import { shallowMount, mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { nextTick } from 'vue'; import Header from '~/vue_merge_request_widget/components/mr_widget_header.vue'; import WebIdeLink from '~/vue_shared/components/web_ide_link.vue'; describe('MRWidgetHeader', () => { let wrapper; const createComponent = (propsData = {}) => { wrapper = shallowMount(Header, { propsData, }); }; afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); gon.relative_url_root = ''; }); const expectDownloadDropdownItems = () => { const downloadEmailPatchesEl = wrapper.find('.js-download-email-patches'); const downloadPlainDiffEl = wrapper.find('.js-download-plain-diff'); expect(downloadEmailPatchesEl.text().trim()).toBe('Email patches'); expect(downloadEmailPatchesEl.attributes('href')).toBe('/mr/email-patches'); expect(downloadPlainDiffEl.text().trim()).toBe('Plain diff'); expect(downloadPlainDiffEl.attributes('href')).toBe('/mr/plainDiffPath'); }; const commonMrProps = { divergedCommitsCount: 1, sourceBranch: 'mr-widget-refactor', sourceBranchLink: 'Link', targetBranch: 'main', targetBranchPath: '/foo/bar/main', statusPath: 'abc', }; const findWebIdeButton = () => wrapper.findComponent(WebIdeLink); describe('computed', () => { describe('shouldShowCommitsBehindText', () => { it('return true when there are divergedCommitsCount', () => { createComponent({ mr: { divergedCommitsCount: 12, sourceBranch: 'mr-widget-refactor', sourceBranchLink: 'Link', targetBranch: 'main', statusPath: 'abc', }, }); expect(wrapper.vm.shouldShowCommitsBehindText).toBe(true); }); it('returns false where there are no divergedComits count', () => { createComponent({ mr: { divergedCommitsCount: 0, sourceBranch: 'mr-widget-refactor', sourceBranchLink: 'Link', targetBranch: 'main', statusPath: 'abc', }, }); expect(wrapper.vm.shouldShowCommitsBehindText).toBe(false); }); }); describe('commitsBehindText', () => { it('returns singular when there is one commit', () => { wrapper = mount(Header, { propsData: { mr: commonMrProps, }, }); expect(wrapper.find('.diverged-commits-count').element.innerHTML).toBe( 'The source branch is 1 commit behind the target branch', ); }); it('returns plural when there is more than one commit', () => { wrapper = mount(Header, { propsData: { mr: { ...commonMrProps, divergedCommitsCount: 2, }, }, }); expect(wrapper.find('.diverged-commits-count').element.innerHTML).toBe( 'The source branch is 2 commits behind the target branch', ); }); }); }); describe('template', () => { describe('common elements', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ mr: { divergedCommitsCount: 12, sourceBranch: 'mr-widget-refactor', sourceBranchLink: 'mr-widget-refactor', sourceBranchRemoved: false, targetBranchPath: 'foo/bar/commits-path', targetBranchTreePath: 'foo/bar/tree/path', targetBranch: 'main', isOpen: true, emailPatchesPath: '/mr/email-patches', plainDiffPath: '/mr/plainDiffPath', statusPath: 'abc', }, }); }); it('renders source branch link', () => { expect(wrapper.find('.js-source-branch').html()).toContain( 'mr-widget-refactor', ); }); it('renders clipboard button', () => { expect(wrapper.find('[data-testid="mr-widget-copy-clipboard"]')).not.toBe(null); }); it('renders target branch', () => { expect(wrapper.find('.js-target-branch').text().trim()).toBe('main'); }); }); describe('with an open merge request', () => { const mrDefaultOptions = { iid: 1, divergedCommitsCount: 12, sourceBranch: 'mr-widget-refactor', sourceBranchLink: 'mr-widget-refactor', sourceBranchRemoved: false, targetBranchPath: 'foo/bar/commits-path', targetBranchTreePath: 'foo/bar/tree/path', targetBranch: 'main', isOpen: true, canPushToSourceBranch: true, emailPatchesPath: '/mr/email-patches', plainDiffPath: '/mr/plainDiffPath', statusPath: 'abc', sourceProjectFullPath: 'root/gitlab-ce', targetProjectFullPath: 