# frozen_string_literal: true module Clusters module Concerns module ApplicationCore extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do belongs_to :cluster, class_name: 'Clusters::Cluster', foreign_key: :cluster_id validates :cluster, presence: true after_initialize :set_initial_status def set_initial_status return unless not_installable? self.status = 'installable' if cluster&.application_helm_available? end def can_uninstall? allowed_to_uninstall? end # All new applications should uninstall by default # Override if there's dependencies that needs to be uninstalled first def allowed_to_uninstall? true end def self.application_name self.to_s.demodulize.underscore end def name self.class.application_name end def schedule_status_update # Override if you need extra data synchronized # from K8s after installation end def update_command install_command.tap do |command| command.version = version end end def prepare_uninstall # Override if your application needs any action before # being uninstalled by Helm end def post_uninstall # Override if your application needs any action after # being uninstalled by Helm end end end end end