import metricsData from 'test_fixtures/projects/analytics/value_stream_analytics/summary.json'; import { transformStagesForPathNavigation, medianTimeToParsedSeconds, formatMedianValues, filterStagesByHiddenStatus, prepareTimeMetricsData, buildCycleAnalyticsInitialData, } from '~/cycle_analytics/utils'; import { slugify } from '~/lib/utils/text_utility'; import { selectedStage, allowedStages, stageMedians, pathNavIssueMetric, rawStageMedians, } from './mock_data'; describe('Value stream analytics utils', () => { describe('transformStagesForPathNavigation', () => { const stages = allowedStages; const response = transformStagesForPathNavigation({ stages, medians: stageMedians, selectedStage, }); describe('transforms the data as expected', () => { it('returns an array of stages', () => { expect(Array.isArray(response)).toBe(true); expect(response.length).toBe(stages.length); }); it('selects the correct stage', () => { const selected = response.filter((stage) => stage.selected === true)[0]; expect(selected.title).toBe(selectedStage.title); }); it('includes the correct metric for the associated stage', () => { const issue = response.filter((stage) => === 'issue')[0]; expect(issue.metric).toBe(pathNavIssueMetric); }); }); }); describe('medianTimeToParsedSeconds', () => { it.each` value | result ${1036800} | ${'1w'} ${259200} | ${'3d'} ${172800} | ${'2d'} ${86400} | ${'1d'} ${1000} | ${'16m'} ${61} | ${'1m'} ${59} | ${'<1m'} ${0} | ${'-'} `('will correctly parse $value seconds into $result', ({ value, result }) => { expect(medianTimeToParsedSeconds(value)).toBe(result); }); }); describe('formatMedianValues', () => { const calculatedMedians = formatMedianValues(rawStageMedians); it('returns an object with each stage and their median formatted for display', () => { rawStageMedians.forEach(({ id, value }) => { expect(calculatedMedians).toMatchObject({ [id]: medianTimeToParsedSeconds(value) }); }); }); }); describe('filterStagesByHiddenStatus', () => { const hiddenStages = [{ title: 'three', hidden: true }]; const visibleStages = [ { title: 'one', hidden: false }, { title: 'two', hidden: false }, ]; const mockStages = [...visibleStages, ...hiddenStages]; it.each` isHidden | result ${false} | ${visibleStages} ${undefined} | ${hiddenStages} ${true} | ${hiddenStages} `('with isHidden=$isHidden returns matching stages', ({ isHidden, result }) => { expect(filterStagesByHiddenStatus(mockStages, isHidden)).toEqual(result); }); }); describe('prepareTimeMetricsData', () => { let prepared; const [first, second] = metricsData; const firstKey = slugify(first.title); const secondKey = slugify(second.title); beforeEach(() => { prepared = prepareTimeMetricsData([first, second], { [firstKey]: { description: 'Is a value that is good' }, }); }); it('will add a `key` based on the title', () => { expect(prepared).toMatchObject([{ key: firstKey }, { key: secondKey }]); }); it('will add a `label` key', () => { expect(prepared).toMatchObject([{ label: 'New Issues' }, { label: 'Commits' }]); }); it('will add a popover description using the key if it is provided', () => { expect(prepared).toMatchObject([ { description: 'Is a value that is good' }, { description: '' }, ]); }); }); describe('buildCycleAnalyticsInitialData', () => { let res = null; const projectId = '5'; const createdAfter = '2021-09-01'; const createdBefore = '2021-11-06'; const groupId = '146'; const groupPath = 'fake-group'; const fullPath = 'fake-group/fake-project'; const labelsPath = '/fake-group/fake-project/-/labels.json'; const milestonesPath = '/fake-group/fake-project/-/milestones.json'; const requestPath = '/fake-group/fake-project/-/value_stream_analytics'; const rawData = { projectId, createdBefore, createdAfter, fullPath, requestPath, labelsPath, milestonesPath, groupId, groupPath, }; describe('with minimal data', () => { beforeEach(() => { res = buildCycleAnalyticsInitialData(rawData); }); it('sets the projectId', () => { expect(res.projectId).toBe(parseInt(projectId, 10)); }); it('sets the date range', () => { expect(res.createdBefore).toEqual(new Date(createdBefore)); expect(res.createdAfter).toEqual(new Date(createdAfter)); }); it('sets the endpoints', () => { const { endpoints } = res; expect(endpoints.fullPath).toBe(fullPath); expect(endpoints.requestPath).toBe(requestPath); expect(endpoints.labelsPath).toBe(labelsPath); expect(endpoints.milestonesPath).toBe(milestonesPath); expect(endpoints.groupId).toBe(parseInt(groupId, 10)); expect(endpoints.groupPath).toBe(groupPath); }); it('returns null when there is no stage', () => { expect(res.selectedStage).toBeNull(); }); it('returns false for missing features', () => { expect(res.features.cycleAnalyticsForGroups).toBe(false); }); }); describe('with a stage set', () => { const jsonStage = '{"id":"fakeStage","title":"fakeStage"}'; it('parses the selectedStage data', () => { res = buildCycleAnalyticsInitialData({ ...rawData, stage: jsonStage }); const { selectedStage: stage } = res; expect('fakeStage'); expect(stage.title).toBe('fakeStage'); }); }); describe('with features set', () => { const fakeFeatures = { cycleAnalyticsForGroups: true }; it('sets the feature flags', () => { res = buildCycleAnalyticsInitialData({ ...rawData, gon: { licensed_features: fakeFeatures }, }); expect(res.features).toEqual(fakeFeatures); }); }); }); });