'gitlab-org/gitlab-ce', gitpodEnabled: true, showGitpodButton: true, gitpodUrl: 'http://gitpod.localhost', }; it('renders checkout branch button with modal trigger', () => { createComponent({ mr: { ...mrDefaultOptions }, }); const button = wrapper.find('.js-check-out-branch'); expect(button.text().trim()).toBe('Check out branch'); }); it.each([ [ 'renders web ide button', { mrProps: {}, relativeUrl: '', webIdeUrl: '/-/ide/project/root/gitlab-ce/merge_requests/1?target_project=gitlab-org%2Fgitlab-ce', }, ], [ 'renders web ide button with blank target_project, when mr has same target project', { mrProps: { targetProjectFullPath: 'root/gitlab-ce' }, relativeUrl: '', webIdeUrl: '/-/ide/project/root/gitlab-ce/merge_requests/1?target_project=', }, ], [ 'renders web ide button with relative url', { mrProps: { iid: 2 }, relativeUrl: '/gitlab', webIdeUrl: '/gitlab/-/ide/project/root/gitlab-ce/merge_requests/2?target_project=gitlab-org%2Fgitlab-ce', }, ], ])('%s', async (_, { mrProps, relativeUrl, webIdeUrl }) => { gon.relative_url_root = relativeUrl; createComponent({ mr: { ...mrDefaultOptions, ...mrProps }, }); await nextTick(); expect(findWebIdeButton().props()).toMatchObject({ showEditButton: false, showWebIdeButton: true, webIdeText: 'Open in Web IDE', gitpodText: 'Open in Gitpod', gitpodEnabled: true, showGitpodButton: true, gitpodUrl: 'http://gitpod.localhost', webIdeUrl, }); }); it('does not render web ide button if source branch is removed', async () => { createComponent({ mr: { ...mrDefaultOptions, sourceBranchRemoved: true } }); await nextTick(); expect(findWebIdeButton().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('renders download dropdown with links', () => { createComponent({ mr: { ...mrDefaultOptions }, }); expectDownloadDropdownItems(); }); }); describe('with a closed merge request', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ mr: { divergedCommitsCount: 12, sourceBranch: 'mr-widget-refactor', sourceBranchLink: 'mr-widget-refactor', sourceBranchRemoved: false, targetBranchPath: 'foo/bar/commits-path', targetBranchTreePath: 'foo/bar/tree/path', targetBranch: 'main', isOpen: false, emailPatchesPath: '/mr/email-patches', plainDiffPath: '/mr/plainDiffPath', statusPath: 'abc', }, }); }); it('does not render checkout branch button with modal trigger', () => { const button = wrapper.find('.js-check-out-branch'); expect(button.exists()).toBe(false); }); it('renders download dropdown with links', () => { expectDownloadDropdownItems(); }); }); describe('without diverged commits', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ mr: { divergedCommitsCount: 0, sourceBranch: 'mr-widget-refactor', sourceBranchLink: 'mr-widget-refactor', sourceBranchRemoved: false, targetBranchPath: 'foo/bar/commits-path', targetBranchTreePath: 'foo/bar/tree/path', targetBranch: 'main', isOpen: true, emailPatchesPath: '/mr/email-patches', plainDiffPath: '/mr/plainDiffPath', statusPath: 'abc', }, }); }); it('does not render diverged commits info', () => { expect(wrapper.find('.diverged-commits-count').exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('with diverged commits', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = mount(Header, { propsData: { mr: { ...commonMrProps, divergedCommitsCount: 12, sourceBranchRemoved: false, targetBranchPath: 'foo/bar/commits-path', targetBranchTreePath: 'foo/bar/tree/path', isOpen: true, emailPatchesPath: '/mr/email-patches', plainDiffPath: '/mr/plainDiffPath', }, }, }); }); it('renders diverged commits info', () => { expect(wrapper.find('.diverged-commits-count').text().trim()).toBe( 'The source branch is 12 commits behind the target branch', ); expect(wrapper.find('.diverged-commits-count a').text().trim()).toBe('12 commits behind'); expect(wrapper.find('.diverged-commits-count a').attributes('href')).toBe(, ); }); }); }); });