') url_with_dotgit = url_no_dotgit + '.git' url_with_dotgit ==[namespace, '/', project].join('')) end def relative_self_url?(url) url.start_with?('../', './') end def standard_links(host, namespace, project, commit) base = ['https://', host, '/', namespace, '/', project].join('') [base, [base, '/tree/', commit].join('')] end def relative_self_links(relative_path, commit, project) relative_path.rstrip! absolute_project_path = "/" + project.full_path # Resolve `relative_path` to target path # Assuming `absolute_project_path` is `/g1/p1`: # ../p2.git -> /g1/p2 # ../g2/p3.git -> /g1/g2/p3 # ../../g3/g4/p4.git -> /g3/g4/p4 submodule_project_path = File.absolute_path(relative_path, absolute_project_path) target_namespace_path = File.dirname(submodule_project_path) if target_namespace_path == '/' || target_namespace_path.start_with?(absolute_project_path) return [nil, nil] end target_namespace_path.sub!(%r{^/}, '') submodule_base = File.basename(submodule_project_path, '.git') begin [ namespace_project_path(target_namespace_path, submodule_base), namespace_project_tree_path(target_namespace_path, submodule_base, commit) ] rescue ActionController::UrlGenerationError [nil, nil] end end def sanitize_submodule_url(url) uri = URI.parse(url) if uri.to_s else nil end rescue URI::InvalidURIError nil end end